View Full Version : I need help!

10-19-2002, 10:00 AM
I posted this in Behavior, but no one replied. I really need some sugestions.

Zeke has been irratating Josie non stop. He's always nipping at her, biting her and wanting to play. Josie doesn't want too I think, sometimes anyway. She growls at him, I don't think its a friendly growl. But he doesn't stop, keeps at her. I'm REALLY worried about her. I'm scared she's going to attack someones dog or a person..she's always been extemely friendly, I duno why now she's being weird. She saw a big Collie on a walk, and I don't think he did anything to her, but she started snarling and growling at it..She's my baby, and if something happened to her, I couldn't live with myself. I'd rather run away with her and hide away then have her have to be PTS for biting someone..Can anyone help me? I'm starting to wonder if a 2nd dog was wrong for me to do..I just want Jo to be happy..Mind you, I wouldn't even think of giving Zeke up, I didn't mean it that way. When I go to play with Jo, he runs up and starts biting her legs and ears and stuff. I push him away and say Zeke! No! or Leave it, or stay..He sleeps in the kitchen at night, and she stays with me. She still gets a lot of time with just me or dad alone..She gets just as much attention as he does, I don't know why she'd be jealous!!! -sigh- I don't even think there's dog behavioralists here..................

I duno, maybe I'm looking at it wrong, I hope I am, any advice is appreasiated!!

10-19-2002, 10:07 AM
Do not give up either of the dogs. Maybe you should try to keep them in seperate rooms for awhile, and then reintroduce them. It might work, I don't know. Maybe Zeke is just going through a problem or something and you just do not know. Maybe he likes to take his anger out on Josie. You have to teach him that Josie is not a chew toy. Do not forget that sometimes animals can sense things that we cannot, maybe he became startled or something. I really do not have any more advice to give on this, but I hope this helps!

10-19-2002, 10:58 AM
Do not give up either of the dogs

Like I said, I wouldn't even consider it, I'd run away with them before I did that.
Zeke is playing, thats all, but Jo doesn't like it sometimes..

10-19-2002, 11:19 AM
Winter and smudge do the same thing at times so I kind of know where you're coming from. I can be playing with Smudge or giving Winter a good petting (Winter can't stand being played with like how I play Smudge, she's got to much pray drive) and the other will come and start to butt in. When I first got Winter she actually did the same thing as Zeke she would go after his legs and ears for no reason what so ever and then Smudge would get a little snippity with her. Things have setteled down now at least for the moment. Smudge will occasionaly give her a little growl now and then but she usually deserves it.

Maybe Zeke and Josie just need some time to sort things out, after all Zeke's younger then her and just about the same size so maybe they're having a power stuggle or something like that. And maybe the thing with Josie and the collie was a misunderstanding with her in regards to the collies body languge or she was trying to protect you.

Don't worry though hopefully things will work out between them.

10-19-2002, 11:22 AM
If you show Josie over and over that you love her, and that it's okay, I bet things will settle down. I am sure she's just cranky from the stress of the adjustment ... love her up, and keep her close when there are other dogs around for the time being ...

Do you feed Josie first, and do other things so she knows she's still "top dog?"

10-19-2002, 11:25 AM
I feed them basically the same time, Jo gets food in her dish 1st though..
If she doesn't know now that I love her, I don't know how to show her!! I love her more then anything, and she always gets huggles and treats and play time..