View Full Version : Amy

Laura's Babies
03-21-2010, 09:37 AM
I am so worried about Amy. She has gotten worse with her CH and I can't figure out why. Is it age? She will be 7 this year. Is it the weather? I have noticed I always feel cold and damp and these old bone ache more so is it that? I still give her the Cosequin and she seems to be feeling good , just having a far more difficult time getting around. She is falling over a lot, trembeling a lot more and her front legs seem to not work as good as they have before.

She is still as sweet as ever, wanting more attention from me, still loves her brushing but it does seem to bother her since she growls when I touch her on the back close to her tail and back legs... But she still enjoys being brushed.

I know taking her to the vet wouldn't do much good, they would be as puzzeled as I am over this decline and would just offer another depo shot. I think the Cosequin does the same thing in how it makes her feel and I am already giving her that. What I mean by the "same thing" is they both make her act like she feels better but offers no improvements on her getting around.

I did a short video of her yesterday so you could see her. You can see she still dosen't give up doing what she wants to do.


Anyone have any opinions or ideas as to what is going on or what I could try?

03-21-2010, 09:57 AM
I don't know a darn thing about CH - but viewing that video makes me just want to pick her up and hug her. Poor sweet baby - but she still managed to climb up to you.

03-21-2010, 10:25 AM
Maybe a mild arthritis med from the vet? That might be affecting her too.

Hugs to wittle Amy.:love:

03-21-2010, 10:41 AM
Oh Poor Amy, it it heartbreaking to see her like that. :( But she did manage to climb up to you for a cuddle - how sweet! Yes, I could hear her purring. :) I dont know what CH is, but I hope something can be done about it. Seven years is no age for a cat.

Lots of scritches and purrs from us. :love:

03-21-2010, 11:17 AM
What a sweetie... all that effort just to climb up to you... and all that purring yet too. Same here, I just want to pick her up and give her a hug! I hope she will start to feel better with the good weather and the set backs will stop.

Lovies and scritchies to all your gang!

Pinot's Mom
03-21-2010, 11:38 AM
Count me in the sorry, don't know about the disease crew. I also wanted to wrap her in my arms. Could you show the video to the vet and maybe they could offer suggestions?

Hugs to you and her (and all the fur babies).:love:

03-21-2010, 11:41 AM
Poor Dear Little Amy!!
We know that Our Pet Talkers Companion Angels are with Amy to help her through what we pray is a temporary condition.
Shes such an Uber Sweet Cat, and so affectionate.
We know that Ebony Beau and Peaches are on the job and will help Amy all that they can.

Laura's Babies
03-21-2010, 11:46 AM
She is already on Cosequin (arthritis medication) and has been for several years. I am wondering if that has quit working or maybe I need to increase what I am giving her. The Cosequin DID make a big differance in how she moved around and how she felt. I am leaning towards the arthritis factor and the Cosequin stopped working for her mainly due to how cold and damp I have been feeling myself.

I don't want to take her into see the vet because of how badly that stresses her and how the stress effects her... I think I will call them tomorrow and see if they think the Cosequin has stopped working and what else we can try until at least this damp feeling in the air passes. I think she is as sensitive to the cold and dampness as I am and perhaps that is what is going on.. I can't believe the cold wet winter we had didn't effect her but now that it is spring, she is being effected..

I have noticed that she lays closer to the heater vents and so does Samantha. I find Samantha hugging the bathroom heater vet all the time. She is curled up next to the one in the living room right now.

03-21-2010, 11:59 AM
I'm sorry. I also have no experience with CH and I know I cannot watch the video because I will cry. But I think calling the vet and asking them about it. Maybe you can up the dose of Cosequin and see if that helps.

Hugs to you and Amy.

03-21-2010, 04:33 PM
For those of you who haven't come across it before, CH is Cerebellar Hypoplasia, a neurological disorder that disrupts the animal's balance and coordination. I am the meowmie of two CH cats, Elmer and Bob.

Laura, I am betting that this is a reaction to the cool, damp weather. If you are feeling the effects of it and Samantha is seeking out and hogging the heating vents, Amy must be feeling it too. How soon do you think the weather might start to improve?

I don't think it would be Amy's age of 7 years. Bob is going on 10 now and is doing no worse than he has before. He always has fallen quite a bit while trying to stand up or walk, ever since I've had him (about 2 years now) and before with his previous family (his whole life up until then).

That sounds like a good idea to talk to the vet and see what they think might be going on. I hope an increase in the Cosequin dose or perhaps a slightly stronger supplement might give her some relief. I agree with you that you don't want to put her through the stress of actually going to the vet's if there's anything else you can do to ease things up for her at home.

Laura, there is a HandicappedPets e-mail and/or web group and I believe a number of groups and/or sites devoted specifically to CH cats. I know some people regularly involved with them (I don't follow them regularly myself because I already spend too much time here!). If you wish, I will contact people and see if I can come up with any other answers or ideas or leads for you and Amy.

Let's see what Helene (lvpets2002) has to say, what with her many CHers, too!

Elmer and Bob and all of us send our love to Amy - Bob especially, because Amy is his one true love!

03-21-2010, 04:39 PM
My CH guy (Farley) has a lot more difficult when he is stressed, but also when he is tired (as if a cat ever gets tired :rolleyes:)

Can you set up a little heating station/pad where Amy sleeps? That might help her a little bit

03-21-2010, 05:16 PM
Laura, I'm sorry to hear that Amy is feeling so poorly.:( I also don't know anything about CH but I agree that maybe you could get her some kind of heating pad to sleep on. It doesn't have to be the electric kind because there are some that you can heat up in the microwave and the heat will last for many hours. Here's a link to one: http://cozywinters.com/shop/snugglesafe.html. I hope that she'll start feeling better soon. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

03-21-2010, 06:37 PM
I did not find the video upsetting at all! I saw a very sweet kitty who was going to get to her meowmie no matter what. What a determined little girl Amy is. I would send the video to the vet and see what they say. I hope she starts moving better very soon. She has such a cute purr. She sure loves her meowmie, doesn't she?:love:

Laura's Babies
03-21-2010, 06:54 PM
Amy wants nothing to do with heating pads, I have a closet full of them that I have tried. She realizes the heat is there and won't go back... she can be so fussy. I am hoping this weather gets hot SOON! Cold and damp always had a bad effect on her until the Cosequin.

While my vet is good with her, they are also learning from HER, as they learn about her. Dr. Gott has a friend that has a CH kitty and he always asks me lots of questions about Amy, wanting to learn all he can to perhaps help his friends cat and to compare things with.. His friends cat has seizures.

I know CH'ers are not suppose to get any worse. It was Nancy Efusey (the pet psychic) that alerted me to try something for arthritis, that Amy showed her arthritis like pain all over her body and there were immediate improvements on the Cosequin with her. She has been on this now for several years and has maybe built up a tolerance for it? It is the lack of cordination in her front legs that has me worried, I guess that could be arthritis? They just seem to want to not move in the right direction anymore and are what has her falling over more... I think! Shucks, I just don't know but I AM leaning towards the cold and damp weather and the Cosequin no longer working for her.

I would NOT hesitate to take her in to see the vet if it were not for how bad she stresses. She stresses so bad that it is alarming for me and the vet. That stress will make her even worse than she is and that is what I am trying to avoid.

03-21-2010, 07:09 PM
Maybe talk with the vet about increasing the dose of the Cosoquin...

03-21-2010, 07:44 PM
Laura, do you keep a journal for Amy? Wondering if she has reacted to Spring dampness in the past; maybe not this much, but does she react to the weather? Would a dehumidifier in the house help?

Too bad there is not a forum for CH babies, I'm sure if there were, you would be on it for her.

Now for the arthritis: Cosequin is both glucosamine and chondroitin. Maybe a different formula of those 2 would help? There are just SO many out there!

Marlin has bad hips. In addition to glucosamine and chondroitin, he gets injections of Adequan; I give them here at home. Just checked, Adequan IS available for cats.

For cats, the start up is one dose every 4 days for 6 doses, then once per month.
However, I haven't info on possible side effects for cats, or useage in a cat with CH. Ask your vet to research it.

If you DO go this route, I found it MUCH cheaper to get the script from my vet and by the Adequan on line. (just make sure you order Adequan FELINE, not equine or canine). My vet charges $45 per shot. One vial holds 12 doses. I could buy a vial online for $65! My vet then gave me th 12 syringes, plus instructions how to give the shot, for free. QUITE a savings!

Although I mark the calendar, I can tell when Marlin is due for his monthly shot, he whines for help to get up on the sofa those last few days.

Here is one link (of many)

03-21-2010, 07:58 PM
I would not be surprised if her arthritis is getting to her "good" muscles and joints. All of her "better" bits have been compensating for her weaker bits, and it is probably causing excess wear and tear. Upping or changing her pain meds is what I woiuld probably do, too. My CH baby is only 2 1/2 years old; and, fortunately, hers is mild.
Since Amy doesn't like heating pads, you might try bringing her into the bathroom while you shower. The moist heat would probably help her to feel better. Purrs and well wishes to Amy and your joints:)

PS. Surprise:eek: We though our CH baby Phoebe was fixed. That is, until she came into heat for the first time at 2 1/2 years old:eek: Vet visit in near future;)

03-21-2010, 09:10 PM
Awww, Amy! I hope this is arthritis acting up ... I loved watching you hop up and purr to meowmie!

Laura's Babies
03-21-2010, 11:18 PM
Laura, do you keep a journal for Amy? Wondering if she has reacted to Spring dampness in the past; maybe not this much, but does she react to the weather? Would a dehumidifier in the house help

No Freedom to keeping a journel, but as you notice, I watch her close and notice changes in her right away. I usually notice within days and start watching her. I have been watching her for about 5 days now. It is usually the winters January and Febuary that she had the most trouble since they are our coldest but since on the Cosequin, she had no problems those months. Just as it is starting to warm up, now she is having a problem..

I will make note of your suggestions and discuss them with the vet if he is at a loss as to what to try next..

Since Amy doesn't like heating pads, you might try bringing her into the bathroom while you shower. The moist heat would probably help her to feel better. Purrs and well wishes to Amy and your joints

freckledimple- I don't have to bring her to the bathroom with me, she follows me every time and is my companion while I shower/bathe EVERY time. However, it is the combination of the cold and dampness that effects her.. and where we live is a damp climate usually. This year, worse than normal.

You have a CH'er too? Is your vet up to date on CH? You know he has to be careful what sedation she gets for her spay? The wrong sedation can kill her.. It was admitted to me years later by someone who was there when Amy got spayed that they were all worried to death about doing it because of her condition, although they kept assuring me she would be fine.

03-22-2010, 07:13 AM
Laura, I think you're on to something w/the cold and damp weather. My Creamsicle has CH and she parks her fuzz butt directly on the heat vent until she's warm enough. I also use a heating pad for myself and if I get up from the sofa, she lies down on the heating pad immediately. She's so fat b/c of her allergy meds that it's hard to believe that she could ever be cold but there it is. There is a space heater in the enclosed patio room but she doesn't sit in front of it. She likes to be directly on the heat vent. So I concur w/some others who have suggested that you talk to your vet about upping or changing her meds for arthritis pain. Cgirl isn't on any b/c she has improved over the years and my cat sitter said that she could hardly tell that Cgirl has CH. However, should the time come when I see that she's in pain or discomfort, I'll definitely start her on pain meds. Sweet little Amy, I just want to hug her. :love:

03-22-2010, 07:54 AM
My prays are coming for Amy and for you as well.

I don't have an experience with CH kitties but I would incourage you to talk with your vet or maybe find a more experienced vet who deals with CH and see if they would be willing to talk with you.

Take care,

03-22-2010, 10:30 AM
Hey Laura, reading that Amy does NOT like heating pads, and does follow you in the bathroom, suggests maybe she is more comfortable with moist heat than dry heat? I know even for us humans, there are times to apply a pad and times to apply a water bottle; I never know when to do which!

Maybe that is something to give a try? Again, no idea, just reading over what you have written.

03-22-2010, 11:11 AM
:) Yes there is our Sweetest Darling Amy.. Your are just the Sweetest most Adorable Baby.. I just want to come thru that video & cuddle you.. I am going to say its the Cold & Dampness of the wheather.. My CH Babies have a little more trouble in the Winter due to the coldness.. I try to make sure to keep the house at a constant regulated temp day & night..

Laura's Babies
03-22-2010, 11:26 AM
I have a call in to the vet, he is suppose to call me back..

03-22-2010, 12:07 PM
I sending prayers for Amy. I hope she improves with good weather.:love:

03-22-2010, 01:31 PM
Problems seeing the video but your post just broke my heart. All I can offer you and sweet Amy is non stop prayers. Gentle lovies being sent for Amy and [[[[[HUGS]]]]] for you.

03-22-2010, 01:55 PM
You have a CH'er too? Is your vet up to date on CH? You know he has to be careful what sedation she gets for her spay? The wrong sedation can kill her.. It was admitted to me years later by someone who was there when Amy got spayed that they were all worried to death about doing it because of her condition, although they kept assuring me she would be fine.

Yep, I have a CH baby:love::D:love: Phoebe is our baby doll;) My local vet is aware of CH, but I don't know how "familiar" he is with it. He is sending us to a vet in the next town over, so Phoebe can have her soft palate checked for obstructions(snotty & frequent nose infections). They plan on the blood tests before they even THINK of anesthesia. Sedation is in order though. I will be sure to ask about the different types of anesthesia. Thank you for the heads-up.:)

Laura's Babies
03-22-2010, 01:58 PM
The vet returned my call, he offered those injections but I would have to take her in 3 times the first week for them... That would REALLY stress her so I asked him what else could we try and he suggested the medicam (?) drops. I am going to try that first and see how she does on them, maybe just get her through till the heat of summer gets here...?

03-22-2010, 02:27 PM
Metacam has done wonders for dogs, and I am sure will help your Amy. {{{{hugs}}}} and I hope she feels more comfortable soon. :love:

03-22-2010, 02:45 PM
I have used the Metacam before for Chrissy (non-CH) and it works quite well for pain control ... or at least as much as you can tell from a cat :rolleyes:

I hope it gets warm for you soon

03-22-2010, 03:28 PM
Laura's Babies,

Please read on:


Laura's Babies
03-22-2010, 09:25 PM
Read up on that Donna, thanks for the link!

03-23-2010, 02:02 PM
Laura, do you have a veterinary college anywhere around you? Maybe you could call them up and ask if you could speak with someone who is an expert on CH or neurological disorders in general, or if they can give you any other names or leads to check out?