View Full Version : I can hear you....

04-09-2010, 09:51 AM
but for the love of me canīt figure out where you are...

for the past couple days Iīve been hearing this woodpecker... but canīt figure out where he is...:p

my house is not wood.. so Iīm not concerned that way... or any way for that matter..I just wanna see him/her..:)

there are a few trees and phone post which are wood but canīt seem to spot the exact source of the pecking sound...lol...I so wanna take pics

anyway... nonsense post.. just wanted to share a bit of my day.. hehe

04-09-2010, 10:02 AM
We had one pecking our roof once. Then another time, we took down a big tree and cut it up for removal. The birds were having a ball for several days and Mr. Woodpecker was always hanging around too. You'll find him soon I bet :)

Pinot's Mom
04-09-2010, 10:15 AM
They try for our gutters (made out of aluminum) every spring. Sounds like a jackhammer. We can never see them either, as it's above the window. That's probably where they are!

04-09-2010, 08:30 PM
When I still lived at home, we had a woodpecker that would work on the gutters too!! Oh man, it made me mad..Trying to sleep in on the weekends and being woken up by a woodpecker made me grumpy! LOL...I forgave him/her tho....
