View Full Version : My boyfriend wrote this article! (Welding magazine)

03-18-2010, 08:57 PM
I'm proud of my boyfriend - He wrote this article and he is excited about how it recently has been published in a magazine that's known around the world... "The Fabricator"...


He is smart for what he does, and his boss went to him to ask him to WRITE the article. :) He feels "famous".. so he's done a great job writing this!

Cinder & Smoke
03-18-2010, 10:14 PM
:) He feels "famous".. so he's done a great job writing this!


NICE Article, Mike!!

GOOD Job!!


03-18-2010, 11:45 PM
Cool! I didn't know so much went into the steel and the welding!

Mike did a good job of writing this so a 'regular person' could understand it. :D

03-19-2010, 08:55 AM
Wow, that was a good article. That boy knows his work....eh ???

03-19-2010, 11:22 AM
Wow, that was a good article. That boy knows his work....eh ???

He does! He is all "left brained" and I am all "right brained" so it's difficult for me to understand what he does for work since I focus in art, photography, and drawing... He's a smart guy, and he takes his work seriously. He is 26 years old. :)

03-19-2010, 01:06 PM
So when are you and this smart dude gonna tie the know:D

03-20-2010, 06:33 AM
He does! He is all "left brained" and I am all "right brained" so it's difficult for me to understand what he does for work since I focus in art, photography, and drawing... He's a smart guy, and he takes his work seriously. He is 26 years old. :)

Well if he writes stuff like that at 26, then he's a gonna go far;)

03-20-2010, 09:02 AM
The man knows his metal! I plan on taking a few welding classes and this actually helps me understand things a bit more. Tell him thank you from me!!

03-20-2010, 01:31 PM
Great article, interesting, didn't realize there was so much to the art of welding.

03-21-2010, 08:24 PM
So when are you and this smart dude gonna tie the know:D

Eventually down the road.... we've been talking about houses, etc. so who knows? We've been dating for almost over three and a 1/2 years. ;) He knows I want a ring... but only when the timing is right, etc.

Daisy and Delilah
03-22-2010, 02:45 PM
That's totally awesome, Rachel!! Great job for sure, Mike. I can't wait to hear you announce when you're getting hitched.:)