View Full Version : Perils of Pinot...continued...

Pinot's Mom
04-03-2010, 09:03 PM
Pinot reports from the Catberry mobile...

Today was NOT a good day! Meowmie and Paw worked outside all day and didn't let me out but TWICE!! I don't remember them EVER feeding me, and while I was out, I had to CLIMB TREES to get the spring birdies!! What I have to endure! Have you ever heard of such treatment??

(note from Mom: Pinot has never climbed a tree to this point-today she climbed THREE! I'm so thrilled! :rolleyes:)

04-03-2010, 11:41 PM
Poor Pinot, the indignities and cruelty you have to endure.:rolleyes: Hang in there, okay? By the way, be careful climbing those trees, okay?:love:

Laura's Babies
04-04-2010, 07:37 AM
Poor baby, I know you were starving to death and now are weak as a kitten and thin as a rail.... Oh wait... you climbed some trees so you couldn't have been to weak.. Hummmm...

04-04-2010, 01:44 PM
Actually Pinot, we Found Cats dont get out at all!!
Just Humphrey the Panther and hes so big that noone will bother him at all.:)
You can climb trees!!!:D
Thats amazing, as we wonder how we would do as lumber jacks!!:cool:
We say just look sad Pinot, Your Guardians will always give in.:love::love:
Our Old Dad always does!!:love::love::love::love:

04-04-2010, 09:48 PM
Pinot, I didn't know you like to climb trees! Be careful up there, sweety girl. I know meowmie keeps an eye on you while you're outdoors. Happy Easter to you, beautiful Pinot! *kiss* for outdoor kitty Pinot

04-04-2010, 11:56 PM
Hi Pinot,
I am shocked at what you've posted recently! Meowmie often tells me how nice your purrents are and how they take extraordinary care of you. You were not fed? You didn't get the attention you deserve? You had to climb up trees? We need to talk. I know how busy you are with our upcoming Catmobile trip, but call me on my cell phone as soon as you can. Maybe during the day when our hoomins are at work.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

04-05-2010, 12:37 AM
Pinot, please don't scare your meowmie by climbing trees. There are better ways to get attention. Next time if they don't feed you in time, try meowing loudly and if this still doesn't work then maybe nipping them on their ankles will do the trick. This has worked for both of us.

Your Fur Pals,
Pearl and Ziggy

Pinot's Mom
04-07-2010, 10:48 PM
Hi Pinot,
I am shocked at what you've posted recently! Meowmie often tells me how nice your purrents are and how they take extraordinary care of you. You were not fed? You didn't get the attention you deserve? You had to climb up trees? We need to talk. I know how busy you are with our upcoming Catmobile trip, but call me on my cell phone as soon as you can. Maybe during the day when our hoomins are at work.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

Groucho, we will definitely be in touch! There are things we MUST discuss!:rolleyes:

Pinot, please don't scare your meowmie by climbing trees. There are better ways to get attention. Next time if they don't feed you in time, try meowing loudly and if this still doesn't work then maybe nipping them on their ankles will do the trick. This has worked for both of us.

Your Fur Pals,
Pearl and Ziggy

Pearl and Ziggy-so nice to hear from you! I have tried the nipping - they have gotten quite experienced at lifting the feet at just the right time! I went out for a little bit this evening, but didn't do the tree climbing thing. Thanks for the advice!:)

Mom has posted some pics on facebook - some are too large for here. Here's the link...http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000660843677

Talk to you soon!


04-08-2010, 07:46 AM
Dear Pinot- I am not sure whether what I had to endure wasn't worse.
Meowmie and Pawpaw were out. They left the balcony door open and it was nice and sunny so I went out for a nap. But when I woke up I couldn't get back inside! The door was closed now!!!
It took me hours to walk on that balcony, to meow and nobody came.
I even talked to the snotty cat girls downstairs but they didn't come and open the door!
When Meowmie and Pawpaw came home I told them!!!
But they did only laugh and said if I was ready to use the catflap I could have been in all the time.
Can you imagine? Me??? A prince???? And using the catflap all by myself????????
Maybe we can see Groucho together. This things must be sorted.
Your very upset Filou;)

04-08-2010, 07:56 AM
Can you imagine? Me??? A prince???? And using the catflap all by myself????????
Maybe we can see Groucho together. This things must be sorted.
Your very upset Filou;)

Hi Filou, I'm always available to offer legal assistance to my fellow kitties. You can call me on my cell phone anytime and we'll see exactly where you stand. If you call while I'm in a Cat Court hearing, leave me a message and I'll get right back to you.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

Pinot's Mom
04-08-2010, 11:31 AM
Dear Pinot- I am not sure whether what I had to endure wasn't worse.
Meowmie and Pawpaw were out. They left the balcony door open and it was nice and sunny so I went out for a nap. But when I woke up I couldn't get back inside! The door was closed now!!!
It took me hours to walk on that balcony, to meow and nobody came.
I even talked to the snotty cat girls downstairs but they didn't come and open the door!
When Meowmie and Pawpaw came home I told them!!!
But they did only laugh and said if I was ready to use the catflap I could have been in all the time.
Can you imagine? Me??? A prince???? And using the catflap all by myself????????
Maybe we can see Groucho together. This things must be sorted.
Your very upset Filou;)

CAT FLAP??? Don't they understand that's what hoomins are for? It's THEIR job to operate the door - how UNDIGNIFIED! :rolleyes:

I'd have a word or two with the snotty cat neighbor, too...hmmph!

No wonder you're upset! Are you coming in for the next Catmobile adventure? We should discuss things with Groucho then. Poor, dear prince Filou, such treatment!:rolleyes:

Call me anytime you need me!


04-11-2010, 01:29 PM
Pearl and Ziggy-so nice to hear from you! I have tried the nipping - they have gotten quite experienced at lifting the feet at just the right time! I went out for a little bit this evening, but didn't do the tree climbing thing. Thanks for the advice!:)

Mom has posted some pics on facebook - some are too large for here. Here's the link...http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000660843677

Talk to you soon!


Dear Pinot, I LOVE your Facebook pics! Cassie does figure-eights around my ankles to get my attention; and if that doesn't work, especially when I am putting my socks on, she'll head-butt my feet - HARD! That works almost every time! "Pay attention to me, fudz lady!"

Your admiring fan,