View Full Version : Sad news about son's dog, Daisy...:(

04-18-2010, 06:44 PM
I am sorry to report that my son's dog, Daisy, was finally put to sleep last week. My son had tried so hard to keep her going on the enzymes he had ordered and the medication from the vet, but she just got worse. At the end she couldn't make it out of her bed nor hold her head up. He was afraid she was suffering and just could not force her to continue to fight what was most likely a losing battle. He said he talked to her in the waiting room and told her what a good dog she was and how much he loved her. His was the last face she saw. I don't think he could have fought any harder than what he did for her life, but it was not to be. He is still shedding tears, but at least he is not watching her waste away anymore. Rest in peace little daisy...

04-18-2010, 09:35 PM
I am so very sorry to read about your son's precious furbaby Daisy, it is the hardest thing in the world to say goodbye to our beloved pets, i know just had to do it myself 6wks ago,RIP dear Daisy and know how much you were loved and cared for, my heartfelt sympathy goes out to your son in his time of heartache,HUGS.:love::love:


04-18-2010, 09:59 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how hard your son tried to fight. He will be in our prayers, along with Daisy girl. She's finally at peace with herself up there. No more fighting for her life with your son's help. I hope he feels relieved knowing that she isn't in anymore pain.

04-18-2010, 11:31 PM
Thank you so much. Like anyone that has to put their animal to sleep, it is bittersweet. You are relieved that they are not having to suffer or fight for life anymore, but you miss them so much.

He sent me a picture of her in her healthier days... what a difference! If you look at the pic of her in my other post, she is so incredibly thin... and this one, she almost looks chunky... but sooo much healthier!

This disease that she had, we had never heard of before, but it is devastating, especially if it is not recognized early enough. It seems that it hits German Shepherds the most, but any dog can get it. It is called "Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency" or "EPI".... and the most telling symptoms are chronic diarrhea, voracious appetite, and shocking weight loss. If you check the EPI home page site and look at some of the pictures of the dogs that have it you will see a striking similarity in all of the dogs. I am not sure vets are up to speed on this. There is a blood test for this. What happens is dogs (and cats, too) are not producing the enzymes in their pancreases to digest their food, therefore, they are slowing starving to death.
Here is the EPI site, if you would like to check it out:

Thanks again for your kind replies.

04-19-2010, 01:30 AM
im very sorry to hear about your lose....it sucks majorly...your son did the best he could with her....

04-19-2010, 02:40 AM
what a pretty girl she was indeed,i have never heard of the illness she had either, but it did not sound too nice, she is at peace now sweet lil thing she is. HUGS:love::love:

04-19-2010, 04:58 PM
Poor Daisy.:( I am so sorry for your Son's loss. It is sad for the whole family. Daisy was a beautiful girl before that awful disease.

04-19-2010, 08:14 PM
Awww. i feel so bad for him. it is never a easy thing. but she went out the best way possible. with not being alone or scared an knowing he was there for her.

i wish him the best.

R.I.P little Daisy dog.