View Full Version : Okay, some of you will think I'm loopy...

04-19-2010, 10:33 AM
Yesterday I was on my laptop sending DO NOT ADOPT to various veterinarians, pet shops, shelters, etc. Usually, LuLu will come up behind me, stand on her hind legs and make a "scratching" motion without her claws, of course, on my back.

I felt it and turned around to pet her and she wasn't there!! I believe it was either MooShoo or Mollie Rose letting me know they are there. I truly believe they were there!

I had another episode the other night while watching tv. I felt something on my shoulder, thinking my cat was on the back of the futon looking for a pet. I turned to look and again, there was nothing there!

Am I losing my mind??? I truly believe in pet spirits coming back.

04-19-2010, 11:20 AM
If you're loopy, I'm right there with you!

Our RB Henry has been here several times; most recently in February. I have not felt him, but have seen him, and heard him on the roof. Yes, he used to go walking on the roof of the house.

04-19-2010, 11:34 AM
Nope not loopy at all. Way back when we found a kitten on the street on the way home. Unfortunately she barely made it to the next morning, major repiratory thing going on. She has visited not only our house numerous times but also some friends of ours about 2 hours away!

04-19-2010, 11:36 AM
No, you're not loopy. I also believe that our animals come back and visit us from time to time. I've seen my RB Pepper and I think I've caught glimpses of both Starr and Sunny too.:)

04-19-2010, 03:39 PM
I have seen My Found Cat Angels :love::love::love: many times both at the Found Cat Hotel and when we dine out they will let me know that they are there sharing.:cool::cool::cool:
They especially love the Buffets and the Grocery Store Take Outs as they and the Other Awesome Angels get their fill
And the always find me deals and bargains.
They will always be My Awesome Angels:love::love::love::love:

04-19-2010, 04:12 PM
I don't think you're loopy. I wish my Taz would give me some sort of sign like that. The only one I've had was the morning Paizly saw him. It hasn't happened since though. :(
You should feel extremely lucky. :D

04-19-2010, 06:10 PM
I don't think you're loopy. I think you're blessed!

04-19-2010, 06:57 PM
Been there, done that but with a human so I'm sure animals are no different. And no, I don't drink....lol.

04-19-2010, 07:44 PM

Neither do I!! (drink) Been sober 17 years.

04-19-2010, 08:18 PM
not Loopy but Lucky, i so wish i could experience things like this, i would love nothing more than my Ash to come and visit me, i did dream about him the other night though first time in six weeks, it was a good dream too.

Consider yourself blessed alright Donna,you have a special connection with the spirits for sure.:love:

04-19-2010, 09:27 PM
Not at all. My sister's RB meezer Poco visits in my dreams from time to time.

04-20-2010, 07:23 AM
Well, yes, I think you're loopy but not b/c of the spirit cat. LOL (KIDDING!) I still my RB Pidge on occasion but not Puddy any more.

04-20-2010, 09:50 AM
Today is KFC Day , Tomorrow Poco Locos, Thursday Harry Fish and Chips and Fridays Wendys or Pizza Hut , then Saturady Poco Loco again.
My Awesome Cats ^^and Dog Angel^^ are always with me!!!:love::love::love:
I would be so alone without them!:love::love::love:

04-20-2010, 07:02 PM

Neither do I!! (drink) Been sober 17 years.

Wasn't insinuating you drank, sure hope you didn't take it that way. Sorry if it came out sounding like that. I just meant it might sound funny to some that I've experienced what you did but with a human instead of an animal.
Not that I wouldn't welcome one of my furry friends visiting me like that. :)

04-20-2010, 07:08 PM

Oh heck no!!!! Don't be silly. I didn't take it the wrong way. I'm proud of my sobriety.

04-20-2010, 10:54 PM
Hobbes is here all the time. I feel him jump on the bed (not easy to miss at 20lbs!) I look to see if it's Calvin and nope...he's sound asleep next to me. Calvin see's and hears him all the time too. He'll wake from a dead sleep and stare at the bedroom door. I consider us lucky too. Not loopy! LOL!

04-21-2010, 09:03 AM
In our house It is not so much seeing as actions. My beloved Patchs I believe wrote the book. Mit's and Lucky have read it and added too it. Patch would make sure that I went to bed on time, now Mit's job. As with Patch once he thinks I'm asleep he move, untill then he has to snuggle next to my head using a soft purr. Both Mit's and Lucky have too keep an eye on me. Like Patch, Lucky leads me to the bath room. He will wait untill I have finnished my shower and I give him a hug. Then I tell him I'm going to get dressed. He will lead me to the stairs where Mit's takes over.
If I am not well Patch would sit on my chest so that I could not get out of bed. WELL Patch was 7 lb. Mit's is 16 and Lucky will be right behind him at 9 lb. If I try to get up thay will block me any way they can. They will snuggle untill I am feeling better. Lucky does not come on to the bed at any other time and Mits sleeps at the foot of the bed other times.
So Patch's is well represented in our house and I still miss her after almost 9 years.

04-21-2010, 04:41 PM

Oh heck no!!!! Don't be silly. I didn't take it the wrong way. I'm proud of my sobriety.

Thanks Moosmom, it's hard to put something into words when you can't see the person so I'm glad you saw me grining :D. Your sobriety is something to be proud of :)