View Full Version : Lucie Noel Lu got spayed yesterday...

04-07-2010, 06:03 PM
I waited too long and she went into heat. I was fortunate that I was able to get her into a clinic and have it done. She's doing great. I'm pet sitting for a week but went home to feed and hang with the cats for a while. She was laying on my bed so I put a dish of food up to her and she chowed down. I'm just glad it's over with. She was in so much discomfort the past couple days I felt bad. No kitties for LooLoo.

Oh, and they also microchipped her. Unfortunately, when I went to check on her today, I found the microchip laying on the floor. It fell out. No big deal. She's strictly indoors and even if she got out of my apartment, it's totally inclosed.

Pinot's Mom
04-07-2010, 08:45 PM
Awww, sweet LooLoo, you get better honey - OK? I know it wasn't pleasant, but it's better in the long run; honest!! I've been there! :love:


04-07-2010, 09:29 PM
Sweet Lucie Lu! I hope you feel much better soon :love:

04-07-2010, 11:45 PM
I hope you feel all better real soon! Congratulations on getting your "big girl" surgery!:love:

04-08-2010, 07:42 AM
Hi sweetie! Now that you've been through your "right of passage" I hope you'll soon be feeling great and be back to making Meowmie crazy.Sending you gentle feel better scritchies and lovies :love:

04-08-2010, 08:26 AM
Well Lucie the CREW hopes you feel better, We all have too or have gone throught it. We know that your mewmy is taking very good care of you.

04-08-2010, 08:46 AM
LooLoo is doing great. She's alot mellower than she was, of course. They microchipped her but it fell out. I found it on the floor. Looks like a little fuse from your car.

Glad it's done and over with.

04-08-2010, 09:28 AM
That sounds like careless work to me if that microchip fell out.:rolleyes:
I would have them do the job properly just in case.;)
We are so glad that Lucie Noel Lu is spayed now, she will be a lot calmer and friendlier now shes no longer going in heat.:love::love:

04-08-2010, 09:51 AM
you need to address the microchip thing with your vet, especially if they charged you for it. Does she have a small wound on her shoulders or neck where it was implanted and fell out?

04-08-2010, 11:45 AM
I had her spayed at a clinic. I told my friend Betty, who is very active in animals rescue as am I, and she told the vet. She wanted to know if I wanted to have it reinserted and I said no. I'm not putting her through that. She's strictly indoors and it would take an act of God for her to get out as I live in a secured apartment, and have put security screens in my windows to protect them when they're enjoying the beautiful weather.

04-08-2010, 12:11 PM
I hope she feels all better soon! Does she wear a collar? You could just tape the microchip to her collar, now that you have one, might as well keep it with her!

04-08-2010, 04:31 PM
:love: I am also glad LooLoo is doing good.. Rest well Baby..

However Donna How in the heck did the Microchip fall out.. They are suppose to with a needle enlodge the chip Under the Skin on the back of the neck between the shoulder blades.. Are you sure that is what you found?? I think I would go to the Vet & show them what happened.. If they left a hole bigg enough from the needle for the chip to fall out then they did it all wrong.. Make sure to check LooLoo back of neck between the shoulder blades for a puncture wound.. I mean I have watched my Vet do everyone of my babies & have not ever seen that happen..
LooLoo is doing great. She's alot mellower than she was, of course. They microchipped her but it fell out. I found it on the floor. Looks like a little fuse from your car.

Glad it's done and over with.

04-08-2010, 06:35 PM
Goodness, time lies, Lucie was in heat already?! I still think of her as a wee one, lol.

I would follow up at the clinic re that microchip. They charge a lot for those things, if it isn't in, demand a refund! An like someone said, keep an eye on the puncture wound.