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03-22-2010, 06:07 PM
Hi all of you in PT land! Marlin here.


Some of you remember our photos from this past Saturday. In case you forgot, here are a few to refresh your memory:
Here is a shot of Tasha and Lacey:

One of Sugar

And of course, ME!

None of us look like that any longer! Oh sad, sad, sad day here. It was rainy, so we knew we wouldn't be going on a long walkies. Still, Mum got us up and out early. IT WAS A SPA DAY!

We've all been carrying around our winter coats! Me, I don't like Mum to touch me, so I had my full coat with NO trims since last October; it was over 4 inches long. Tasha was a mass of mats, she don't like brushing as yet. Sugar and Lacey was alright but LONG, if you get my drift. So this is what we look like NOW:

Lacey (she had a couple a hot spots, dey been treated and healing up now)


Tasha and myself.

I been on a diet all those months as well, so now you can see the "new, svelte" ME!

Tasha again:

Well, we had a LOT to say about these happenings, just give a listen:

NO we did NOT want to go out in that rain! We would get wet! We was just driving Mum crazy, he hee. Got her back, you see. Tasha went the furthest:

Refused to step off to the wet ground. THAT will teach Mum not to do spa days, don't you think?

Darlin' Marlin signing off now.

03-22-2010, 07:15 PM
Oh, Marlin, but you will feel so much better when the hot weather comes, I promise! You look quite handsome, and svelte indeed!

03-22-2010, 07:32 PM
All those pictures are PAWDORABLE!!!!!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
03-22-2010, 09:38 PM
"Svelte" is an understatement!! What a difference. All of you look mahvelous. More great pictures!! :D

03-22-2010, 09:48 PM
Darlin Marlin and Tasha, since you don't let mom care for your coats, I hope you feel much better now that you have gotten a trim! All 4 of you look beautiful!

03-23-2010, 05:04 AM
Oh my, you all look like different dogs!:D You're all adorable, long or short coats!;)

03-23-2010, 08:41 AM
Hi Marlin - my ol' buddy - Sparky here.

Hey - I have to admit that you look quite spiffy, and the girls - va-va-voom!!! I wish I lived closer so I could go walking those trails with you - and get dirty. That's always sooo much fun! Mom doesn't appreciate it much tho.........

And I have to go to the groomer along with Myndi next Tuesday too. Mom says I look like a scruffy teddy bear with all this long hair. She thinks I'm too chunky too, and calls me Porky, but I'll show her once all that hair is gone. HA! Maybe then I can get back some treats she has been cutting back on. Myndi only gets trimmed up since she doesn't mat. Wish I knew her secret to that!!!! And would you believe she plans on taking us for a photo shoot with the Easter Bunny after our day at the spa???? How embarrassing....:eek: Busy week next week - we have to go to the vet on Monday to get our tickers checked (we have heart murmurs ya' know).

Oops - sorry - didn't mean to ramble - but I never get to talk to guy dogs in this house. You know how that goes tho.......:p

Feel free to send me a chat any old time - okay???

03-23-2010, 08:48 AM
WOOF! Good hear from ya, Sparky ma man!

We missed a visit to da BUNNY as that was on Sunday here, and we wasn't all purty- ed up yet. Give him a lick from me, K? I be waitin;' to see ya picture!

Get nice a dirty rolling this week, cuz Mums doesn't care so much when it is right before a spa day! Who cares if da vet thinks you scruffy? BOL!

I been to da door FOUR TIMES already, but I can't go out, it is pouring rain and the back yard is under water again. Rollin' in stuff at da field is one thing, but getting tootsies wet on a business trip? NO WAY!

03-23-2010, 09:08 PM
Uh, oh, Marlin! Do you have a different spot to ... uhm, go ... when your yard is very wet? You had so much snow this winter and now pouring rain; that doesn't sound good. Could you please have mum give you and Lacey, Sugar and Tasha and the kitties some petting from me? And could you give a gentle get-well snuggle to your granddad for me when you see him again, please?

Thank you,

03-24-2010, 06:08 AM
Marlin, I think you guys look ADORABLE either way! :) :love:

03-24-2010, 04:11 PM
Thanks, Mikey's Mom!

Uh, oh, Marlin! Do you have a different spot to ... uhm, go ... when your yard is very wet?

Woof, we use Mum's kitchen floor!

03-24-2010, 04:43 PM
Woof, we use Mum's kitchen floor!

MARLIN!!!!!! I don't believe you said that, ol' pal. :(

I like to go out in the rain, but Mom says that I'm just a typical boy. Prissy Myndi HATES getting her tootsies wet. Mom takes her outside to go and she just stands there and is so stubborn that she refuses to "go", then comes inside and does it. She doesn't get in trouble tho, cause Mom says she's getting older and a little senile - whatever that means. :confused::confused:

Rain is FUN, man............:D

Scruffy Sparky signing off. :)