View Full Version : Ordered: 1 Salmon Pink Goliath Birdeater **WARNING: Tarantula**

04-06-2010, 08:19 PM

Someone on kijiji is selling them for $5.00/each so I put in an order for 1 baby :D
It'll most likely be so tiny I'll have to keep it in a small plastic container with tiny pin holes to keep it contained for many months if not a yr. I have wanted a Birdeater for YEARS, but they are always selling for well over $100/each. But this guy has over 500 so he's selling them dirt cheap just to get rid of them.

This is the mommy

These are the babies

The mommy errr adult looks similar to Lilly my Rose Hair Tarantula, however will be MUCH larger then her, even if it is a male (Males are smaller then females).

I am debating if I want to get 2-3 of them in hopes 1 is a female as they are larger & IF they follow the same rules as the Rose Hair, they will live MUCH longer then the males (males about 5yrs, females about 20yrs).

I haven't had a whole lot of luck finding good information on this species, but so far the care seems similar to my Rose Hair, except this one eats more & can eat larger prey.

04-07-2010, 09:12 AM
so neat!!.. I´d order a few if I were you.. and considering they are really cheap and how long you´ve awaited for one..

they are so tennie tiny.. aww

04-07-2010, 10:14 AM
Well, I cannot view the pics on my computer at work so I Googled it. What a pretty tarantula! I do not know much about them but am wondering can you actually hold them? Now I am intrigued.

04-07-2010, 02:52 PM
so neat!!.. I´d order a few if I were you.. and considering they are really cheap and how long you´ve awaited for one..

they are so tennie tiny.. aww

I really am considering getting several, as I would be heart broken if it died & would be sadden if it was a male. So I'm thinking of getting 3 :D When they get to about 3-4 inches I should know if it is a male or female & keep the female & sell the rest for a pretty penny (about $50.00 to undercut the market ;)).

If I had the money I would get 10-20 & raise them to a larger size & then sell them for $50/each.. nice profit, but if I want to get my little spider a nice little home, then I can't get that many lol

04-07-2010, 03:00 PM
Well, I cannot view the pics on my computer at work so I Googled it. What a pretty tarantula! I do not know much about them but am wondering can you actually hold them? Now I am intrigued.

You can if you're crazy or insane. all of the Birdeater species are known to be aggressive & will bite. They are venomous (not deadly) & its going to screw you up a fair bit & HURT!!! Not to mention their fangs have to be close to an inch long, as Lilly is a smaller Species & her fangs are about 1cm long, however Rose Hairs (what Lilly is) are very friendly Tarantulas & you have to spend a lot of time tormenting it, JUST to make it threaten you (stand up on its hind legs, with front lets in the air showing its fangs)...took me 30 mins of poking, swatting, flipping Lilly just to get her to threaten me & I pushed her more to see if I could get her to strike, which she did when I poked her in the mouth while she was threatening.. I did that only once to see what her temperament was like, as they all have their own personalities & limits.

So ya, I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER try to pick up a Bird Eater or put my hands near it, I like my hands venom free LOL :D

04-07-2010, 08:34 PM
Haven't heard back from the guy yet... I'll have to email him again

04-07-2010, 09:14 PM
Okay, then what is the purpose of having them? Do they stay in a cage all the time?

04-07-2010, 09:23 PM
in this case I think it´s just like fish.. ;)

04-07-2010, 11:34 PM
in this case I think it´s just like fish.. ;)

You are right, they are just like fish (well sorta lol). They are wonderful to look at & watch. Its also a lot of fun decorating their homes.

My 90gal tank has a Natural look to it with things I have collected outside & real plants. Lilly has a tank of death with bones of animals I've collected over the years (Love Bio).

Unlike most people I keep my pets in larger tanks/cages then the Norm, as I don't think the Norm sized tanks are big enough.

Digi stays in a XL kennel & the Norm keeps her size of dog in a med sized kennel.

Lilly stays in a 20gal tank & the Norm keep her species of Spider in a 5gal & maybe a 10gal if the spider is lucky.

The new Spider will get a 50gal tank, but I'm hoping I can finally build my Tarantula Cabinet, before it needs a tank to live in. Think of a China Cabinet, with doors on the bottom to store things, & the top section will have a similar feel, but the doors will be different & many more. I plan to design it to hold about 10~20 Tarantulas. I don't want more then 1 Giant Tarantula (Bird Eater), so I'll be able to house 2~3 Species/level. The Bonus with Tarantulas is that most/all are land dwellers & Hights do not mix with them, so I can easily make very long/wide cages that are only 6~8" high. The inside will be covered in Plexi-glass & the outside will be stained so it looks like a China Cabinet.

It'll be sweet for sure :D

Suki Wingy
04-08-2010, 10:23 PM
When you get them I'd love to see regular growth pictures! Also if you do build that, make sure you post lots of pictures! My dad had something similar for his snakes.

04-09-2010, 11:06 PM
Still haven't heard back from the guy :`(

04-10-2010, 10:52 PM
Don't think I'll be getting any.. *cry* :(

04-11-2010, 10:45 AM
that is not good..I really really hope he just hasn´t seen your message..

and I really really hope you do get your baby

04-11-2010, 02:55 PM
I hope so, I really want one, as they are so fascinating.

**offtopic but I don't care, I'm happy**

I do have some good news. I'm back with the RES rescue & I'm working with the owner again (silly fight, we both care too much & we bumped heads & went separate ways silently, so no bad blood). One of his rescue guys has the kind or Roach I'm trying to get. I'll be breeding them for the whole rescue group as part of the diet & for the small reptiles they also take in. I'm really happy about that :)

I spent 3hrs with him at the mall talking & making plans. He's allowing me to jump into this with both feet like nothing happened, so I'm very greatful for that. I have a LOT of work I have to do as hes behind in computer data (he has all the data, but its all on paper).. so I'll be upgrading him & helping him with the website again. YIPPIE!! He's also happy about the Roaches cause that means I can give him a few & he wont be stuck with 1000 crickets that escape & drive him crazy all night lol Another Bonus is that we live near the other. Now I'm extra happy I moved WAY WAY WAY WAY out here.. When I was 50km from him before it was really hard.

He's also going to help me get Axle registered so we can use him in the education presentations with the public & the government (federal & provincial). If I play my cards right I might be able to help raise the Common Snapping Turtle population through education. Because of the decline in numbers they aren't allowed to show snappers at presentations anymore cause they don't own any. THey were just using the wild ones they were helping. But I legally own Axle, but I need to register him in order to bring him to presentations where he'll be near the public (government BS really)..

*crosses fingers*

07-07-2011, 08:25 PM
You can if you're crazy or insane. all of the Birdeater species are known to be aggressive & will bite. They are venomous (not deadly) & its going to screw you up a fair bit & HURT!!! Not to mention their fangs have to be close to an inch long, as Lilly is a smaller Species & her fangs are about 1cm long, however Rose Hairs (what Lilly is) are very friendly Tarantulas & you have to spend a lot of time tormenting it, JUST to make it threaten you (stand up on its hind legs, with front lets in the air showing its fangs)...took me 30 mins of poking, swatting, flipping Lilly just to get her to threaten me & I pushed her more to see if I could get her to strike, which she did when I poked her in the mouth while she was threatening.. I did that only once to see what her temperament was like, as they all have their own personalities & limits.

So ya, I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER try to pick up a Bird Eater or put my hands near it, I like my hands venom free LOL :D

Awwww poor lil tarantula, being tormented like that! T_T