View Full Version : Live Peregrine Falcon Webcam *update*

04-26-2010, 09:59 AM
Lizbud's thread reminded me of the live webcams we have here in San Jose and there is also one in San Francisco. I watch the San Jose one.

Here (http://www2.ucsc.edu/scpbrg/nestcamSJ.htm) is a link to it if you're interested. There are three hatchlings. There were four but the last one hatched three days after the first three. It didn't make it. :(

05-13-2010, 06:05 PM
I don't know if anyone is watching this. But I am sad to inform you that one of the babies died this morning.

I had named him Fozzie Bear. The others are Miss Piggy and Kermit. These are not their official names. There is a contest being held to determine their names. But I took it upon myself to name them.

I noticed yesterday that Fozzie Bear was just not acting right. He didn't eat a bite and always stayed by himself. I shed a few tears when I learned of his trip to the bridge. :(

ETA: If anyone is reading this, the names that won the contest were Maya and Kekoa.

05-16-2010, 11:08 AM
I've been watching the San Jose cam for the past two years. So sad about the baby :( it's amazing how much of my emotions I invest in them!

05-16-2010, 11:52 AM
Here's the latest pictures of the 4 chicks in the nesting area.:) The nest
camera is pretty streaked up, but the ledge camera offers a good view.


Cinder & Smoke
05-16-2010, 12:12 PM
The Terminal Tower, in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, has ben Home to
nesting pairs of Falcons for many years.

"The Cleveland FalconCam is an entertaining and ducational
project that follows a pair of peregrine falcons nesting on
Cleveland's historic skyscraper, the Terminal Tower.
We hope you enjoy the ongoing coverage of the current
pair of falcons, Ranger (male) and SW (female).
This is SW's ninth year at the site and Ranger's first."

The Parents hatched three chcks this year (one of the 4 eggs seemed to break).
The cameras are on 24/7, with archives available.

Main site address >>>


The "Pile of White" on the right is all three of the "Kids".
Mom & Dad are out "shopping"for the next meal.

05-16-2010, 01:22 PM
It's so neat to see the other falcons in other states. I am just amazed by these beautiful birds. And I've never been too much of a bird person, until last year. :D

05-18-2010, 11:17 AM
Yesterday was "tagging day" for the chicks. Dept. of Natural Resources
puts leg bands on them to track them later. These babies sure look a lot
bigger up close.:) See the slideshow.


05-23-2010, 11:39 AM
Kekoa, our boy falcon, fledged late evening Friday night. He spent the night away from the nest and most of the next day trying to get back to the nest area ledge. He finally made it late evening last night. Right now they are both eating. Maya, the female, will probably fledge today or tomorrow.
They are growing up so fast. Its going to be sad not to be able to watch them anymore once they fledge for good. :(

Oh, I am part of the forum so I get reports on other fledglings of this mama bird. And a couple of them are in the bay area raising families of their own. That's great to hear!

06-01-2010, 01:32 PM
On of the chicks had a bad first flight yesterday and had to be rescued.
He is now back with his family in the nest. I'm gad there are so many who
volunteer to monitor these birds.:)
