View Full Version : We might be adding another dog to the mix...

04-03-2010, 09:23 AM
So...theres a teeny tiny chance that my grandparents dog, Tiny, could be coming to live with us. This probably won't happen...buut...

Tiny is a big chocolate lab with a LOT of energy, and he's not the best fit for them. In the seven years they've had him, I think my grandpa's walked him...once? He runs around in their little backyard (and boy is it little). I try to walk him when I go over there (once a week) but my grandma won't let me cause Tiny also hasn't been vaccinated in 5 years due to an allergic reaction he had many years ago to a vaccination (long story).

Anyways... now that my grandma's got her surgery coming up (she has cancer in her throat and they're removing her voice box cause there's a tumor on it), they don't really want to deal with the big dog knocking over all of her stuff...I guess he almost messed them up while they were trying to clean out my grandma's tracheotomy? But anyways...my grandmas gonna be really fragile and we dunno whether she'll need radiation after the surgery, and Tiny is a LOT of dog...so my grandpa is considering getting rid of Tiny.

Which is where I called dibs on him :) We might be taking him anyways for a few days when my grandma has her surgery cause there will be no one at home with him, so we'll find out which way things are going then.

But...both of my parents are on board with taking Tiny if the situation arises. I really want to take him...I've always loved him, and I think he would do MUCH better with a big yard and regular walks (and vaccinations/regular vet checks) and dog interaction. He's just got soo much pent up energy...but I can't do anything about it in his current situation (I'm not saying he's not happy...my grandparents love Tiny and he loves them)

A picture of Mr. Tiny:

Isn't it funny how everytime my parents say NO MORE PETS, something happens that may alter that? They said no more pets...then there was a little, flea infested kitten who was in desperate need of a home. They said that was it, NOT MORE PETS, and now, if my grandparents decide that Tiny needs to go, we'll be a two dog family!

04-03-2010, 10:44 AM
I know it will be a tough decision for your grandparents to give him up. But it's in the best intrest of your grandma. And at least he will be with family so he can go visit them.
I hope things work out and Tiny gets to live with you. :) He is adorable!

04-03-2010, 11:02 AM
I think it is great you are going to give him a home!! It sounds like that is best. Your grandparents sound like like they have a lot on their plate right now. My parents are in their 80's, and their doctor actually told them NOT to get a dog because so many older people trip and stumble over them....which I can totally understand because my two are always underfoot. Good luck with Tiny!!! Also, prayers for your grandparents....

04-03-2010, 11:20 AM
Tiny's gorgeous! I hope you get to take him home!:)

04-03-2010, 12:26 PM
I know it will be a tough decision for your grandparents to give him up. But it's in the best intrest of your grandma. And at least he will be with family so he can go visit them.
I hope things work out and Tiny gets to live with you. :) He is adorable!

IF my grandparents decide to get rid of Tiny (big if still), and we DON'T take him, then my aunt almost definitely will. She lives in Ohio, but she's also got 5 acres and lives next to a bunch of trails so I think Tiny will be happy there as well :)

I think it is great you are going to give him a home!! It sounds like that is best. Your grandparents sound like like they have a lot on their plate right now. My parents are in their 80's, and their doctor actually told them NOT to get a dog because so many older people trip and stumble over them....which I can totally understand because my two are always underfoot. Good luck with Tiny!!! Also, prayers for your grandparents....

Yeah Tiny's always getting in the way...they have a small house & yard and he's a big dog, lol. Even in my house, which is a good sized house & yard, I can see how he would get in the way a lot. Sometimes Sadie (who is much smaller than Tiny) seems to do nothing but be a hassle!

Thanks :) The doctor said she's got a good prognosis if they remove the voice box, and my grandma is a fighter (her biggest worry now is being taken care of by a "one-handed man," aka my grandpa lol)

Tiny's gorgeous! I hope you get to take him home!:)

Isn't he a cutie? :p