View Full Version : The small size plastic pools

03-24-2010, 05:08 PM
When I first got my dog, a mini schnauzer I thought that he would enjoy a swim. So I got a kiddie size pool. I put him inside with the water but he would have nothing to do with it. He jumped out. I guess he does not like water. Especially when it is time to give him a bath. He does not like it! But he puts up with it. The look on his face is, 'how much longer?' His m/s brother used to actually jump out of the tub to escape! God must love dogs a smidge more than humans cause God made them the day before he made humans!

03-24-2010, 07:13 PM
When I first got Sam he was petrified, even his water dish was approached with caution. So I got my friend and her water-loving dog to come with us to the beach. Once Sam saw how much fun my friends dog(Moko) was having, as well as trying to follow Moko, he started walking into the water, then wading and then even swimming. It also helped that I would walk into the water with him. Now he LOVES water and I've seen him eying the lake we walk by, however we have to wait until it's much warmer, lol.

03-24-2010, 09:27 PM
Yup, it took some time to get Zoee used to the water. Now we can't keep her out of my mom's pool!!! Taggart is still leary of the pool. Zoee goes there to get away from him. LOL

We need to get another pool for this summer. Taggart destroyed the one from a couple years ago.

Maybe your dog just doesn't like it. It's not a big deal. But if you really want him to like it just work with him.

03-25-2010, 09:32 PM
i have had no problems with my puppers and water....my oldest staffordshire terrier is in love with water if i turn around to go pick something up and he is swimming i will turn back around and he is in the middle of the lake swimming in circles:eek: and the same with my other one...but she likes to dive for the rocks at the bottom it scares the crap out of me because she is under the water till she gets that darn rock....and my chihuahuas as soon as break up comes (my yard floods every year) they are out in the yard swimming and it is kinda funny because they like to roll in the mud when they are done with it.....man i guess i am just lucky to have dogs that love the water....but im kinda nervous to see how my marley does with the water because this will be her first summer.....:D