View Full Version : 5 Historical Moments to witness?

04-18-2010, 02:05 PM
Since we are doing "5" lists?;)

What Historical Moments would you like to have been present at?

In no particular order?

The first moon landing.
Amelia Earhart's plane before it disappeared.
White Sands, NM - at an atomic bomb detonation.
At the first shuttle landing.
While not a moment, I would have like to see the Mex pyramids beening built.

04-18-2010, 02:55 PM
Had to laugh, even before I opened this, just reading the title, I said: that moon landing! He hee and there you have it listed first as well!

- first moon landing

- signing of Declaration of Independence (WHICH you will notice, means I also get to meet most of the founding fathers!)

- watching the first car (Model T? or was there one before which wasn't mass produced?) roll off the plant floor for the first time

- I'd like to see the Earth when it had dinosaurs roaming (is that an historical moment?)

- the lost wonders of the world - statue at Rhodes

04-18-2010, 09:16 PM
Mine are more recent...

When the concentration camps were liberated at the end of World War II, V-E Day and V-J Day
The American civil rights movement - Dr. King's speech at the March on Washington in 1963
President Kennedy's presidency and assassination (because everyone over a certain age can remember Camelot and exactly where they were on the day he was murdered)
The Monterey Pop Festival and Woodstock
The Beatles concert at Comiskey Park, Chicago in August of 1965 (I was born in September 1966)

04-19-2010, 08:01 PM
The Lewis & Clark Expedition
Peter, Paul, and Mary's first live concert
Finding King Tut's tomb
A ride on Noah's Ark
George Washington's inauguration

04-19-2010, 08:30 PM
RICHARD stole three of mine:
-The first moon landing
-The atomic bomb detonation in NM
-The first shuttle landing
-Sputnik being launched
-The building of the pyramids.

04-19-2010, 09:15 PM
RICHARD stole three of mine:
-The first moon landing
-The atomic bomb detonation in NM
-The first shuttle landing
-Sputnik being launched
-The building of the pyramids.

I do read minds, sometimes....:eek::D

This would be a good game by breaking it down into categories!:)