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10-16-2002, 09:39 PM
I've wanted a Golden retriever, or Doberman Pinscher puppy for a while now! But, my parents aren't so sure that they want another dog.:( They know I am responsible enough, but they still aren't so sure!
These are some Golden Retriever names:
Tahoe (I'll probably name him this!)
Dance (I LOVE Dance, and my dance teacher!!!)

Can any of you help me with getting this puppy?? Thanks!:) ;)

10-16-2002, 10:02 PM
My parents had a strict "one dog at a time" policy. Besides, what will happen when you go away to college in a few years? Who will take care of him or her then?

Of course, were *I* your parent, it wouldn't be a problem, one look, and that puppy's be in the car!

10-16-2002, 10:20 PM
My pleas for my own dog went on deaf ears when I was a child, Sarah. :( We had a dog (but he was my mom's dog, of course). But when you get "old as dirt", like me, then you can do what you want to!!! And I did!!! That's how I ended up with two dogs, two cats, two birds and a hamster!! LOL!!! And when I get married in a couple of months, then I'll have another dog to add to my crew!!!

Patience.........I know it's hard. Too bad Karen or I aren't your mama!!!! :D

10-17-2002, 06:35 AM
As Logan said, you are probably going to have to wait till you are older and our on your own. I too want another dog so badly. Andrew and I have decided to wait till after we move to consider it.

10-17-2002, 06:58 AM
Sarah, the part about leaving home for college or whatever where you probably won't be able to take your dog(s) with you is true. I still think of the Shetland Sheepdog I had to leave behind when I went to college. My mother decided she didn't want to be bothered with dogs so we found another home for him with a neighboring farm family. He had a good life and lived to an old age, but after a year or two at college I went to see him and he didn't seem to remember me. It was devastating to leave him and heart breaking to think he didn't remember, though I know that was for the best. {tears flowing now} (I still love you, Treve)

Aspen and Misty
10-17-2002, 07:25 AM
Ahh yes the strict no more pets rule I am well aware of it. When we got the two boys (cats) for x-mas 2 years ago my parents said NO more animals. We already had 5 cats 1 hamster and 1 dog, that was alot for my parents (they were never aloud to own animals whne they were young). When my beloved Hamster Apsen died we deced to get 2 rats, Melony and Hope. At the end of the school year that year I got my dog Chewy. When college ended that year and everyone was going home for the summer we rescued a Oscar Fish from being killed, we named him Guy. Well Guy got kinda lonly so we bought a cat fish for his tank, Kitty. And my sister's boyfriend deced she need a Chameleon, Peaches. And then we got a frog for peaches to live with Cream. Tee hee so...... 6 animal later we are back at the no morep ets thing. LOL O the joy of the no more pets rule. it works so well in my hosue hold :D I was told for as long as I rember if you want a dog your going to have to wait cause once Teddy dies there will be no more dogs in this household. So I guess Chewy, Australian Shepher mix puppy, is really a cat :p ;)


10-17-2002, 07:25 AM
The bad news is this...I'm 43 years old and I still have to get permission to get a puppy...but now I have to ask a wife instead of a mom!

Get the Doberman puppy...you will be in love for life!

10-17-2002, 10:15 AM
I'm only allowed 2 dogs at a time myself. Before I got Josie, I wasn't suppost to get another dog, just Rufy. I got him to give in by paying for her, and everything else. As for Zeke, I knew if I got him out to look at him, he'd give in, and, when I got to university, prob not here, I'll just live off campus in a place with my dogs :] Maybe you could do the same if it's a prob :]

10-17-2002, 10:54 AM
Well it was probably pretty stupid of me to get a dog when I'm just at that college age. I hear this quite often. I just said that I'll go to a college close enough that I can still live at my parents house. Past that...I don't know...but wherever I go Nebo's coming with me! :D

10-17-2002, 11:01 AM
We got Drake when we were in college. We knew all along we would want a dog and moved in a house that allowed pets even though we didn't have one at the time.

10-17-2002, 12:29 PM
I've been working on my parents for years now. Maybe it's a financial issue [like with me] not a trust/ responsible type thing.

10-17-2002, 03:34 PM
I know all about your frustration! Growing up, we were never allowed to have pets beyond fish & hermit crabs. Not to knock crabs or anything, but they are hardly cuddly and you can't take fish for walks! My Dad just never understood, and finally 2 years before I moved out I begged & pleaded for a parakeet. One of my first questions to Mark was "are you a cat person or a dog person?" I was horrified when he said he was a cat person, but never really thought about or was interested in having a pet. :eek: :( I have been working on him since that day, and we have had 2 hamsters, a parakeet, a cockatiel, a cat and a dog!! :D And now we are working on a bunny! And Mark loves every single one of our critters! He cried when our hamsters died, and he plays with the dog, and gives tons of attention to the cat. He just needed a LOT of warming up to the idea!

So hang in there, and when you move out you make your own decisions--even to have a zoo if that is what you want! :D:)

10-17-2002, 03:43 PM
Took me til I was 14 to talk my parents in to the 1st dog and at that time my dad said if we got another one, he was moving out :) Now that all three kids are out of the house, they have 3 dogs! Parents are funny :)

Good Luck in your quest for a puppy :)

10-17-2002, 06:52 PM
I hear ya, my folks were the same way. They wouldn't let me get one dog until my sister decided that she wanted to get her daughter a dog, that didn't work out though thank goodness (my sister and her daughter live with us) and my mom knew that I was kind of bumed 'cause I wanted a dog so she said that if I paid for it and all that fun stuff I could get one...that would be Smudge, and then last August my friend said that Smudge needed a sister...her words not mine, but I liked em ;) and then that Sept she said that she knew of a border collie that needed a home (I was sold at border collie) and that it would be a perfect fit with Smudge and I. Once mom heard that and I showed her and told her a little bit about borders she said yes...took her a couple of days to decide and what do ya know my friend had the people bring Winter into town that weekend even before I knew I could have her, can you say destined for each other?

Just give your folks time they might change your mind, or wait until you're older and then get as many dogs as you want. I know that I have two dogs right now but when I move out (whenever that maybe) I wouldn't mind getting a third dog.

10-17-2002, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Well it was probably pretty stupid of me to get a dog when I'm just at that college age. I hear this quite often. I just said that I'll go to a college close enough that I can still live at my parents house. Past that...I don't know...but wherever I go Nebo's coming with me! :D

right on! LOL thats exactly what I say. If I can't bring my dogs to college then I am not going to live there, I'll live at home. I can't live without my three dogs no matter what.

Also my family might be moving to Florida. and My mom said that when we do I'll get to get my Doberman puppy!!! (it's my favorite breed + my moms too)

10-18-2002, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Wolf_Q
Well it was probably pretty stupid of me to get a dog when I'm just at that college age. I hear this quite often. I just said that I'll go to a college close enough that I can still live at my parents house. Past that...I don't know...but wherever I go Nebo's coming with me!

Don't let people get you down for getting a dog so close to your college years. My sister lived in a dorm for two terms and now lives in an apartment. She saves more money living in the apartment than she did living in the dorm! Plus, now she can have a pet and has adopted a cat. :D

10-18-2002, 10:43 AM
Keep in mind that sometimes having a dog can be quite a hardship financially and while in college money is usually scarce. For me, living off campus would have been much more expensive - each person's situation is different. It might be better to wait til you are done with school and have a job and a home before you get a puppy (seems like a long time but it isn't). I volunteered at a local shelter walking dogs while at school, that helped a little bit since I couldn't have a dog.

PS I think Dance is a good name, Tahoe and Dakota are good too but seem pretty common.

10-18-2002, 12:44 PM
I have NEVER EVER regretted getting a dog...they are way too much a blessing!!!

However, be responsible to the dog if you get one!

BTW, did I mention you should get a Dobie?

10-18-2002, 06:47 PM
Oh, you guys are the best!!! Thanks for all your wonderful replies!

I still want a puppy soooo bad! I don't know why they won't let me get one!

Doberman, or Golden?? I'm not sure! I just have to have a big dog!

Thanks again everyone!:) ;)