View Full Version : Prays Needed for Apollo & Hermes

04-02-2010, 07:35 AM
Early this morning around 3:30 a.m. I heard one of our guys throwing up. I found a small hairball and some other throw up spots as well.

I thought it was from Fiona but a little later on Apollo started throwing up and continued. He must of had an upset tummy or something. He was hiding under the kitchen table and wouldn't come out. I brought him to work with me since there isn't a lot of people here today. He seems to be acting fine now, he is eating a little bit of food now and wants love and I think he's doing better now.

Hermes on the other hand has been coughing, it sounds like it's in his lungs but I can't be sure. He doesn't seem to have any discharge out of his nose or anything like that and his eyes look fine but it's just this deep congestion sounding cough.

I'm probably going to call the vets today about him since he has Herpes as well.

Prays would be appreciated.


04-02-2010, 10:10 AM
Thats always a sad scary feeling when we hear a Cat whos not feeling well and we imagine the worst!!:(
We at the Found Cat Hotel send All Of Our Prayers and Love to You Appollo ^^ and Hemes^^ , Our Dear Cat^^ Friends!!^^ ^^!!!

Pinot's Mom
04-02-2010, 10:15 AM
Prayers on the way! :love:

04-02-2010, 10:49 AM
Prayers for Apollo and Hermes. Be well, kitties!

04-02-2010, 11:33 AM
So Apollo's okay to be at work with you. He must love people.:) I know that mine would be too stressed out being in a strange place. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to both Apollo and Hermes.

Since Hermes has the herpes virus, have you tried giving him Lysine? It comes in either a paste or powder form and the powder form can be mixed in with his food.

04-02-2010, 12:27 PM
So Apollo's okay to be at work with you. He must love people.:) I know that mine would be too stressed out being in a strange place. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to both Apollo and Hermes.

Since Hermes has the herpes virus, have you tried giving him Lysine? It comes in either a paste or powder form and the powder form can be mixed in with his food.

Apollo was fine, he managed to go up the stairs while I wasn't watching him and I ended up taking him up to my co-workers office since she has a door to confine him a little better. He had a fun morning, I took him back home at lunch time since he was acting fine.

I actually have Lysine at home, I think we stopped giving him the powder mix because it was around the time he started scratching at his head and he ended up needing surgery on his face. I'll check with the vet tonight. I peeked in on him in the bedroom and he started having a coughing fit, it almost sounds like Sophia's cough (she has asthma) but I'm just hoping it's just a simple cold since Fiona, Osiris, Apollo all had it. I'm thinking he is just getting the little cold bug but I just hope it's not asthma.


04-02-2010, 02:43 PM
Prayers going up for Apollo and Hermes and you, Melissa. Keep the faythe.

04-02-2010, 02:50 PM
:) I second that too.. Prayers coming..
Prayers going up for Apollo and Hermes and you, Melissa. Keep the faythe.

04-02-2010, 05:01 PM
Prayers going up for Apollo and Hermes and you, Melissa. Keep the faythe.

from Chicago too
<img src="http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o309/limabeanlover/Smileys/PRAYER.gif">

04-02-2010, 06:22 PM
I hope your kitties feel better soon. I hope Hermes doesn't have feline heartworm, that's always my worst fear when clients call and have a coughing kitty, fortunately it's not very common.

04-03-2010, 07:24 AM
HI Everyone-

Hermes was at the vets last night and the congestion isn't in his lungs thank goodness. He does have an URI and he's on clavomox 1 1/2 tablets for the next 7 or 10 days.

She said if he isn't better we will need to bring him in for a recheck but if he's fine we won't need too :)

Now back to Apollo he got sick again last night, he started throwing up, diahrea, he seems to be feeling better this morning but he threw up a lot last night so if you guys could say some more prays that this doesn't develop into anything I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,

Laura's Babies
04-03-2010, 08:03 AM
Glad to hear Hermes is taken care of but what is this with Apollo? Prayers on the way from here too for him. Be careful he don't get dehydrated.

04-03-2010, 07:14 PM
Prayers for you all. May Hermes stay well and Apollo be back to normal shortly.

04-04-2010, 01:14 AM
Melissa, I'm glad to hear that Hermes is now on antibiotics and hopefully he'll recover quickly. I'm so sorry to hear that Apollo is still sick.:( If he's still on antibiotics, do you think that this is causing him to become sick? My Storm became very sick after he'd been on Clavamox pills for a while and my vet at the time said that some cats will become sick from it. He threw up and another time he had a lot of diarrhea from a different type of antibiotic. He then received a shot for the rest of his doseage and didn't have a reaction to it. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to both Apollo and Hermes.

04-05-2010, 07:31 AM
Apollo is doing well now, it must of just been a bug I'm hoping but we'll see.

Hermes, well he is being very difficult about taking the pills. I checked at Petco for those pill pockets because he did eat them at the vets and they were $9. I'm going to check at Walmart to see if they are any cheaper or get him some can food and see if he'll eat that with the pills.

I somewhat feel the need to call the vets and see if there is anyway we could give him a shot if he isn't going to take these pills because he has really bad gums right now so I'm sure me pushing his jaw open isn't helping him feel good. But we'll see. I may see if I can find these pocket pill things cheaper.
