View Full Version : R.I.P. handsome Mooky

04-04-2010, 10:19 AM
It is with great sadness that we had to let our handsome boy Mooky, join the others up on the Bridge.

As some of you know, we have been having problems with Mooky, in regards to having terrible sores on his back. He has been back and forth to the vets countless times and has seen 4 different vets. He has been on prednisone a few times, about 4 different medications, blood tests, skin scrapings, cortizone shots and the vets basically said the same thing, that his problem was flea related even though he didn't have fleas. Unfortunately they also said that he could have this problem off and on or for the rest of his life. It's been non-stop for over a year now. Mooky had turned from one sweet cat to one cranky boy. He was miserable and the sores really bothered him. He started to attack the other cats and they were becoming nervous wrecks whenever he came near them. He wouldn't even let me pick him up anymore without him hissing and growling and trying to bite me. We felt it wasn't fair to let him keep on like this. He was not a happy camper at all. So with broken hearts, we made the decision to end his misery last Thursday. He would have been 8 years old on July 24th.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/tiger04/My%20cats/06-17-06.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/tiger04/My%20cats/Mooky1.jpg

I'm sorry we couldn't do anymore for you my beloved Mooky.

You were so loved and will never be forgotten.

R.I.P. my big handsome boy.

Prairie Purrs
04-04-2010, 10:34 AM
I'm so very sorry to hear this. His condition was obviously making his life miserable, and letting him go was all you could do. But of course that doesn't make the situation any less heart-wrenching.

RIP, Mooky. I'm sorry that you had to leave your loving family far too soon. I'm sure you're watching over them, pain-free, from the Bridge.

Cinder & Smoke
04-04-2010, 10:53 AM
{{{Hugs}}} of Sympathy.
And THANKS for doing all you could ... I'm sure he's greatful to you!

04-04-2010, 11:13 AM
RIP, sweet Mooky. You were much loved.

04-04-2010, 12:02 PM
I am so sorry. That had to be a very difficult decision. But it sounds like it was the right one.

RIP Mooky, you can now be happy and share your beauty at the bridge.

04-04-2010, 01:22 PM
Thats always sad when a Cat Companion does not respond to Vet Care , and despite all their White Coats can do , you have to make that decision to have your Friend pass on.
Katie , Willy and Buddy have greeten Mookie and have found their Friend a pair of Designer Silver and Gold Wings so he will officially be an Awesome Angel.
Then they are all headed to see the Yankees/Red Sox home opener and then spend the next week in Augusta Georgia for the Masters, in one of the most beautiful places in the World , just made for Pet Angels.
Mooky loves You Lorraine and appreciates all that you did for him.
He doesnt want you to be sad , and that your Angels will always be with you in spirit , until you are reunited in love.
One Fine Day :love:

04-04-2010, 02:00 PM
What a tough decision that had to be, but you did it with love for Mooky in your hearts.:love: Rest in peace, beautiful boy, your family misses you so much!:(

04-04-2010, 02:13 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Mooky :( What a sad decision to take.

Killearn Kitties
04-04-2010, 02:59 PM
Oh Lorraine, I am so sorry. :( You have had too much sadness recently.
Rest in peace, handsome boy, free from pain. :love:

04-04-2010, 03:16 PM
I'm so sorry, that's a tough decision you had to make, but you have done so much for Mooky and it sounds like he wasn't enjoying life anymore. :(

Rest is peace, dear Mooky! :love:

Queen of Poop
04-04-2010, 03:20 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope Mooky is feeling much better now, no more Mr Crankypants. Hugs. :love:

Pinot's Mom
04-04-2010, 03:24 PM
I am so sorry you had to make this decision {{hugs}}. You did your best for poor Mooky and he's in a much better place now.

RIP dear Mooky, and Peace to your family.

04-04-2010, 04:21 PM
Oh, Lorraine, I am so very sorry. My very deepest sympathy for your tragic loss of your beloved Mooky.

Rest in peace, dearest Mooky, pain-free and happy as you await your reunion with your beloved Meowmie, one fine day.

04-05-2010, 12:09 AM
Lorraine, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I know that you did everything you could for him and now he's pain free and I'm sure he's his happy self again. RIP sweet Mooky.:( You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

04-05-2010, 05:55 AM
I'm sorry to read this, it is very sad. I am sure that Mooky will be happy at the bridge. I cannot imagine how heartbreaking the decision must have been for you.
Thinking of you at his hard time.

04-05-2010, 06:31 AM
Lorraine, you did a very loving thing by letting handsome Mooky go. His quality of life just wasn't there. He deserved better and you gave it to him. Bless you and Mooky whom we know is now resting in peace. :love:

smokey the elder
04-05-2010, 10:10 AM
I'm so sorry about Mookie. It sounds like you did everything you could, but the poor kitty had had enough.

04-05-2010, 11:49 AM
Thank you everyone for you sympathies and understanding.

No, it wasn't an easy decision, it never is. We dwelled on this decision for quite some time. That's why he saw 4 different vets, in hopes that something could finally put an end to this for him.

We miss him terribly, especially the hubby since it was his cat. In 26 years of being together, this is the third time, i've seen him cry. He and Mooky had that special bond.

We miss you Mooky, but take some comfort knowing that you are not suffering anymore and are up on the RB being your sweet self again, like we remember.

R.I.P. Mooks, we love you and you will never be forgotten. Until we see you again, play nice now with Katie, Willy and Buddy.

04-05-2010, 12:45 PM
Mooky I am so sorry you had to go to the Bridge so soon. It's hard to write this because you look so much like my darling Leonardo who went to the Bridge almost a year ago now. Be sure and look him up. He will show you around, I'm sure.

Be at peace now, sweetheart and know how much you were loved while you were here. Know that that love goes with you as your love for your family stays here in their hearts until you are all together again. :love:

04-05-2010, 01:34 PM
I am so very sorry you had to part.:( RIP Mooky.

04-05-2010, 03:53 PM
So so sorry to hear about Mooky.

Play hard at the Bridge, handsome boy, you will be missed!

04-05-2010, 03:54 PM
I'm so very sorry to hear about Mooky.


04-05-2010, 05:20 PM
Oh i am so terribly sorry you had to make this decision, i know how tough it is, Mooky was indeed a beautiful furbaby, RIP sweet one, Ash is there to help you out,sometimes we just have to decide whether their quality of life is good or not, and it seems Mooky's was not, so sad for you, HUGS.

04-08-2010, 09:51 AM
I am sad to read about your Mookie. You tried all you could do to help him. But sometimes, we cannot help our dear furry friends...Sleep softly, sweet Mookie...

04-08-2010, 05:29 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss RIP and play hard at the Rainbow Bridge, you gorgeous fluffy boy. Give my Mitzi, Mishi and Goldie a head-bump too.

Scooter's Mom
04-08-2010, 08:13 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.:love:

04-08-2010, 09:39 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. None of us ever want to be in the position to make the decision you had to make for Mooky, but at times we end up there anyway despite our best efforts.

No matter how hard we try to make things better, sometimes we just have to make them right, even if it hurts so much to do it. You know you did all you could to help Mooky, and your final act of love was also one of great kindness :(

Mooky was blessed with your love for him, and he's no longer in pain but whole again and waiting at the Rainbow Bridge with all our furry family members who have passed before him.

:love: My deepest sympathy :love:

04-09-2010, 06:59 PM
Please forgive me because I'm not on PT very much and I'm just reading this now. This is such sad news but for what it's worth, I think you made the right decision. You did it for Mooky - you loved him enough to let him go. He couldn't have had a happier home nor a more loving Meowmie.

RIP dear Mooky. Play happily at the RB with no more miserable sores.

{{{hugs}}} Lorraine. :love::love::love:

04-09-2010, 08:35 PM
it is very painful to lose your kitty......my heart goes out to you in this sad time.....

04-09-2010, 09:43 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Mooky has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.:(
I know you did all you could for him.
Sending hugs your way.

04-16-2010, 03:49 AM
I am so very sorry. I know how you feel. RIP Mooky. Hobbes will show you the way.

05-14-2010, 06:52 AM
Poor Mooky!

05-14-2010, 08:46 AM
I'm so sorry about Mooky. :(

05-15-2010, 07:41 PM
One can see that you did all you could to help Mooky, and he knows that! Sleep softly dear Mooky....

05-15-2010, 07:50 PM
No more sores for you little Mooky. No more pain, only relief and contentment now.
Wait for your people, they shed tears for you now, and they will shed tears of joy, when they see you again, back to perfect health. One Fine Day.