View Full Version : Do I have a right to be annoyed?

03-25-2010, 06:14 PM
This lady my mom knows (the owner of the papillion dumbo if you remember him), asked us to watch her cats next week. Okay, no problem. They're not coming over here, we're going to feed them at their house. My mom asked about Dumbo, 'cause we love that dog like our own. She says he's staying with her brother. Then she remarks, "mikey will tear him apart". Um, excuse me??? Don't spread rumors around my town about how my dog is "going to tear yours apart". I was pretty mad when I heard this, she has met him once. He was EXCITED needless to say, but they're new people, and he loves meeting people. Her son "didn't like him". I will admit Mikey is a WILD dog around kids, but he can't help it. He isn't vicious by any means he just gets excited. He thinks he can rough-house with them when he can't and we always keep him under control.

Am I making a big deal out of nothing?? I mean, I thought that was really rude. My dog isn't going to kill your dog, he's not vicious. He's a mush, he loves to play..he's not a killing-machine. She wasn't in love with him when she met him, but that doesn't mean she has to make rude remarks. Maybe she just worded it wrong but It just rubs me the wrong way. And who knows what she says to other people?? She's that type of person.

03-25-2010, 06:18 PM
She sounds like she could be the sister or the *itch I had a run in with. :p

03-25-2010, 06:26 PM
It's hard to tell without seeing her facial expression, if she was joking or serious.

I have a friend with a big dog, and I always say that her dog could eat both of mine for a snack, but it's just a joke.

Maybe she didn't mean anything by it.........:confused:

03-25-2010, 06:53 PM
Maybe she could have worded it different? I'd be a bit offended.

03-25-2010, 08:25 PM
I would be offended too

03-25-2010, 08:28 PM
It's okay to be a little annoyed, but just tell her how you feel and then let it go. Don't hang onto a grudge on this one, okay? Next time you see that person, you can explain "Mikey wouldn't really tear him apart, after all, he's not a cookie!"

03-25-2010, 08:32 PM
Alyssa, I know exactly how you feel.

Micki USED to be an evil little dog. He has a small bite record, actually. Nothing too serious, but he didn't used to like little kids at all. My Aunts have called him many horrible names and notify other people coming into our house that our dogs are not friendly and not to go near them. It DRIVES ME CRAZY! I get soo mad every single time. He has not bitten a single person (knocks on wood) in about 5 years but they still think he's a an evil kid eating machine.

Now Kyra is a little b*tchy. People always want to pick her up and hold her since she's so small...but she really doesn't like it. It totally freaks her out, and I don't blame her. If you just ignore her or play ball with her she'll be your best friend, if you try to grab her she'll bite you. People don't get it. She also gets called bad names. It comes up at every family gathering, I swear, and it makes me mad.

Jack also bit somebody once. (My dogs are not horrible, I swear! lol) His was more of a protective thing and bit somebody on the sidewalk. A few weeks after the incident I had him downtown where there were lots of people and lots of dogs. My Aunt also showed up and chewed me out because I was bringing an "aggressive" dog into public. I tried to explain to her that he was protecting the house, that we were working on it, and will not attack everything within sight.

It's frustrating. But in the end I know my dogs and I know that they aren't horrible, mean, man-eating things. Don't worry about what she says or thinks. You know the truth :)

03-25-2010, 09:19 PM
I guess it's stupid to get mad at this, it's such a small thing. I never really get mad at things like this, tiny remarks, but when something regarding my DOG, family, friends, honor, and the like come into play - typically it peeves me. It definitely wasn't a joke, my mom said. I just don't like the way she worded it. It sounds like she thinks he's going to kill her dog. :rolleyes:

Alyssa, I know exactly how you feel.

Micki USED to be an evil little dog. He has a small bite record, actually. Nothing too serious, but he didn't used to like little kids at all. My Aunts have called him many horrible names and notify other people coming into our house that our dogs are not friendly and not to go near them. It DRIVES ME CRAZY! I get soo mad every single time. He has not bitten a single person (knocks on wood) in about 5 years but they still think he's a an evil kid eating machine.

Now Kyra is a little b*tchy. People always want to pick her up and hold her since she's so small...but she really doesn't like it. It totally freaks her out, and I don't blame her. If you just ignore her or play ball with her she'll be your best friend, if you try to grab her she'll bite you. People don't get it. She also gets called bad names. It comes up at every family gathering, I swear, and it makes me mad.

Jack also bit somebody once. (My dogs are not horrible, I swear! lol) His was more of a protective thing and bit somebody on the sidewalk. A few weeks after the incident I had him downtown where there were lots of people and lots of dogs. My Aunt also showed up and chewed me out because I was bringing an "aggressive" dog into public. I tried to explain to her that he was protecting the house, that we were working on it, and will not attack everything within sight.

It's frustrating. But in the end I know my dogs and I know that they aren't horrible, mean, man-eating things. Don't worry about what she says or thinks. You know the truth :)

Ash, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I don't get along with my aunt well either, and she has never liked my pets - so I can see why you'd be P/O. I've been in your situation before. I think you're absolutely right. :) I shouldn't care what people think, and I generally don't - but I don't like when people make smart remarks and lies about something. It just rubs me the wrong way, ya know?

03-25-2010, 10:15 PM
That's annoying. Someone met Delta for the first time, that works with my husband. There dog was new to the dog park and very timid. For some reason Delta likes to pick on timid puppies or small timid dogs. Believe you me we are working on the small dogs and she is getting a lot better. Well, I told Delta to stop playing with the timid husky pup because she growled at her and grabbed onto the tip of the tail hairs. Well now the husky pup and Delta are fine and play just fine because the husky isn't timid anymore. The lady told my husband that Delta was mean to her dog. I just brushed it off and made sure Zac told her that Delta wasn't mean. She now knows better I think.

03-26-2010, 09:32 AM
I don't blame you for being upset. She obviously wasn't joking because you are not watching Dumbo. But don't let it get to you. Just let it roll off and move on with life. You and your family know Mikey is not mean. And we all know it here too.
It is sad that you won't get to watch Dumbo. But maybe someday she will see that Mikey is a nice pup and all will be well.

03-26-2010, 10:14 AM
Maybe the wrong family member was named Dumbo??? :cool::D

03-26-2010, 11:13 AM
i wouldn't worry about it. Alot of people are wearry of Harley because he is so big and wild... and I really don't like him meeting little dogs because I worry about him swatting them with his big paws. He would never hurt one on purpose, but he doesn't realize his own strength. It would bother me if someone made a reamrk like that about him, but you know that anyone who meets him will think differantly.

03-26-2010, 02:10 PM
Maybe the wrong family member was named Dumbo??? :cool::D

LOL :D Good one Candace!!