View Full Version : Anyone know CSS?

04-17-2010, 12:28 PM
I help out with a Local Turtle Rescue & we need help with the CSS website (I haven't asked what other code the website is running on). We (I) just creating a huge database with all the animals listed (past & current) in all locations. What we desperately need is for that database to be connected to the website so it'll update with the correct information every time we upload that file. We are also trying to create an online surrender, & adoption form, so when they click Send it'll email us the data, or it'll auto add the data to the Client Database as "Pending" (It'd be cool if it did both, email & add to the database), then once we review it, we can change the status & if they are approved, it'll auto-list the animal as adopted & move it to the adoptions page.

ANY help would be greatly appreciated. Please remember we pretty much function off Marc's paycheque so funds are very tight. The most we'd might be able to afford right now is to host a banner add. You will be added to the credits so everyone knows your name/company, etc...

I have no idea if we are asking too much or if our requests are even possible as we are all very limited in coding knowledge. Any help is good help :)

04-17-2010, 03:05 PM
That goes far beyond CSS. CSS is just how websites are styled - the different functions for reading and displaying the information in the database and rendering the website itself would probably have to be done in some combination of PHP and HTML plus using CSS for styling. It depends upon what kind of a database it is and how big of a website it is.

I know PHP, (X)HTML, and CSS, and I also know how to access most forms of SQL databases using PHP, but I can't code your website for you; however, if you have any specific questions you would like to ask me, ask away. You can PM me, send me an IM message, or email me your questions.

04-17-2010, 03:47 PM
www.littleresq.net is the URL.. looks like HTML.. I used Microsoft Office 2007's (Access). I could convert it to a different Database if I have too, but I just spent 3 days creating this one & its the 2nd program I've use (fingers go ouch...lol)... thats only the basic info for the site. The database contains more info but we don't want any of that posted to the site. We just need it for history/reports/stats.