View Full Version : Surprise on the deck! new update 22

Pinot's Mom
03-19-2010, 06:21 PM
I think I posted during the blizzards we had there were some kitty footprints in the snow on the deck (which surprised me because we have no strays). Well, I think we have the culprit!

With the mid-70's weather recently, we have resumed the "romps" to the garden for Pinot. The romps are well chaperoned, and my spot is usually on the deck (which is really high up) to get a good view of the whole space she's allowed to roam (my husband is below for the chase if necessary). We were in these positions earlier this evening.

I was having a cocktail, talking to my husband and watching Pinot. All of a sudden, I turned around, and there was an animal looking at me from the deck! It took a second, because that doesn't happen (wild animals come from the woods, but not while we're there), and I realized it was a REALLY BIG calico colored maine coon mix. I called to my husband and said, umm, hon, there's a cat on the deck! A really big cat!

He hoisted the kitty (stating how big it was), and I said - hmm, I think I know where kitty belongs! We have newer neighbors across the way, he took Ticker home, and all was well. Pinot never even saw the kitty. It just cracked me up Ticker just walked up to the back door as if to say, well, where's my dinner?

Queen of Poop
03-19-2010, 06:22 PM
Oh my goodness. Did he run or was he friendly?

Pinot's Mom
03-19-2010, 06:25 PM
Very friendly, just looking for another meal he didn't need! :)

03-19-2010, 06:26 PM
Hee hee - she said "hey, they'd probably give me food, too!"

03-19-2010, 07:37 PM
Would love to see a pic if he visits again. :D

03-20-2010, 04:33 AM
...probably smelled dinner cooking and figured, "well, I'll cash in on that!". Amazing that Pinot never saw him/her!

03-20-2010, 07:02 AM
Howdy neighbor, what's for dinner! :p

03-20-2010, 08:08 AM
All I get is creepy looking possums, and the occasional psycho dog! :eek:

Laura's Babies
03-20-2010, 08:43 AM
Sounds like a really beautiful girl came to visit and possiably dinner or a treat. If your neighbor is a cat person, invite her to join us here. If nothing else, you have a new neighbor that you have something in common with...CATS!

03-20-2010, 09:30 AM
That Big Maine Coon Mix would be at home in My Neighborhood where all The Porch Cats come to dine!:love::love:
A Funny thing happened yesterday where someone put some extra dry food in the outside bowl. Sad to say noone likes it and only eat the canned food that I put on top.:cool::cool:
That was nice of you to take your Guest Home!!:):):)

03-20-2010, 09:31 PM
Well I'm glad to hear that it was friendly neighborhood cat instead of a wild animal. She sure sounds gorgeous.:)

03-20-2010, 09:47 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Ticker!

03-22-2010, 01:54 PM
Wow, that must have been a bit of a jolt! Maybe Ticker came by to meet Pinot and possibly get a new playmate. What a relief it must be to know you don't have a wild critter running around.

Lovies to Pinot! Could you share a picture of Ticker with us?

03-22-2010, 02:13 PM
All I get is creepy looking possums, and the occasional psycho dog! :eek:

LOL! That made me laugh. Thanks for that. Needed it today. :)

03-22-2010, 02:43 PM
Do you think Pinot prefers a local kitty boyfriend to all these virtual ones ?;)

03-22-2010, 03:15 PM
Moon always lets us know when an animal stranger visits. He attacks the glass door. Before Bean moved in, Moon had seen a strange cat in the yard and attacked the glass. Then when Bean moved in, we kept him in the basement for a few days and then opened the door and let Moon see down there. Moon looked at Bean and then shot a look of shock at the glass door and his head kept going back and forth. It was like he was saying "how did that cat get IN my house?" I'm glad your Pinot didn't have to do any protecting :)

Pinot's Mom
03-23-2010, 08:38 PM
Do you think Pinot prefers a local kitty boyfriend to all these virtual ones ?;)

Don't tell lvpets' Roco that! It would break his heart!!;)

Moon always lets us know when an animal stranger visits. He attacks the glass door. Before Bean moved in, Moon had seen a strange cat in the yard and attacked the glass. Then when Bean moved in, we kept him in the basement for a few days and then opened the door and let Moon see down there. Moon looked at Bean and then shot a look of shock at the glass door and his head kept going back and forth. It was like he was saying "how did that cat get IN my house?" I'm glad your Pinot didn't have to do any protecting :)

No, Pinot was down in the garden, MANY feet below, and never saw Ticker. When my husband picked Ticker up I thought there might be some response, but Pinot was busy!

I'll get a picture at some point, everyone, wait until you see this kitty!:)

Pinot's Mom
04-15-2010, 10:00 PM
OK, everyone that wanted to see Ticker - there are three pictures in an album in my profile called Ticker. Kitty made an appearance in the driveway this evening. I couldn't really focus with night setting on the camera, but you can at least see what Ticker looks like. It does not convey the size, but this is ONE BIG KITTY!

04-15-2010, 10:06 PM
Wow!!!:eek: I can tell that this is a huge cat. Ticker is gorgeous. My Ziggy is also a very large cat especially for a female. I have a feeling that she may end up being this size some day. She'll be turning 4 in June.:)

04-15-2010, 11:01 PM
That is a BIG cat! My Ming is about that size, maybe a tad larger. I'm talkin' large! I love the big guys.:love:

Cinder & Smoke
04-16-2010, 12:40 AM
OK, everyone that wanted to see Ticker >>>




Pinot's Mom
05-22-2010, 04:40 PM
Ticker update:
I was talking to Ticker's Meowmie today-some things I did not know about Ticker...HE (yes, it's a HE) was adopted into their family as an adult who had been in an abusive environment. He was 31 pounds when they got him, they have been able to get him down to 26 pounds to this point. The previous owner did some kind of tendon surgery/manipulation on him (I don't remember what it was called) so he wouldn't scratch the furniture. This evidently made it so he doesn't have control of his claws somehow and they grow into the pads of his paws, so they have to make sure they are trimmed professionally on a regular basis. How could someone purposely do that?? I can't imagine.

Also, due to his weight, he has not been able to get himself into all positions needed to clean himself properly, so they have him groomed, and periodically give him a lion cut. He just had this done; I haven't seen it yet, but I'll get pictures when I can.

Bottom line; I'm very glad he was adopted by people who obviously want him to have a happy, loving life. Just thought I'd share.:)

05-22-2010, 07:55 PM
Ticker update:
I was talking to Ticker's Meowmie today-some things I did not know about Ticker...HE (yes, it's a HE) was adopted into their family as an adult who had been in an abusive environment. He was 31 pounds when they got him, they have been able to get him down to 26 pounds to this point. The previous owner did some kind of tendon surgery/manipulation on him (I don't remember what it was called) so he wouldn't scratch the furniture. This evidently made it so he doesn't have control of his claws somehow and they grow into the pads of his paws, so they have to make sure they are trimmed professionally on a regular basis. How could someone purposely do that?? I can't imagine.

Also, due to his weight, he has not been able to get himself into all positions needed to clean himself properly, so they have him groomed, and periodically give him a lion cut. He just had this done; I haven't seen it yet, but I'll get pictures when I can.
Bottom line; I'm very glad he was adopted by people who obviously want him to have a happy, loving life. Just thought I'd share.:)

I think that procedure you're talking about is called a tendonectomy here's a link about it:http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_declawing_and_its_alternatives.html. I know a woman that has also done this to her cats and I know that you must keep their nails trimmed.

I'm so glad that he was adopted by people that really care about him and I'd love to see him with his lion cut. When it gets hot here, I also have Storm, Sky, and Ziggy's fur cut into a lion cut. They feel soft as velvet and are much more comfortable too.

Pinot's Mom
07-03-2011, 08:22 AM
Well, we won't be seeing Ticker anymore...his "owners" moved this weekend and we found out they decided not to have cats anymore (they had 3) so they gave them all away. :( I don't know where he'll be now, but I hope he's happy.

We thought they cared about kitties, but over the last year we learned many things that pointed to the fact the cats were not of a great interest in that household. One evening one of the daughters came over and said "We THINK Dyson (another of their kitties) MIGHT have gotten out. We haven't seen him lately." Can you imagine??

Anyway, as I said, I hope Ticker's happy in his new home. Bye, you big sweetie!

07-03-2011, 09:27 AM
Prayers and best wishes that Ticker has a wonderful new home.


07-03-2011, 04:59 PM
Many prayers are being prayed that Ticker is in a good furever home where he'll be loved, spoiled, and enjoys the life every kitty deserves :love:

07-04-2011, 12:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( I too hope that that all 3 cats found the loving and caring homes that they deserve. Some people should never have pets.