View Full Version : Good things start with fur babies

04-15-2010, 07:07 PM
Today my daughter and I had the extreme honor of going wedding dress shopping with my friend Sue for her first time.
We had such a good day. Sue is getting married for the first time at 40 she is an intelligent well educated well traveled beautiful women.
All the dress were so pretty and Sue's smile really lite them up.
Afterwards she treated us to lunch then she had to go to work at a newspaper and daughter and I went to the mall to shop.
How did I meet this funny, intelligent, beautiful women? I met her through Petfinders. I was looking for a mate for Benny and she was fostering Snowy, which I adopted. We have been friends ever since.
My poor Snowy passed away due to a tumor and my precious Penny (who I adopted with Sue's help) also passed away but the friendship is alive and well.

04-15-2010, 11:37 PM
What a great day! I've only been wedding gown shopping once and it was a lot of fun watching my friend try on the different gowns. What a nice thing to do with your friend and your daughter!

And yes, I agree with you, a pet is a terrific way to make a friend! The friend who introduced me to the shelter where I adopted Cassie was a co-worker of mine.

04-16-2010, 06:45 AM
I went wedding dress shopping with my daughter and her matron of honor. When I walked into the bridal shop and saw my daughter in her "WOW!!!" factor dress, the attendant handed me a box of Kleenex because I started balling my eyes out.

This is what I saw:



My daughter is an 18 year cancer survivor so this is a VERY special occasion. If you can see it, she has a tattoo, a shooting star with a rainbow and underneath it says "SURVIVOR". I'm so proud of her.