View Full Version : Welcome Spring!!!

03-20-2010, 09:50 AM
It's officially here and I couldn't be much happier, after the long miserable winter that we just had! :eek:

It's been in the low 70's for the past few days, and that's almost 20 degrees above normal for this time of year, but I'm not complaining. :D

The grass is turning green, the bulb plants are popping their little heads out of the ground, the trees are budding, the motorcycles are back on the road, I'm wearing sandals, the heavy down jackets are put away. Yup - all is well!!

Well almost. My eyes are watering, I'm having sneezing fits, coughing from the post nasal drip, and soon my red car will have that nasty coating of yellow pollen all over it!

Oh - and then the yard cleanup of tons of broken branches, big and small, from all the wind and heavy snow these past few months.

Ah yes - welcome Spring!!! ;)

03-20-2010, 01:20 PM
Consider yourself lucky. It was -7 at 6:30 this morning and it's only 1 degree so far. We had huge snowflakes lying around this morning but the sun melted them. We're supposed to be getting low temperatures like this for the next week. Nothing is green here, still a few snow patches in the shade.

03-20-2010, 01:46 PM
Here in North Texas, it has been beautiful....70's, sunny....but the rain moved across the area this morning, and the temperature is dropping....winter weather advisory...but, this is typical Texas weather!!! My nephew is getting married tomorrow afternoon in an outdoor wedding....will be dry, but COLD!! LOL

03-20-2010, 01:53 PM
We went from very cold to almost HOT within a couple days here. And now it seems like it's going to cool off again. If it could just stay like it is now I'd be so happy. It's been in the mid to upper 70's this past week. Today is overcast though. :( Bring back the sun!!!!

Queen of Poop
03-20-2010, 04:07 PM
Yay, spring is here. -4oC this morning but a nice +13oC now. To be +14oC tomorrow and then we are to wake to SNOW Monday and +1oC.

03-20-2010, 04:10 PM
I WANT MORE SNOW! (But then, so do the farmers... ;) )

03-20-2010, 04:27 PM
Okay my Canadian friends - it's payback time. You're getting snow now because you sent all of what you should have gotten over the winter, to us down here!! :D

We've had snow in April in the past, but not too often. We put the snow shovels away last week - I hope we didn't jinx ourselves. :eek::p And unfortunately our 70+ temps are only good for one more day, then it's back to more normal temps in the 50's and maybe 60's if we're lucky.

The poor farmers around here are praying for NO RAIN!!! With all the snow, and then the monsoon rains, the fields are so soggy, that they can't even get in to plant anything. :(

03-20-2010, 05:10 PM
Pua woke at 11:30 today so got a lovely walk int he woods. It's been spring for some time around here. Lots of flowers. But we didn't even get any snow this winter. Could turn out to be a hot summer this year.

03-20-2010, 05:23 PM
We had 70 degrees today, but it is a one-day thing. We have often had snow in March and April, and even sometimes in May, so calendar notwithstanding, I don't count on the weather being this nice for long! Sure enjoyed it for the day, though, just too well experienced to think it is indicative of anything on a larger scale!

03-20-2010, 05:24 PM
I think Pomtzu is right, we had an almost snowless winter and mild temperatures that broke all records. No snow, no rain, hay will be pretty expensive this year, wouldn't be surprised to see it sell for $6.00 a bale and we'll probably run short and have to order from farther south.
I can't wait for the first flower to pop out. Then it might look like Spring is here.

Queen of Poop
03-20-2010, 06:08 PM
Okay my Canadian friends - it's payback time. You're getting snow now because you sent all of what you should have gotten over the winter, to us down here!! :D

We've had snow in April in the past, but not too often. We put the snow shovels away last week - I hope we didn't jinx ourselves. :eek::p And unfortunately our 70+ temps are only good for one more day, then it's back to more normal temps in the 50's and maybe 60's if we're lucky.

The poor farmers around here are praying for NO RAIN!!! With all the snow, and then the monsoon rains, the fields are so soggy, that they can't even get in to plant anything. :(

We had snow in JUNE last year. And I recall one year when we had snow 11 months of the year. I'm ready for spring. Need to go get a pair of spring shoes and a jacket - he has my stuff in that locker!!

03-20-2010, 09:59 PM
Here in Northeastern Ohio I expect one more big storm. I say that because my son's birthday is the 26th of March and I remember many a year when the snow was high, the temp was love and the mood was sour for those that do not like the snow. I on the other hand see it as an oppertunity to hit my son with one more snow ball if he happens to be in Ohio.

03-20-2010, 10:14 PM
Woo! Woo! I'm so thrilled at our beautiful weather, I could cry. I packed up my winter coats, put away all my heavy sweaters and sweats. I don't care if I jump the gun. I'm already in short sleeves and no coat. I have terrible spring fever. My crocus' are blooming and my tulips are sprouting their leaves. The squirrels, groundhogs and critters are teasing Logan and I'm feeding her outside while I sit on my swing glider and read the paper and enjoy a refreshing cocktail. Windows are wide open and an extra blanket for nighttime as been added. I slept like a log last night. The fresh air smell in the house is intoxicating.
Of course, when the temp reaches 90+, I'll be complaining! :rolleyes::D:D:D

03-21-2010, 07:30 AM
I didn't even check the temp here. It was warm and sunny; that's all I care about. I washed windows inside and out, cleaned my garage and driveway, patio, etc. Got lots done and I was going to do more today but I awoke w/a screaming headache, so maybe I'll just chill a bit. Last year we got two feet of snow on March 15; we always get one last blast in March. I put all the snow stuff away, so I hope we get a break this year.

03-21-2010, 09:57 AM
We were supposed to have a dusting...maybe an inch, but we woke up to about 3-4 inches this morning....It will all melt pretty fast, though, as the high today will be about 40....then 60 something tomorrow and the seventies after that!!! Sheesh!!

03-21-2010, 10:06 AM
Today is the last day of our 70 degree Spring-tease. Rain (just what we DON'T need) tomorrow and temps heading back down to more normal 50's for a while. Oh well - it was nice while it lasted! :(

03-21-2010, 10:10 AM
We have had beautiful weather in the 70's, then this morning it is cool and drizzling rain. The weather prognosticators are saying tomorrow we may have snow showers with a high in the 40'. Then they say we will be back in the 70's by Wednesday. i guess if you don't like the weather just wait a day or two. I'm ready for spring to come and stay for good. Our Winter by northern US or Canadian standard has been mild. Still, It has been the coldest, wettest winter in my memory.

03-21-2010, 01:31 PM
Kokopup....sounds like you are getting what hit us....Today, we woke up to 3-4 inches of snow...more in some places...high in the 40's, windy, but tomorrow will be warm again!