View Full Version : raisins

10-17-2002, 03:29 PM
Does anyone else's cat love to eat raisins? I don't usually give my cats "human food" but Baby absolutely loves raisins. Its very wierd. I usually buy this raisin bread and whenever I eat it in front of her I have to pick all the raisins off and give them to her. She goes nuts... Just wondering if any other kiities out there enjoy them as much as Baby does..

10-17-2002, 03:45 PM
My kittens don't seem to interested in raisins, but my ferrets LOVE them. Of course sugar isn't good for them so they only get raisins sparingly...but when they do...watch out for your fingers!

10-17-2002, 04:25 PM
Noel loves anything sweet...haven't tried raisin's yet. :)

When I got home last night, my hubby said that she stole a "Cheez-It" from his hand! :eek:

10-17-2002, 07:43 PM
As a rule, cats don't like fruit. But with that said, my first cat Brighteyes used to love raisins from raisin bread, especially if I toasted the bread. She would actually come running if you called out "brighteyes, Raisins".
No others ever ate them since her, but Sterling eats almost any kind of fruit (watermelon, dried pineapple and probably raisins if I tried). But not bananas. I dare you to try to give a banana to a cat, they all seem to hate the smell.

10-18-2002, 04:32 AM
Oh yep , my Inka loves raisins :D .... , but not to eat , LOL ! She PLAYS footie with it !http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/bouncebig.gif

All Creatures Great And Small
10-18-2002, 05:23 AM
It's funny what kitties will decide to eat - my dear departed girl kitty was absolutely mad for cantaloupe. She even dragged some of the rinds out of the trash after we had gone to bed and gnawed them down to the green stuff.

Right before I read this thread, my boy kitty was on my lap sharing a sugared doughnut with me - what a goof he is. He's just not very interested in food, so when we find something he likes it's really a discovery. One thing he loves is margarine - he'll eat big slabs of it if you let him.:eek:

10-18-2002, 10:46 AM
My cats Georgia and Tex LOVE cantaloupe and peaches. Georgia can smell the cantaloupe from a mile away, and she comes swishing into the kitchen. Tex will eat nearly anything I eat- he loves bread (only small pieces), peanut butter, butter, pancakes, etc.

Oh yeah, raisins...I will have to try that. They love to play with grapes, does that count? And when I find them under the fridge six months later..they look like raisins...:D

10-18-2002, 01:41 PM
I have to try that! I doubt Oliver will like raisins though... My little kitty might though (she'll eat anything, poor thing).

10-19-2002, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

No others ever ate them since her, but Sterling eats almost any kind of fruit (watermelon, dried pineapple and probably raisins if I tried). But not bananas. I dare you to try to give a banana to a cat, they all seem to hate the smell. Well I knew a cat that loved bananas and cantelope. She was my parents cat. She was a long haired tuxedo cat and was half siamese. If my Mom was peeling a banana, she'd hear this and come running to my Mom so she could have some. She had to be put to sleep last year. She was about 10 years old. My cats favorite people food is rice pudding. They even know what the container looks like. When they see it there eyes light up and all 3 of them start begging and meowing. :)