View Full Version : Scott Sicko will take his ball and go home

04-26-2010, 10:38 AM
Could be a good influence on some kids...wow. Whole story here: http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Scott-Sicko-will-take-his-ball-and-go-home?urn=nfl,236491

Scott Sicko will take his ball and go home

"Some people will think I'm absolutely out of my mind, and I understand it," Sicko told Mark McGuire of the Albany Times Union on Saturday night. "I completely see where they're coming from. ... If I were to be drafted I would have had more confidence of a much longer career in the NFL. I have to look at my life and decide what will make me the happiest. And the thing that will make me the happiest now and in the long run is to pursue my education."

smokey the elder
04-26-2010, 03:16 PM
That was an amazing story. I saw it this morning. On a lighter note, maybe he didn't want his name across his jersey...;):p

smokey the elder
04-27-2010, 02:38 PM
Scott has reconsidered. He just signed an undrafted free agent contract with the Cowboys, and will try out for the team. He'll take courses online if he makes the team, and enter grad school if he doesn't.