View Full Version : My conscience is bothering me; good update; 4/22; post #25

03-27-2010, 07:18 AM
I received a call from my computer repairman saying that he needed my help. A friend of his will be selling an office building and the previous tenants vacated and left two cats there, :mad: both big yellow tiger cats. Gorgeous! He had been feeding them, etc. but once the building is sold, the cats have to go. So I talked to the man and he told me that he was going to keep one of them and when asked why he couldn't keep both, he said that he has a 5 year history w/one and only a 5 month history w/the other. Makes no sense to me but he was adamant that the second one had to go. So I agreed to take him off his hands to a rescue organization here in Akron.

When I walked in the office, Curtis the cat ran right over to me, purring away as I petted him. He let me hold him, he put his head on my shoulder, just a lovebug in every way. The man did not want to part w/him. He held him close, told him how much he was going to miss him, had tears in his eyes; it was heartwrenching. On the way to the rescue place, Curtis only let out a few pathetic mews, gave me no problems whatsoever, even transferring him from the carrier to a cage. He must be so confused right now, having had the freedom to roam that office building and now he's caged and I'm sure missing the guys who took care of him. He looks so much like Buddy, the yellow cat that I almost adopted last year but had to be PTS, same personality, too. I wish I could take him but I can't. I know how my cats, especially Specs, would react and there would be chaos in this house. And I sure don't need pee wars. Most importantly, I'm just too old to adopt a young cat now and my vet bills are always staggering b/c of having so many special needs cats.

I'm sorry to rant. I just feel so bad. I couldn't sleep all night; Curtis was always in my mind. I hope someone will fall in love w/him as I did. How could they not? He's the sweetest boy and just wants love. :(

Pinot's Mom
03-27-2010, 07:45 AM
Mary, you cannot keep them all. I know it hurts, but you made sure he was taken where he will be cared for and adopted. You did what you could do. Please take solace in that.:love:

Laura's Babies
03-27-2010, 08:42 AM
I know exactly how you feel and it is heartbreaking, isn't it? Our hearts tell us one thing but our logic tells us something else.

03-27-2010, 08:57 AM
Mary, you cannot keep them all. I know it hurts, but you made sure he was taken where he will be cared for and adopted. You did what you could do. Please take solace in that.:love:

Very well said. Any reason the man couldn't take Curtis in, and leave you out of the loop? For me, I know even seeing them, meeting them, does a job on me.

Sounds like Curtis is young, and loving. He has a good chance of being adopted.

03-27-2010, 09:24 AM
I feel the same way when I see a young Found Cat out there as I know taht I may have to move out of the Hotel in a few years.
And Miquelito and Tubster Panthwer would make things tough on these new comers.:(:(
I feel so badly and guilty though that I could not help Ebonite and Golden Rod and that they met such sad fates.:(:(
There are two Youngish Orange Cats out there now, and we do love Orange here.
I pray I can help poof them to a Furr Ever Home.:love::love::love:

03-27-2010, 09:32 AM
This is why I can't rescue, volunteer at a shelter, or even walk past the animals in cages in Petsmart.
You did what you could Mary - much more than a lot of people would do. He's safe and warm and dry and has food. He could have been completely abandoned and ended up on the streets. Somebody will come along and fall in love with him and take him home, so don't feel bad. You did good girl - again!!!:love:

03-27-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm sorry to hear that these kitties were left behind, but at least the man can take one of them. Curtis sounds like a sweet boy and I'm sure someone will come along and fall in love. Don't feel bad for not being able to take him, he is dry and has food now. :)

03-27-2010, 09:53 AM
To add to the drama, when I was driving off w/him, the song "It Won't Be This Way For Long" came on. Talk about LES!

03-27-2010, 10:39 AM
Darn - my screen is blurry again..........:(

03-27-2010, 10:56 AM
Well, I emailed the man that I turned him over to at the rescue place and he has a special fondness for yellow/orange kitties so he said that he would personally oversee Curtis. I feel better about that, at least.

03-27-2010, 12:50 PM
Mary you did the right thing. I know how hard it is believe me.

My thoughts are with you that you'll be able to sleep better tonight.

03-27-2010, 04:25 PM
I will pray that My Orange Porch Angels will help Curtis find a Furr Ever Home.:love::love::love:
I know that Orange Blossom :cool: Road Block :) Orangie :D and Golden Rod will all do their best to make Curtis irresistable!!!

03-27-2010, 06:45 PM
Mary, you have a good heart, and did the right thing. Who knows what could have happened if you did not step in.....HUGS

03-27-2010, 07:10 PM
oh Mary my heart goes out to you, i know exactly how you feel, when that horrible owner left nikki and ellie behind she also left Ellie's son, i could not possible have five cats and being a boy he was fighting with Ash all the time, i got him fixed and i was so lucky i managed to get him to a farm, i could tell the people who took him were going to be kind to him, but i often think of him and hope he is ok,,it is heartbreaking, but sometimes we just have to part with them, we cannot save them all.

Here's hoping curtis finds a loving home soon, keep us posted if you here anything., and giant HUGS.:love::love:

03-27-2010, 11:50 PM
Mary, you did the right thing and he sounds like a wonderful cat so I'm sure he'll find his loving forever home very soon.:) I too have a thing for orangies and although I won't be adopting any more cats any time soon because I'm trying to get down to no more than 2 cats, I do hope to be able to adopt another orange boy some day.:)

03-28-2010, 06:47 AM
Today's COTD, Joey, looks so much like Curtis except that he's small and Curtis is a big boy but Joey was left behind as well before he was rescued and now has a good home. I dreamed about Curtis last night, that he was snuggling right next to my face in bed. I'll get over this but this is also why I can no longer be in rescue work. It's finally taken its toll on me.

03-28-2010, 03:45 PM
Oh, Mary, God bless you. You have done so much for so many kitties, and you have given Curtis the best chance you could.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat and cats

03-29-2010, 02:30 PM

My thoughts are with you. I've had dreams like this, but they are always about ones that I haven't trapped or tried to catch and can't.

I do what I can when I can and that has to be enough. Although right now I wish I wasn't involved in some things while other things are going crazy but what can you do.


03-30-2010, 06:54 AM
I'm sure he'll find a wonderful forever home soon. It was a no kill shelter, right? So he'll have time to find that right person!

Like others said, you can't save them all, even though we all wish we could. I love big yellow and orange kitties, I'd come to Ohio myself if I could afford another one.

03-30-2010, 06:57 AM
I'm sure he'll find a wonderful forever home soon. It was a no kill shelter, right? So he'll have time to find that right person!

Like others said, you can't save them all, even though we all wish we could. I love big yellow and orange kitties, I'd come to Ohio myself if I could afford another one.

Oh absolutely it's a no kill shelter. They have a special cat room and it's supervised 24/7. They let several cats out of their cages at once to interact w/each other, there are cat condos everywhere, shelves built onto the walls for the cats to climb, a really nice place. But he still spends a lot of time caged, which bothers me so much. If I had turned him over to an adoptive person, that would've been different. It hurt when I turned over LBK but I got over it. b/c he went to a really good home. Turning him over to a shelter is different but it's a good place so I'm thankful for that. His little mew just broke my heart; he seemed so lost.

03-30-2010, 07:24 PM
His little mew just broke my heart; he seemed so lost. I hear you Mary. The last time I was at my local shelter to visit Merlin, there was this little orangie boy that demanded my attention the whole time I was there. When it came time to leave I told him that I would have to go and would be back soon. He meowed at me even after I closed the door. :(

You've heard this before but you can't save them all. What you are doing now is more than I could ever do. Bless you Mary and have faith that he will find a loving home.

hugs :love::love::love:

03-30-2010, 07:32 PM
My friend went to the rescue place to check on Curtis today at my request (nagging). He said "Boy, is he ever friendly!". Sigh.

03-31-2010, 07:27 PM
Mary, Curtis is safe, has shelter and food. That is much more than many have, and you made sure he has at least that. He has a chance at a forever home, too. Because of you!

You have to keep telling yourself...Saving them doesn't mean you keep them all, you just do your little(or big) part in ensuring they have a chance.

04-01-2010, 04:49 PM
I still wonder about what ever became of Porch Cats from yesterday.
Whatever became of Tiger^^ Freddy ^^ Catzilla ^^ Humphey^^ and many Porch Cats who came by for meals and have never returned.
Some sadly have become Angels :( but some Porch Cats , I still wonder about and pray that they are all right somewhere and are happy.:love:

04-22-2010, 09:14 AM
A woman whose orangie of 14 years died and when she found Curtis, it was an instantaneous match. She said she's going to spoil him rotten. So my big yellow/orange boy has a permanent home. Huzzah! :love::D

Prairie Purrs
04-22-2010, 10:31 AM
Wonderful news! He'll be a very happy kitty.

04-22-2010, 10:31 AM
EXCELLENT news! Thank you, Curtis's new Meowmie AND Mary! Well done.

04-22-2010, 10:46 AM
Wonderful news!


04-22-2010, 10:57 AM
That's great news! :) Do you know what happened to the other cat who was left behind?

04-22-2010, 11:23 AM
Randi - the other cat was taken by the man who was looking after both of them. :)

04-22-2010, 11:33 AM
This is wonderful news!!!:D

04-22-2010, 12:48 PM
Once you've had orange, you're hooked for life!:D

04-22-2010, 01:18 PM
Randi - the other cat was taken by the man who was looking after both of them. :)
That's great! :D I was a bit confused about which of them it was.

04-22-2010, 01:27 PM
Great news!!

All's well that ends well.........:love:

04-23-2010, 11:29 PM
Yeah carole is running around doing a happy dance, yeah curtis you have a furever home and an awesome one by the sounds of it, fantastic news, the kind i love to hear.