View Full Version : Trying to raise money for the Rescue

05-02-2010, 04:14 PM
We're always trying to raise money for the Turtle Rescue. We will be selling t-shirts next year (maybe sooner), but I was also thinking about selling stickers like this...
Invasive species sticker
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs546.snc3/29899_10150175075000268_530510267_11951729_3008139 _n.jpg


Is this something you would buy to support a rescue(ignore which country its for)?

If not, what would you prefer to buy to support the rescue?

We're trying to expand as much as possible, as we have people adopting Pond Turtles (as we call the large ones we have) left right & centre, however we don't charge much for the Turtles, so all the Money is coming out of the owners pocket. On wed we're traveling 1000km to drop off 6 pond turtles to one guy in Windsor, we wont break even in gas.

So I'm trying to help bring in some funding to help us with these costly trips we do(car rental +gas). If anyone has any tips to help us bring in more funding our ears are open!

Its not just funding its also awareness.