View Full Version : I love my cat(s) BUT....

04-12-2010, 01:12 PM
Happylabs thread in behaviour (does your cat whir) made me think...we all love our cats, but, maybe not all parts of them, right? So, let's hear it!

I love my big, black, bully boy- Montana...BUT, I cannot STAND his "open up the shade" act as soon as daylight hits. Both bedroom shades. Clank, clank, clank, looks over at me, clank, clank, clank, with his paws...the metal thing on the bottom hitting the sides of the window. By this time I am up and moving towards it, and he waits patiently. ARGH. :eek: But, I love him. :D

04-12-2010, 02:18 PM
You know I am trying to think if there is anything that really bugs me. I pretty much just laugh off the stuff that they do.

One minor thing Buddy has been doing lately is trying to steal my milk if I have milk at night. I really like to drink milk if I have a cookie or a brownie or something like that. This morning I had a mug of Nestle's Quick while I checked my email before work. I wasn't paying attention to him and he almost stuck his paw in my mug but I caught him at the last minute. I have already caught him with his paw all the way in my glass of plain milk and it is too late. He will dip his paw in and then lick it off and then do it again about 10 more times. I know milk is not good for him but that little amount doesn't seem to bother him.

Since Mama is now a lap cat she seems to want to come up when I have my laptop in my lap and just plop right on top of it.

But, all in all, those things are not really all that bad. :D

04-12-2010, 02:25 PM
Mac likes to walk back and forth across my chest or lap when I'm trying to watch TV. I'm trying to pet him at the same time, so I'm not sure what he wants. I have to push him to one side and tell him to sit still. He also likes to walk in the back door through the doggy door and ask (immediately) to be let out the front door!

04-12-2010, 03:09 PM
I can't really think of anything with Paizly. Except that she has to walk right in front of me while I'm on the computer. So I can't see the screen at all. Or she steps on the keyboard and messes up what I'm typing or changes screens on me. Other than that, she is an angel! :p

smokey the elder
04-12-2010, 03:16 PM
Pink Nose is SUCH a mooch! He'll try to get at my food, especially lamb or chicken, his faves.

04-12-2010, 03:31 PM
I am glad I limited my complaints to just ONE cat! You all have saints!

04-12-2010, 03:54 PM
Havoc will pace back and forth across my lap or the desk like he wants some attention, but if you pick him up and love on him he squirms away and starts pacing again.

Toby....where to start? When he wants some food in the middle of the night, he is a real pest and will do anything imaginable to get me out of bed: turn the touch lamp off and on, play with the blinds, or whatever the most obnoxious thing is that he can think of. I now have to unscrew the lamp bulb and raise the blinds at night. To counteract this, he's now clawing on the side of the bed in the middle of the night. He skeedaddles out the door as soon as I stir because he knows I'm gonna either (1)spank him, or (2)get up and feed him.... either way he doesn't hang around.

04-12-2010, 04:39 PM
When I bring home KFC Michael, Scrappy Two , Miquelito , Pouncierge and Panther are My Best Friends!!!:cool::cool::cool:
I have a feeling that it was a choice between a shipload of Chicken and I, the Chicken would win.:love::love::love:
And when Michael wants Breakfast , he turns on the Boom Box MMMMRRRRROOOOWWS!!
But hes My Dear Old Cat and I LOVE HIM!!

Pinot's Mom
04-12-2010, 04:42 PM
As everyone here is well aware, I am VERY fond of my Pinot and think she's perfect (she tells me so!). :) There is one little habit...

Do you all have the spring type of doorstops behind your doors? The ones that are coiled brass with a plastic tip where the door hits? They move back and forth if pushed from the side. If we aren't out of bed on time on weekends she goes after the ends of the doorstops, pulls them back and lets them go, so they make a REALLY LOUD "BOING!"! It will make you jump when unexpected! She is SUCH a clever girl! ;)

04-12-2010, 04:58 PM
Smudge is on medicine for his allergies that makes him feel hungry ALL THE TIME, so he begs constantly! I'll be eating olives or pepperoncini, and he'll beg, so I'll show him an olive, and he'll sniff it and walk away, then come back and beg again. My attempts to convince him that he doesn't like everything I like have completely backfired - giving him a tiny crumb of cheese has only taught him that he absolutely adores cheese! But what can you do? It doesn't upset his stomach or make him break out, so he can have a dot of cheese if he wants.

Love, Columbine

04-12-2010, 05:00 PM
Ooooo this one is easy for most of my guys! :D

Allen: poopy butt ALL the time. I clean it, and he's like Peanut's Pigpen who gathers dust around him seconds later.

Pouncer: Constant sickness. Will this cat ever be healthy?

Harry: The simple fact that he doesn't like me.

Abby: Will not let me groom her or trim her nails.... and her nails are always sharpened needles.

Flutter: Love me, pet me, love me.... run away. Love me, pet me, love me.... run away. Knocking EVERYTHING off the dresser when I'm ignoring her love me pleas.

Mikey: Knocking over drink glasses. Eating straws.

Trixie: Wrestling Callie. She wins most times but its a ton of noise and always when I need peacce and quiet to relax. and she BITES. Hard. and she steals food off your plate.

Mystic: He looks all sweet and innocent, but he's always dead center of something. The Christmas tree has seen its last holiday thanks to him.

04-12-2010, 06:25 PM
Mac, making biscuits on my neck at 6 in the morning.
Ming, scratching the furniture despite there being numerous scratching post located throughout the house.
My boys, I love 'em to death, but sometimes......:rolleyes:

04-12-2010, 06:36 PM
OMGosh, what a great thread! I loved reading all the earlier post, he hee.

Sparkle: has 2 annoying habits. She loves to sit up on my left shoulder, head up there and boy draped across my chest. She does this every evening while I am watching - scratch that, while I am TRYING to watch TV!

If she gets hungry overnight and the other cats have emptied the food bowls, she clears of my night table: lamp, clock radio, books, my glasses, everything goes flying onto the floor.

Chestnut: he loves to drink from the running tap on my bathroom sink; but he declines to learn how to turn it off when he is done.

Tommy: any time anyone opens the newspaper, he comes flying from various parts of the house, and proceeds to sprawl on top of it. He suddenly wants petting. This is the ONLY time he wants petting!

04-12-2010, 09:02 PM
OMGosh, what a great thread! I loved reading all the earlier post, he hee.

Sparkle: has 2 annoying habits. She loves to sit up on my left shoulder, head up there and boy draped across my chest. She does this every evening while I am watching - scratch that, while I am TRYING to watch TV!

If she gets hungry overnight and the other cats have emptied the food bowls, she clears of my night table: lamp, clock radio, books, my glasses, everything goes flying onto the floor.

Chestnut: he loves to drink from the running tap on my bathroom sink; but he declines to learn how to turn it off when he is done.

Tommy: any time anyone opens the newspaper, he comes flying from various parts of the house, and proceeds to sprawl on top of it. He suddenly wants petting. This is the ONLY time he wants petting!

Chestnut, I would be happy to shut the water off when you are done drinking. And Tommy, I've got the Sunday newspaper here because I haven't read it yet - may I pet you while I read?

You all know what I'm going to say about Cassie - my kitty confetti production specialist! Wake up, Mom, I'm hungry - rip, rip, rip! I used to be able to leave a paperback book or a magazine on the night table - not anymore. Mom, why are you on the phone? Rip, rip, rip! No paper is safe from Cassie when she is in her "rippin' " mode.

04-13-2010, 12:10 AM
What a bunch of pansies!:eek:

Ed sits near my head-at 0500 hours- and goes "MRRRT" because he wants a fresh bowl o' treats.

I laugh at him, tell him to shut up, then climb out of bed and get him some, because I know he'll be relentless until he gets what he wants!;):rolleyes::D

04-13-2010, 12:15 AM
:love:LOVE:love: all of our babies, but they definately have a few "quirks".
Lyle: if he is the slightest bit hungry he yowls and weaves, yowls and weaves. We've stopped free range feeding, and started sceduled feedings, so there is A LOT of yowling and weaving:p
Runt: loves to nibble fingers in the middle of the night. He doesn't want anything, just wants to nibble fingers:rolleyes:
Piggy: likes to find the highest spot available, and doesn't care what she knocks over/off to get there.
Sky: loves to open ANY door she can get her paws on
Beth: reaches out and "grabs" you when she wants your attention
Lyle, Runt, and Piggy both love to "help" you write by grabbing and chewing on the end of the pen/pencil
Phoebe(CH baby) is an angel and can do no wrong:D

04-13-2010, 01:31 AM
Storm: When he bullies his siblings. I keep telling him that we all know he's the #1 kitty around here.

Sky: When he uses the litter box he has to keep digging and digging and then he'll keep scratching on the sides of the box or the hoods of the covered litter boxes. It makes a lot of noise.

Pearl: When she keeps trying to jump in my lap when I'm on the toilet. I try to bend over and then sometimes she'll jump up on my back.:eek: When she wakes up early in the morning and starts howling in my bathroom which makes it echo. When she attacks poor Storm. When she has to be the center of attention at all times.

Ziggy: When she claws at my bedskirt. When she tries to steal poor Sky's food or any other cats food. When she puts up a fight with me and gets all stressed out just because I want to brush her, trim her nails, and brush her teeth.

All in all though they're very good cats and I love them very much.:)

04-13-2010, 01:44 AM
What a bunch of pansies!:eek:

Ed sits near my head-at 0500 hours- and goes "MRRRT" because he wants a fresh bowl o' treats.

I laugh at him, tell him to shut up, then climb out of bed and get him some, because I know he'll be relentless until he gets what he wants!;):rolleyes::D

Oh this just makes me smile. :)

04-13-2010, 09:00 AM
I've often used the phrase "It's a good thing you are cute Nutmeg, because you are cruisin.." Nutmeg thinks it's really neat to howl in the middle of the night. She goes to a corner of the room, faces it, looks up and lets out a mightly "MROW!" I have a bachelor apartment so it's not like I can lock her out of my "bedroom" and my apartment is so old I'm always afraid that someone can hear her. It's very irritating. I've even started coming home from work and keeping her awake until bedtime by constantly talking to her and annoying her while she tries to rest!

Tilly has the stinkiest bum ever. When I take her to the vet I always ask them to check her anal glands and while there is sometimes goop in there, it's never that bad. She just has a really rank butt! :eek: Overall though, Tilly is pretty well behaved.

Now Nutmeg is laying on the bed, upsidedown, caramel paws up in the air and grinning at me. This is how she can get away with keeping me up all night!! :D

04-13-2010, 04:46 PM
My boys do the early-morning-clanking-the-blinds thing, too. Usually on a weekend when I DON'T have to get up. I may have to invest in new window coverings if it doesn't stop!:mad:

Sometimes Binky won't cover up his mess in the litterbox; I don't mind pee biscuits, but when he does the "big stinky", he can clear a room in 10 seconds!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

But they're my boys and I love them!!!:love::love::love:

04-13-2010, 08:29 PM
Sometimes Binky won't cover up his mess in the litterbox; I don't mind pee biscuits, but when he does the "big stinky", he can clear a room in 10 seconds!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

But they're my boys and I love them!!!:love::love::love:

I thought the "big stinky" was a normal thing:rolleyes: Soooo many of ours can clear a room, even when they do cover it up:o

04-14-2010, 09:12 AM
Do you all have the spring type of doorstops behind your doors? The ones that are coiled brass with a plastic tip where the door hits? They move back and forth if pushed from the side. If we aren't out of bed on time on weekends she goes after the ends of the doorstops, pulls them back and lets them go, so they make a REALLY LOUD "BOING!"! It will make you jump when unexpected! She is SUCH a clever girl! ;)

I.LOVE.MY.CATS. LOL! This one little trick of Pinot's might send me over the edge!!!

I love reading everyone's quirky cat issues. Cats...love them, love their faults.

I just smiled at Monte this am....and thought of some of you going through your own things.

04-14-2010, 09:44 AM
Short list:
1. MITS must put me to bed and I MUST lay on my right side.
2. LUCKY must escort me to the bath room and wait until I finish what I'm doing there.
3. DOBE must curl under my arm pit when I go to bed, Just to tick off MITS.
4. BOO BOO has to keep my feet warm in bed. I don't like to be too warm.
5. PENNY & LENNY must keep my but and/or crotch warm in bed.
6. Lucky must run from the kitchen and jump on my chest if I'm watching TV (this is done 3-5 time a night)
7. Demeri lies on my right shoulder in the TV chair I get kisses on the nose with a few nibbles.
8. Precious lays on my left shoulder if Demetri is on the right (can't breathe)
9. Bart (26 lb main coon) wants to sit next to me in the TV chair (both buts too big)
10. Mits & Lucky can't decide witch arm of the TV chair to sit on, so back and forth the whole time I'm there.
This list could go on for several pages.
The good thing is they all know that I do not feed in the morning, so I can get up and not be hassled. They with wait for MOM. Lenny is her alarm clock at 5:30 am.

04-15-2010, 12:58 AM
As everyone here is well aware, I am VERY fond of my Pinot and think she's perfect (she tells me so!). :) There is one little habit...

Do you all have the spring type of doorstops behind your doors? The ones that are coiled brass with a plastic tip where the door hits? They move back and forth if pushed from the side. If we aren't out of bed on time on weekends she goes after the ends of the doorstops, pulls them back and lets them go, so they make a REALLY LOUD "BOING!"! It will make you jump when unexpected! She is SUCH a clever girl! ;)

I used to have these on the back of my doors but when I painted I decided to take them off. I'm so glad that I did because I'd hate for my cats to do what Pinot does to you.;)

I thought of a few more things. When my cats scarf and barf and they always seem to do it on the carpet or rug. When Ziggy dunks one of her toys in the water dish. The other morning she dunked a catnip mouse and it turned the water a greenish/brown color. I guess she was trying to make catnip tea.

04-15-2010, 06:57 AM
I do love my cats, the entire Fur Posse BUT I do get tired of finding dingleberries, usually in the dining room yet. Ugh! It's almost always from Specs b/c he has such long hair and one gets caught in his fur. :eek:

04-15-2010, 09:46 AM
I go to lie myself down and My Panthers^^ in the exactdead centre of the bed.:eek::eek:
But what would we do without Our Cats!!!:love::love:

Don Juan's mom
04-15-2010, 11:31 AM
4:30 AM, I hear what sounds like a very small gasoline lawn mower and get a blast of cat food breath. If I don't get up right away, the head bumps and sandpaper-tongue facial start. I've got an automatic feeder now, so I have NO idea why Don Juan thinks he needs me with him to have his breakfast. Sigh.

04-15-2010, 11:45 AM
I do love my cats, the entire Fur Posse BUT I do get tired of finding dingleberries, usually in the dining room yet. Ugh! It's almost always from Specs b/c he has such long hair and one gets caught in his fur. :eek:
I can relate. Ziggy has always had poor hygeine habits and when she squats to poop she usually ends up sitting in it and getting some of it caught in her fluffy pantalooms. I then smell something horrible and it's her and it's hard to catch her to clean her up but I do. She can be a very stinky girl at times.

04-18-2010, 08:51 PM
Don Juan, of course you need your human with you at breakfast time - it's dark at 4:30, and where is the joy of having breakfast alone in the dark?! I would love to have breakfast with you! :D

Krazyaboutkatz, I thought my kitty was the only scarf and barf expert around! But on the tile, where it would be easy to clean up? Never. Cassie's rules for scarf and barf: must barf on carpet, must give meowmie apologetic look afterward, and must run and hide when meowmie approaches with Resolve and sponge.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-18-2010, 09:30 PM
These are too funny!!!!

Tinky: Is a crabby bossy thing! Whenever I brush the kitties outside it takes her two weeks to get over it and stop bullying Jupiter. It isn't like they haven't been cat siblings for almost 10 years now... I don't know WHY she does this!!!! All the hissing and growling drives me crazy!

Jupiter: My fat happy boy... he is my alarm clock. Once 7am hits, if I am not up and feeding him he will dig in my hair and bite my hair and meow until I push him off the bed or get up.

04-18-2010, 09:57 PM
my sweet lil girl lexie, she is a darling but the most destructive cat i have ever owned, compared to the other two she is a tad nawtee, she has ruined nearly all my net curtains, the wallpaper is scratched to heck, even though we have a big scratch post, which she does use, she also loves all the furniture, i was airing a mattress for my daughters new single bunk set she had bought outside, and who did i catch scratching it, yep you guessed, miss blackie butter would not melt in her mouth.
Not to mention she gets great fun out of clawing all around the bed, yes early mornings when you are still sleeping or she just runs upstairs and does it for the fun.

Nikki well when you go to open the door to come inside, she just sits there for ages before deciding to actually come on in,on a cold winters morning can be a tad irritating.

As for Ellie, well she is a bit of a crazy ole girl,so we just accept anything and everything, but generally her most annoying thing is when she attacks her daughter nikki for no reason whatsoever.