View Full Version : A big win for ferals in Ewing, NJ!!!

04-17-2010, 07:41 PM
Great news, PT friends.....

The Ewing Township Council unanimously approved a resolution supporting a TNR initiative for feral cats promoted in recent years by local animal advocates as the only way to curb unwanted litters of cats while treating them humanely.

The TNR project will be conducted at no cost to Ewing residents under the aegis of EASEL (Ewing Animal Shelter Extension League), headed by executive director Kate Tuttle.

Animal advocates say many volunteer groups will pay for spaying or neutering the cats and having them immunized for rabies and feline leukemia before they are returned to their outdoor colonies to live out their lives. Food will also be provided by the animal advocates.

The Council unanimously adopted the resolutions endorsing TNR one day after an animal rights attorney made a lengthy presentation on the benefits and effectiveness of the program elsewhere in New Jersey.

The decision is a major victory for EASEL and other animal advocay groups which have been petitioning township officials to permit TNR instead of the alternative trapping and euthanizing cats that cannot be adopted out.

Way to go, Ewing Town Council! :D

04-17-2010, 11:45 PM
This is wonderful news.:D

04-17-2010, 11:52 PM
Score one for the kitties!!

04-18-2010, 08:58 AM
Sad to say but thte State of New Jersey is still a butt of jokes to many comedians as are the Southern States.
Well any state that has this happen while other States allow feral Cats to be shot deserves some well desreved recognition.
I hang my head is shame when our town of Hamilton's Animal Control will one day consider Stray Animals Wildlife and will consider feeding them a crime:(:(:(
I applaud this effort to help the helpless and help them find their place in the sun.

04-18-2010, 09:14 AM
Hooray for the enlightened members of the Ewing Township Council! A win-win resolution for all concerned.. ESPECIALLY the feral cats.

04-18-2010, 09:23 AM
That's great news! :) Just wish it was done everywhere!

04-18-2010, 10:15 AM

Sorry I missed your call yesterday. That is wonderful news!!!

In CT, we're trying to develop an "Animal Abuse Database" similar to the "Child Molester's Database". I don't know why they didn't think of it before.