View Full Version : I May Become A Cat Godmother!!!

05-04-2010, 11:25 AM
I know it sounds crazy but my former roommate has now moved out into her own place and she really misses having cats around her. I received an e-mail last Thurs. about a goofy Maine Coon mix cat that's still looking for a home. I actually adopted Starr through this same rescue group and I still keep in touch with his foster mom. I was telling her about Houdini and he sounds exactly like what she's been looking for so she's very interested in adopting him.

I went to the Petsmart in Milpitas last night and I got to meet Houdini. He's still kind of small and is about 8-9lbs and I believe he's only 8-9 months old. His fur is so soft and silky and he loves to play. He's also very handsome and his Petfinder pictures don't do him justice. My former roommate and her daughter will hopefully meet him today. I told her I'd pay for his adoption fee and it's a belated 50th b-day present to her because her b-day was April 22nd. We hope to do the adoption either Fri. night or sometime on Sat. I hope that everything will work out. This will be one very pampered cat. Here's the link to his page on Petfinder http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/16239252.

05-04-2010, 11:32 AM
AWWW! What a sweet face! :love: I hope all goes well and we can get updates from the Catmother! :D

05-04-2010, 12:12 PM
:love: Awee he does have such a sweet face & a very pretty coat.. Congrats & more pics please..

05-04-2010, 12:19 PM
he really does look very soft.. and definitely super cute!!

Killearn Kitties
05-04-2010, 12:30 PM
Houdini looks absolutely gorgeous! I hope everything works out well for him. He deserves the good life!

05-04-2010, 06:52 PM

Pinot's Mom
05-04-2010, 07:59 PM
What a sweetie! I, too, hope this works out! Let us know! :)

05-04-2010, 08:04 PM
He is adorable. I hope he will be your furgodchild soon!

05-04-2010, 08:11 PM
Oh my gosh Tracey!! He looks just like the Maine Coon I fell in love with at the cat show last year, Stevie Ray. :D :D

This is so exciting! :) Congrats to your roommate and you too! Good job!

05-04-2010, 08:55 PM
Tracey, he is beautiful! I hope you do become a kitty godmother soon!

05-04-2010, 09:12 PM
The way the title is typed made me smile. It is one of those things that, with punctuation, and different spacing, could be several quite different meanings!

I may become a cat, godmother!
I may become a Cat God, Mother!
I may become a cat godmother!
- I know that's what you meant, and congratulations to everyone!

05-04-2010, 10:16 PM
The way the title is typed made me smile. It is one of those things that, with punctuation, and different spacing, could be several quite different meanings!

I may become a cat, godmother!
I may become a Cat God, Mother!
I may become a cat godmother!
- I know that's what you meant, and congratulations to everyone!

Oops.:o I now see what you mean.:)

Well, now I don't know if it's going to happen or not.:( Last night I was told that there was still no interest in him even though there had been the previous week. They had an adoption event last Sat. and no cats were adopted and everyone who was interested in him didn't bother to show up. The volunteer also gave me the business and cell phone number of the woman in charge of adoptions. My former roommate has tried to call both 2 times and has gotten no responses. I know for a fact that the lady received her first voice mail on her cell because the woman I've been e-mailing from the rescue group told me in an e-mail.

When my former roommate and her daughter went to see him they fell in love with him and they now want to adopt him even more. One volunteer told them that she'd miss him and later another volunteer told her that he's waiting to be picked up for adoption.:confused: She said that a woman and her 2 daughters had already filled out an application and that they're just waiting to be approved.

This is the first that I've heard this. I tried calling the woman I've been e-mailing about Houdini and her phone just keeps on ringing so I can't even leave a message. I did e-mail her at both addresses that I have for her. I told her what's been happening and that we would like to know if he's still available for adoption. If he isn't then we'll just look for another cat. I hope that they're not trying to play games with us. Hopefully I'll receive an answer soon. It will be hard to find another cat with his good looks as well as wonderful personality though. Please wish us more luck. Thanks.

05-05-2010, 12:58 AM
Now I feel so bad.:( I was finally able to leave a message on the rescue woman's anwering machine and she called me back and we had a very nice chat. Yes, Houdini is still available for adoption!!! .

The volunteer was referring to a woman who was supposed to be at Petsmart's adoption event last Sat. but she never showed up. The rescue woman said that my former roommate is still in the first spot for Houdini's adoption. Since they don't have an online adoption form, she's going to scan it into her computer and e-mail it to me tomorrow morning. Then I'll copy it and give it to my former roommate. She can then fax it back to her when she's done. This will save a lot of time during the interview/adoption process which is set tentatively for 9am on Sat.

She told me that the lady in charge of adoptions works with sleep apnea patients so it's hard for her to answer her phone calls. She's also dealing with some very sick kittens right now and several have already passed away.:( I think that there's only 2 left and one may pass away soon.:( They were found without their mother and were a little dirty but seemed to be doing well a week ago. Now they're all doing poorly and the last two may not make it.:( Please keep them in your prayers. I felt so bad when I heard this.

So now unless the interview or something on the application sets off a red flag. I'm sure that everything will go well.:) She also wanted to know if she could adopt 2 cats but I told her that it would then cost her an extra $100 a month. Right now it's $50 extra per month just for one animal and she'll have to sign a pet lease agreement. Pet friendly places sure do make it hard to have animals. This place used to not charge anything extra but then 1 cat did a lot of damage to a unit so they changed their policy.

05-06-2010, 09:54 AM
Thats one Great Cat, and we are sorry that we almost missed this thread.
Hes one Very Handsome Young Cat and when he matures will be One Great Big Fur Companion!!:love::love:
Con Cat Ulations on Your New Buddy.:love::love::love:

05-06-2010, 10:31 AM
The latest update from the rescue woman(which she e-mailed me this morning):
I found out yesterday the other family who was supposed to come on Sat is still interested in Houdini, so in fairness and since they contacted us before, we're taking aps from both Ann and them, will interview both Sat AM, and decide from there.:(

Ann is my former roommate. I'm sure that if this other family owns or lives in a house that they'll choose them over Ann. Last night I even bought a very nice red safety collar that has the fake diamonds on it and I had a tag made that is a red heart with Houdini and Ann's cell phone number on it. The store did say that I could return it if I needed to.

Please send us some luck and if he ends up going to the other family then hopefully we'll be able to find another cat that she'll love. Thanks.:)

05-06-2010, 12:49 PM
Prayers and good wishes for just the right home for Houdini!