View Full Version : Ziggy (Siegfried) (aka Niahc) is at my house for 2 weeks, He's Up for Adoption Now!!

04-13-2010, 10:41 AM
Hi All-

Well as many of you might have read in the "general" section I've been having a pretty rough time lately with $$ and just life and marriage problems as well. I won't go into any details at the moment but with that being said before all these problems arose I was asked about a cat that might need a home and he needs to be fixed.

I gave my advice and said that I would be glad to help find a home but at the moment it would probably be best for the cat if I didn't take it in since Ashley has been very upset lately and won't eat her C/D food anymore it seems. Yet she has crystals but won't eat the food so that's just frustrating and then you have Sophia who has asthma but she's doing well for now.

So today, I get back to work after being off since last Thursday and here is what Marty wrote to me:

Hi Missy,

My forwarding does not work, so here is a copy of what Carol wrote about the cat. It is a bit different from what we first thought - I think he is wilder and may have other health issues. I am also concerned about your situation with cats at home and I do not think you should take the cat on top of all your other cats. At this point I'm not sure how we should proceed. Carol is just now meeting a real estate agent to sell her farm, so there is no imminent danger of her moving. The best thing would be for him to go to another barn at another farm. You are a kind hearted person, but you don't need another cat. I'm going to slow this down a little, there is no rush to do anything. We need to think. Please read her description of him.

I am trying to send this to all of you but only your name came up on this Irene so if the others don't get this see if you can forward it but I did click on reply to all.
I can bring Niahc anytime for the vet. However, I really don't have an indoors accomodation place for him. He would have to stay outside till a home was found. He was born in the barn and has lived there all his life. He is a good hunter but getting older. We were trying to figure out just how old he is and the best guess Greg and I could come up with is maybe and stress on MAYBE he is around 10 years old. He is shy of strangers and doesn't like picked up as he never was picked up much but he likes petted. In the mornings when I feed him he wants petted before he eats. He is hanging around the back door wanting petted every time we come out. In the past he never hung around the house but stayed mostly in the barn or prowled around. I think the difference is there aren't any other cats left in the barn he is all alone now. He is a little worse for wear as he has some eye issues. Not sure if it is his sight or the discharge from them. He has a scrape on his tail and looks like a sore on his side. He doesn't appear in any pain at all tho so not sure if these are past scrapes with wild animals or what. If there is anything in particular that you need to know Melissa let me know. Thanks for any help you can give with getting him a good home.


I would love it if I could get him some medical help which I'm sure that Carol will help out with the cost of that hopefully, I'm not sure how much but I would like to see him get the attention he needs and then if possible get him a loving home.

Is anyone interested in taking him in?? I really just don't think I should at this time and I'm going to contact Shirley who I volunteer with to see if she has a farm or knows of someone who might be able to keep him after I can get him some medical assistance.


04-13-2010, 11:24 AM
Hey Melissa,

A very dear friend of mine told me once, "There comes a time when you have to say, 'I'd love to help but I can't'"

I'm at 5 right now and the number isn't going to change.

04-13-2010, 11:41 AM
Hey Melissa,

A very dear friend of mine told me once, "There comes a time when you have to say, 'I'd love to help but I can't'"

I'm at 5 right now and the number isn't going to change.

I agree and I found that out on my own when I had about 18 outdoor cats that I was feeding.

I hate to say this, but with his health issues maybe it is just his time to go to the RB.

04-13-2010, 12:37 PM
I wouldn't be able to say, 'no'. :) I wouldn't PTS an otherwise healthy cat. There probably IS another barn that he could be relocated to, or a TNR program in your area that has some suggestions.

YOU prolly shouldn't take him in...but, you will probably be able to find a place for him.

Your heart will see you through all of this. :love:

04-13-2010, 02:58 PM
What Cataholic said!!!

04-13-2010, 03:37 PM
Oh Melissa how hard this is for you, i agree you should not take him in, with all the problems you are having right now, but try to find him a place somewhere,you can only do so much, and there is a time when you just have to say NO as hard as it is,good luck and i sure hope a home can be found for this kitty, all fingers and paws crossed here for a positive outcome. HUGS:love::love:

04-13-2010, 03:57 PM
:( You can only do so much Melissa , and if that Poor Cat is that ill, it may be his turn to be an Angel.
I see so many Porch Ctas who I would like to help, and once in a while I can help, but noone can save all these poor little Lost Souls.
Its a shame that we have people who thin that Animals are disposable.:(:(

04-13-2010, 05:18 PM
IMO, you need to be putting yourself first these days. BY all means, pass on the email to Shirley and other people. But just stay out of it - you don't need the stress.

There are a couple of other people that the email was forwarded to.

Just back out gracefully. Spend the time and effort on yourself, hon. :love:

04-13-2010, 07:50 PM
IMO, you need to be putting yourself first these days. BY all means, pass on the email to Shirley and other people. But just stay out of it - you don't need the stress.

There are a couple of other people that the email was forwarded to.

Just back out gracefully. Spend the time and effort on yourself, hon. :love:

Actually those other people where the lady who e-mailed me because I told her I would help her but I'm going to look into one place that I think will take the cat especially if he is injured so i'm crossing my fingers and I hope they will.


Pinot's Mom
04-13-2010, 09:45 PM

I don't know how many times I've said this, but....

I wish I could, but I can't. Pinot Girl's possible infectious status is too great a risk, I'm sorry. I cannot risk killing a kitty. :(

04-16-2010, 09:26 AM
Ok I agree with you all that I do need to put myself first I agree. I haven't been doing that but I will, I promise just after I'm doing helping him out.

Sorry. Please don't be upset with me anyone. I'm a fixer as people have been calling, I like to think pleaser sounds nicer but I feel for this guy even though I haven't met him. Plus this isn't going to cost anything really, I did have an offer of gas $$ so that's good.

Anyway, I've contacted a bunch of rescues to see if anyone has a barn that they could keep him in once he's vet checked so we'll see what happens there.

I'm going to be taking this cat on Monday to a local rescue and I'm crossing my fingers that they will take him in. I can't take him and won't. I will however transport him to the rescue in hopes that they will take him but if they say they can't do it then I'll be forced to take him back to the barn until a vet appt. can be made and then I'll take him to a vet appt.

He sounds like a real sweetie and just wants a home. I hope I can find him one if not he'll go to the vets and then after that just wait till I find him a home I suppose.

I'm also working on finding another cat a home (she's a longer hair tiger, beautiful, petite, and just so cute!) so if anyone is interested I'll help with bringing her to you.

Ok well that's the latest update for now.

04-16-2010, 11:16 PM
Best of luck Melissa,with the kitties, you know even though you are going through such a hard time yourself, you still have it in you to help these poor kitties,you have a very kind heart, and for that reason and that reason alone,you deserve only the best in life, and i sure hope it comes your way, again good luck with everything on your plate right now. take care and hugs.:love::love:

04-18-2010, 10:28 AM
I'm also working on finding another cat a home (she's a longer hair tiger, beautiful, petite, and just so cute!) so if anyone is interested I'll help with bringing her to you.

Well as for this one, I think I might of found a rescue to take her in I'm hoping, I'm still waiting to hear from them yet but hopefully I will. She is currently staying in my sister's bedroom and she is just the sweetest kitty.

I've attached a couple pictures of her that I took of her last night and this morning.

I'll keep everyone posted if I do get this rescue to take her or not.

Take care,

04-18-2010, 10:29 AM
Here's a few more of her, we are calling her Ruby for right now.

04-18-2010, 12:49 PM

She is beautiful!! I only WISH I could take her in. But at 5 cats, I'm at my limit.

04-18-2010, 03:06 PM
Oh Melissa she is stunning , i am sure she will find a home pronto, i sure hope so, Ruby has such a special meaning for me, i once helped raise funds for a little girl, a friend of my daughters,her name was Ruby,sadly she died of cystic fibrosis,but i love the name and it always has a special place in my heart.

04-19-2010, 07:42 AM
Well as for this one, I think I might of found a rescue to take her in I'm hoping, I'm still waiting to hear from them yet but hopefully I will. She is currently staying in my sister's bedroom and she is just the sweetest kitty.

I've attached a couple pictures of her that I took of her last night and this morning.

I'll keep everyone posted if I do get this rescue to take her or not.

Take care,

Yesterday I took her to a cat rescue. They are going to get her vet checked and fix her. She was such a good girl in the car. I hated giving her up but she will be better off I'm sure of it. She is just so sweet and loving. But it's what's best for her and that's what counts.


Now as for the male cat, he is coming to my work this afternoon and I'm going to take him to a cat rescue place later on after work and I'm hoping they will take him in. If they don't I did find a back up place so we'll see what happens. I'll post pictures once I see him.


04-19-2010, 09:07 AM
I just got this e-mail from Carolyn.

Hi Melissa,

Ruby is a very unhappy camper. She is not feeling grateful for being rescued! She is hissing and swatting at anything that comes near. Not happy at ALL.



She's stressing over the other cats. She holes up in the carrier she came in. Nikki thinks she will be alright after a couple of days. If you have cats she will probably do the same thing. She's really stressed though, which means she is probably going to get sick. If anyone can work with her, it's Nikki. She also takes all of the hard "cases". She has lots of experience. I'll let you know how it goes.


04-19-2010, 10:42 AM
Patience. Gradual introduction is the key. Put the cat in a room with litterbox, food, water and scratching post. Go in and get down on her lever and quietly whisper to her. Take a towel and rub down your resident kitties. Let the new cat smell it, so she gets used to her scent. Do the same things with the new kitty. Rub her down with a towel and let the new kitties sniff it to get them use to the scent.

Get down on her level and toss treats her way, gently talking to her. It's gonna take time and patience. But in the end, it'll work out. Just give it time.

04-19-2010, 12:02 PM
Patience. Gradual introduction is the key. Put the cat in a room with litterbox, food, water and scratching post. Go in and get down on her lever and quietly whisper to her. Take a towel and rub down your resident kitties. Let the new cat smell it, so she gets used to her scent. Do the same things with the new kitty. Rub her down with a towel and let the new kitties sniff it to get them use to the scent.

Get down on her level and toss treats her way, gently talking to her. It's gonna take time and patience. But in the end, it'll work out. Just give it time.

I'm sure it will work out, it sounds like Nikki knows how to handle the situation so that's always a bonus! :)

She was such a sweetie pie and she did get a little cranky but overall she did very well at my sister's but of course she knew us but doesn't really know them.

So we'll see.


04-19-2010, 01:43 PM
Well Niahc is here and not happy about the cage situation right now. Poor guy was used to being free and now stuck in a cage oh well at least it's only for a few hours.

I'm just praying that he doesn't have FELV or anything which I don't think he does, he's just older looking poor thing.

He's very pretty though and I'm going to try to get some pictures of him but right now he's being quiet so that's what counts.

I hope this rescue place will take him if not then I have to figure out something, he can't see well it seems only out of the side of his eyes so I can't just toss him back outside but I can't take him home either.

I hope this place will take him.


04-19-2010, 02:19 PM
Oh, Melissa, God bless you and keep you, you are so good and kind. Thank you so much for all you have done for these babies who otherwise would have had no one to look out for them at this point. Please take good care of yourself, now!

I just lit a couple of candles for you and the kitties.

My kitties and I, and all your other PT friends, are all wishing you the very best.

04-19-2010, 02:58 PM
Oh, Melissa, God bless you and keep you, you are so good and kind. Thank you so much for all you have done for these babies who otherwise would have had no one to look out for them at this point. Please take good care of yourself, now!

I just lit a couple of candles for you and the kitties.

My kitties and I, and all your other PT friends, are all wishing you the very best.

As soon as I find this one a home either at this rescue or another one then I'll takesome time for me don't worry :) Thanks!


04-19-2010, 03:09 PM
Ruby and Niahc are both such Splendid Cats.
I would love to sens something to help, but Josephs Vet Bill needs paying off and the kitchen ceiling fell in.
And I owe taxes.
And Poor Earl of Ebony showed up, my friend next door thinks a badger attacked him;
We are praying that Ruby :love::love::love: And Niahc:love::love::love: will find New Furrrever Homes:cool::cool:
Bless You for Caring Melissa:love:

04-19-2010, 03:37 PM
Ruby and Niahc are both such Splendid Cats.
I would love to sens something to help, but Josephs Vet Bill needs paying off and the kitchen ceiling fell in.
And I owe taxes.
And Poor Earl of Ebony showed up, my friend next door thinks a badger attacked him;
We are praying that Ruby :love::love::love: And Niahc:love::love::love: will find New Furrrever Homes:cool::cool:
Bless You for Caring Melissa:love:

Thank you but just consentrate on JJJ bills and Ebony. Poor Ebony. My prays.

04-20-2010, 09:00 AM
Last night I took Niahc to this rescue organization just in hopes that they would take him in and they said as long as the vet agreed to call her about him after he was fixed up she would then take him but she can't take him directly from me but later on when I talked to her she said she would take him from me if that's what the vets want. I'm so pleased this working out for now I hope.

He is super sweet and all he wants is out of the cage which I can't blame him but when I did let him out he went over to a loose part of the tile on the floor in the bathroom and started pulling it up. I couldn't believe it. So back in the cage he went. Overall though all he wants is attention.

We gave him canned food last night and he loved it although I don't think he can see too well though poor guy.

So this morning I took Niahc to the vets and they are going to do an FIV/FELV combo test and I'm sure since he's made it till about 10 years old he probably doesn't have it but you never know. Then if he's good on that they are going to test his blood to make sure all of his levels are ok and check out his wound on his one leg, tail, eyes, ears (I think he has ear mites) and I also think he has worms as well.

If you all could just say a quick pray for him that he will do just fine at the vets and that there isn't anything medically wrong with him I'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Queen of Poop
04-20-2010, 09:13 AM
Prayers that he checks out ok with the vet and can find a home quickly. He looks so sad in the cage. Thank you for taking care of him.

04-20-2010, 12:40 PM
Prayers for good test results and a fine new home for Niahc.. and a candle: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=10637576

Melissa, do you know what the story is on his strange name? I notice it is "chain" spelled backwards.

God bless him and you too.

04-20-2010, 03:05 PM
Here is the quick run down on what the vet told me:

He has a skin infection (the wound on his paw/leg is from a skin infection), ear mites, round worms, upper respiratory infection (URI), and eye infection. He tested negative for FIV/FELV!

My vet gave him a dose of revolution, de-wormer, eye drops, and a Convenia shot (which will help with the respiratory infection and the skin infection).

The vet also checked his blood work and all of his levels are normal which is wonderful. The vet said she would prefer to fix him in about 2 weeks since he has an upper respiratory infection and she preferred that he stay at the rescue until he can be fixed so that my cats don't get sick.

I called the rescue and told them all this and they said they must not of made it clear to me last night but they can't take in any cat that is sick. The cat needs to be fixed and healthy in order to go to their rescue.

So I called my vet and told them this and asked if they wanted to call the rescue to see if that might help and they said they didn't want to ruin their good working relationship with the rescue and that as long as I keep him confined for 2 weeks until he needs to be fixed that should be fine.

Niahc will be coming home with me after I get off work and hopefully he's behaving himself.

I'm sure he is though. After he is fixed in 2 weeks and the vet says he's healthy the rescue will take him in then.

Thank you all for the prays for this older guy.

04-20-2010, 03:17 PM
Oh poor guy,overall though this is good news, they are all ailments that can be fixed with treatment, he must be feeling under the weather though, thank goodness he is with you, I hope with all my heart he makes a good recovery and soon is well enough to be fixed and sent to the shelter to hopefully find his loving furever home, good luck with it all, thinking of you, hope you are doing ok as well.:love::love:

04-21-2010, 11:37 AM
Wow! He really needed a tune-up! Thank you so much for taking care of Niahc. *prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* (Smudge agrees)

Love, Columbine

04-21-2010, 12:26 PM
Cats everywhere are sending up prayers for both you and Niahc. They are applauding your efforts to help kitties in need!:love:

04-21-2010, 07:18 PM
Here are some pictures, these were taken from last night, he didn't like to be stuck in the cage and he banged his head and got a sore because he wanted out so we left him out and he did semi ok last night, he cried and wanted attention and he did have an accident on the floor but that happens.

But tonight he made the biggest improvement, he used the litter box!! :)

I was so excited, I figured that since he didn't use it last night we might have a problem on our hand but nope he pooped and peed in it tonight!

He's eating so well and doing so well. He's a sweet boy and we are hoping the inflammation will settle soon and he will be able to see better.

Thank you all for the prays.


04-21-2010, 08:49 PM
Awwww, he's an orangie! What a sweet kitty! Big prayers from me, the fan of orange :)

And a candle

Lilith Cherry
04-21-2010, 10:21 PM
He is beautiful Melissa! I hope he will soon be feeling much better but take care of yourself too please.

04-22-2010, 01:18 AM
I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he'll recover quickly and that the rest of your cats won't catch anything from him. Bless you for taking him in.:)

04-22-2010, 08:18 AM
He is beautiful Melissa! I hope he will soon be feeling much better but take care of yourself too please.

I am, thank you for caring so much.

04-22-2010, 08:35 AM
Niahc which we are thinking of changing his name because he doesn't seem to respond to that, the lady said she would call him kitty kitty and he does respond to that and so we were thinking maybe Rocky or my husband likes Ziggy which I like too but we'll see what happens.

I'll just call him Ziggy for now unless we change it to Rocky. Ziggy did very well last night. He ate very well yesterday and last night as well. This morning I cleaned out his litter box again since he went to the bathroom several times last night.

His belly is finally going down which is wonderful and I know he's looking better already. The only thing is, his eyes are so swollen still. I'm hoping a few more day's his eyes will improve.

I'll see him at lunch time and get him some more meds and food.

He's so sweet. If anyone would like to adopt him please let me know.


04-23-2010, 12:20 PM
Well we decided for right now that he'll be Ziggy (Siegfried).

He's been doing so well. His eyes are looking a bit better which I'm so pleased. Please continue the prays and if anyone would like to adopt him please let me know.


04-25-2010, 12:02 AM
Well we decided for right now that he'll be Ziggy (Siegfried).

He's been doing so well. His eyes are looking a bit better which I'm so pleased. Please continue the prays and if anyone would like to adopt him please let me know.


I like the name Ziggy. I wonder why.LOL;) I'm glad to hear that his eyes are looking better and I hope he'll continue to improve. More prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

04-25-2010, 08:53 AM

Be VERY CAREFUL!!! Jay Baldwin, serial animal killer is out and actively looking for an animal. See the post I put in the Dog House. It give you a description of him and what he's all about. ASK for and ID, PLEASE!!!

04-26-2010, 10:15 AM
I like the name Ziggy. I wonder why.LOL;) I'm glad to hear that his eyes are looking better and I hope he'll continue to improve. More prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

I'm glad you liked the name as well and I can see why :)

He seems to like that name better than Niahc, I think most times they would call him they would just say here kitty kitty so we are going to work on him getting to know his name I hope.

04-26-2010, 10:30 AM
Niach is "chain" spelled backwards. Maybe they called him that because he was free from the streets and rescued?:):love:

04-26-2010, 10:46 AM
Niach is "chain" spelled backwards. Maybe they called him that because he was free from the streets and rescued?:):love:

He was born a barn kitty and he lived there all of his life outside. I'm calling him Ziggy he seems to like that better. He's a very sweet boy and I think he is very happy about being indoors and I bet he's loving all the attention.