View Full Version : If you could know one mystery, what would it be?

04-20-2010, 03:25 PM
Humans are naturally curious about EVERYTHING, and think they should know everything. I personally believe some things should be left unknown, but sometimes you wonder. If there is one thing you could know, what would it be?

Personally I would like to know how life truly came to be. My second would be how do men's brain work?? :p lol

How about you?

04-20-2010, 03:32 PM
If there are other worlds (and life) out there, and if we're ever going to be capable of getting to them? and If so, when?

I like to believe both those are a "Yes" :D

I love the Men's one LOL:p

04-20-2010, 04:18 PM
How did John F. Kennedy die- what's the story behind it?

04-20-2010, 04:56 PM
I'd like to know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.

04-20-2010, 05:15 PM
Why the f*** people kill one another

04-20-2010, 05:53 PM
Men have brains?

04-20-2010, 06:01 PM
To figure out how womens brains work :p

then maybe i can understand myself for once LOL

04-20-2010, 06:07 PM
Why hot dogs come in packages of 6 while hot dog buns come in packages of 8.

04-20-2010, 07:13 PM
Hellow, have you been watching Steve Martin in "Father of the Bride"??? My favorite part of that movie was when he was arguing with the store clerk about the ratio of buns to hotdogs.

04-20-2010, 07:25 PM
I would like to know without a doubt if there really is an afterlife when we leave this one. I've heard both sides of the coin but everyone seems to have a different opinion.

04-20-2010, 08:21 PM
As far as I can imagine there are two questions I want answered. These two answer everything else for me in some way.
1) Is there a God?
2) What are my fur babies saying?

04-20-2010, 08:39 PM
The answer to FTL travel - (faster than light)

04-20-2010, 08:43 PM
The answer to FTL travel - (faster than light)

That's another one of mine ;) I tend to have alot of questions but my biggest definitely is the one I posted before.

Warp speed ahead, captain? ;)

04-20-2010, 09:50 PM
What comes after death? I'd really like to know.

04-20-2010, 10:38 PM
Who made the heads on Easter Island.


Who made the Crystal Skulls.


04-21-2010, 09:04 AM
oh boy.. so many thing I´d like to know..

one infinite loop would be

as example: why is a dog called a "dog"?.. some may say.. because God or Adam or someone called them that.. yeah.. but why?.. and there you can have an infinite set of why´s...

another would be how are certain people capable of inventing stuff.. how do they get the idea that putting this and that together will work and do certain thing...

also... why do we have "spare" parts.. I mean we can live without certain organs if need be to get them removed.. so why are they there in the first place if we can work ok without them?

04-21-2010, 09:16 AM
Who made the heads on Easter Island.

Aliens :p

04-21-2010, 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Karen View Post

The answer to FTL travel - (faster than light)

That's another one of mine I tend to have alot of questions but my biggest definitely is the one I posted before.

Warp speed ahead, captain?

If Einstein was right FTL is not possible. I do not believe any physical structure can exceed the speed of light, no matter what Scotty Spock ,or Kirk may say.

In all the Billions of Star Systems out there it would be foolish to think we are alone. All efforts to communicate with anything out there at the speed of
light (radio waves) after 40-50 years of trying still no one is answering. If we ever communicate with anything other than man it will be a creature already on this planet. IMO

04-21-2010, 09:22 AM
One mystery that I have always wondered about is why peoples nostrils always point down.
And then one day I found the answer.
IF peoples nostrils pointed upwards, then everytime it rained we'd all drown.
So you see ??? There is an answer to all mysteries....we just have to think about it.

04-21-2010, 09:26 AM
If Einstein was right FTL is not possible. I do not believe any physical structure can exceed the speed of light, no matter what Scotty Spock ,or Kirk may say.

In all the Billions of Star Systems out there it would be foolish to think we are alone. All efforts to communicate with anything out there at the speed of
light (radio waves) after 40-50 years of trying still no one is answering. If we ever communicate with anything other than man it will be a creature already on this planet. IMO

And only a few hundred years ago, man was wishing he could fly. ;)

04-21-2010, 09:29 AM
My second would be how do men's brain work?? :p lol

They don't. :p:p

smokey the elder
04-21-2010, 09:34 AM
(Slightly off track, re FTL): a. Who says Einstein is 100% right? b. There are "work-arounds" that do NOT violate Einstein's theory: one is to actually ALTER the speed of light. We have tons of ways to make it slower (that's why images are distorted looking through water, etc.)

As far as "big" questions, mine are definitely geeky:

1. What is dark energy, and gravity for that matter, really?
2. Will the expanding definition of "life as we know it" allow for a liquid medium other than water?

And a somewhat silly one:

Why do cats make that face where they scrunch up their upper lip?:D

04-21-2010, 09:45 AM
Are the writings of Plato regarding Atlantis fact or fiction. If it in fact existed, where was it located ?

04-21-2010, 11:27 AM
We have tons of ways to make it slower (that's why images are distorted looking through water, etc.)

Yes, Whiskey, vodka and beer can affect images when seen 'thru' that media.:eek::rolleyes::D

04-21-2010, 12:44 PM
Men have brains?

lol! Sometimes I think not... :rolleyes:

Queen of Poop
04-21-2010, 02:22 PM
I'd like to know why I was chosen and why he did the awful things he did.

04-21-2010, 02:30 PM
I'd like to know if there is intelligent life far beyond our galaxy, if they have the ability to watch and evaluate us, and would they be friend or foe. :eek::D

04-21-2010, 05:15 PM
Hey really good ones listed!

I always wanted to know who was Deep Throat? (Watergate, for those who weren't alive at the time).

Now that we know, I can die happy! :D

04-21-2010, 05:20 PM
lol! Sometimes I think not... :rolleyes:

Now, now - no picking on the menfolk! I thought it was really cool when I had an MRI and got to see my brain in slices! And remember, without at least one male, whose brain is indeed not only present but quite capable of amazing feats, this bulletin board would not exist!

04-21-2010, 06:30 PM
I know that currently, people believe FTL is not possible but I can't get myself to believe that. I am currently reading a book called "the science of Star Trek" and while it's written by William Shatner(who's a bit crazy, IMO), he talked to and visited many scientist, PhD's, astro-physicists, etc etc to complete it. ANYWAY, some of the people he asked have come up with possibilities of altering the space around said craft instead of going faster than the speed of light. If you did happen to go faster then the speed of light, say at warp speed just for instance, there are problems with it anyway such as Time Dilation or even possible time travel (which still has no been proven). But Time Dilation would be a big problem for warp speed that they would need to solve, so altering the space around would be an easier way to travel from galaxy to galaxy anyway - you'd obviously have to make a vessel that can accomplish this.

A physicist has actually come up with a theory for fast space travel. Using the 'Theory of General Relativity', which is a theory that shows how to distort space he created(well not created-yet) a ship pulls Space (literally space) closer as you fly through and causes you to go great distances very fast, just like warp speed. AND it eliminates time dilation problems. Then once you went through the space, it re-expands. Of course, there's a problem - you need negative energy which might not even exist. SO, it is a possibility that we can achieve deep-space travel. I will always believe that, because I wanna be apart of such phenomenon. :p I hope some day a brilliant scientist will come along and do this for us ;)

04-21-2010, 06:34 PM
Did you see that movie "Dune" ??? A clever idea....folding space.

I know that currently, people believe FTL is not possible but I can't get myself to believe that. I am currently reading a book called "the science of Star Trek" and while it's written by William Shatner(who's a bit crazy, IMO), he talked to and visited many scientist, PhD's, astro-physicists, etc etc to complete it. ANYWAY, some of the people he asked have come up with possibilities of altering the space around said craft instead of going faster than the speed of light. If you did happen to go faster then the speed of light, say at warp speed just for instance, there are problems with it anyway such as Time Duration or even possible time travel (which still has no been proven). But Time Duration would be a big problem for warp speed that they would need to solve, so altering the space around would be an easier way to travel from galaxy to galaxy anyway - you'd obviously have to make a vessel that can accomplish this.

A physicist has actually come up with a theory for fast space travel. Using the 'Theory of General Relativity', which is a theory that shows how to distort space he created(well not created-yet) a ship pulls Space (literally space) closer as you fly through and causes you to go great distances very fast, just like warp speed. AND it eliminates time duration problems. Then once you went through the space, it re-expands. Of course, there's a problem - you need negative energy which might not even exist. SO, it is a possibility that we can achieve deep-space travel. I will always believe that, because I wanna be apart of such phenomenon. :p I hope some day a brilliant scientist will come along and do this for us ;)

04-21-2010, 09:25 PM
Why do bad things happen to good people?

(Why are people allowed to suffer? Why are there child abusers, murderers, and other people who do bad things? Why are kids getting killed because of gangs and guns? Why are so many people homeless and uninsured, while others have more of everything than they could possibly need in ten lifetimes?)

Scooter's Mom
04-21-2010, 09:56 PM
I would ask my mom if she was proud of me.

She always heaped praise on my brother, and longed for the affection of my 2 brothers who were raised by her ex's family... it is what it is. It's just something I'd like to know.

04-22-2010, 12:57 PM
I would like to ask God why I am deaf. It is such a challenge sometimes and I get very fustrated sometimes.

04-22-2010, 03:42 PM

I'd like to know if there is intelligent life far beyond our galaxy, if they have the ability to watch and evaluate us, and would they be friend or foe.

I believe there is intelligent life out there some where. If they had the ability to watch and evaluate us then they would come to the conclusion that we are not worth wasting their time on. If they decided to visit after evaluating us then they would come ready for a war, because that would be all they would have seen in our past and present world.

If they came here because their planet was dieing then they would first rid this world of our sorry arses so the new world would be worth inhabiting.

04-22-2010, 03:52 PM

I believe there is intelligent life out there some where. If they had the ability to watch and evaluate us then they would come to the conclusion that we are not worth wasting their time on. If they decided to visit after evaluating us then they would come ready for a war, because that would be all they would have seen in our past and present world.

If they came here because their planet was dieing then they would first rid this world of our sorry arses so the new world would be worth inhabiting.

They just might be worse warmongers than we are, and with far advanced weaponry than we could ever imagine! :eek:

04-22-2010, 04:43 PM
Who my Dad was trying to call when he died.:(

04-22-2010, 05:01 PM
Did you see that movie "Dune" ??? A clever idea....folding space.

If you do fold space, you have to travel with that pilot all jacked up on melange....What if you get pulled over?;)


What a very interesting thread...it only gets better.