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Laura's Babies
03-29-2010, 05:00 PM
From soon to be a year ago! Who would have thought that in a years time, she would have 4 million dollars deposited in her account from her first CD?

We ALL will remember this one and how it made us feel. I have to admit it still gives me that same great feeling to watch it over when I watch it!

03-29-2010, 06:05 PM
She's got the voice of a songbird!!! Awesome!!

03-29-2010, 06:12 PM
I'm hooked on her song: "Who I Was Born To Be" :love::love::love:

Laura's Babies
03-29-2010, 08:17 PM
I'm hooked on her song: "Who I Was Born To Be"

So am I!! That song was written for her and my favorite song on her CD! It is just a beautiful song, perfect for her and her voice... and she IS finally free and has the world in her hands and it IS her time to fly!! (and flying she is!)

When I was a child
I could see the wind in the trees
And I heard a song in the breeze
It was there, singing out my name

But I am not a girl
I have known the taste of defeat
And I have finally grown to believe
It will all came around again

And though I may not
Know the answers
I can finally say I am free
And if the questions
Led me here, then
I am who I was born to be

And so here am I
Open arms and ready to stand
I've got the world in my hands
And it feels like my turn to fly

Repit coro

When I was a child
There were flowers that bloomed in the night
Unafraid to take in the light
Unashamed to have braved the dark

Repit coro
And ends: I am who I was born to be
I am who I was born to be.

03-30-2010, 11:30 AM
I watched this video again just like it was the first time - and I had the same reaction after watching it dozens of times over the year. It brings tears of joy to my eyes. She may not be everyones cup of tea - but she sure is mine!

Her birthday is Thursday - A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!!:love::love: