View Full Version : Woman aims for 1000 pound weight goal

03-18-2010, 02:20 PM
Physical issues aside, can someone not legally force this woman into a psych unit for assessment? Holy Crap!

Woman aims for 1000 pound weight goal
A 42-year-old mother, who weighs 601 pounds, has her sights set on the scale hitting four digits.
By Jessica Ashley

The news of the New Jersey woman who wants to weigh 1,000 pounds is making its way around the globe. When I read it, it just made me very sad.

Zoya (Flare)Donna Simpson, a 42-year old mother who now weighs approximately 601 pounds, has her sights set on seeing the scale hit four digits. She previously earned the Guinness Book of Records title for being the world's biggest mother when she gave birth in 2007.


Simpson said her strategy to add weight includes reducing her activity as much as possible and consuming more food.

What is heart-breaking is that Simpson is mindful enough to have a plan to gain 400 pounds but doesn't seem to factor in how that impacts her young daughter and 14-year old son. Although she says that "running after my daughter keeps [her] weight down," she already relies on a motorized scooter when shopping.

What will happen when she is completely bedridden due to her size and the inevitable medical complications that come with less and less activity and more and more weight? What will happen to the children left with that legacy if her mother does not survive her own pursuit of the 1,000 title? What are these children learning too early about misplaced ambition, well-being, self-care, and just staying alive?

It also saddens me that someone who clearly has drive would use it in such a self-destructive manner. Reading her quotes, so full of disillusionment, feels the same as watching addicts suddenly run away from the treatment facility on "Ceberity Rehab" or seeing a famous athlete accused of countless infidelities deny, deny and deny some more.

Her habit -- or action item on her plan, as she may now see it -- reportedly includes spending $815 a week on groceries and consuming as much as 70 pieces of sushi at a time.

It's unfathomable, even to those of us who have had times when our own sense of portion size and food spending has been far out of the healthy range.

But before we get too judgmental, consider that Simpson is clearly being enabled by the public. According to Daily Mail, she currently earns some income by running a site where male viewers pay to watch her eat and wash herself.

It seems that something radical is called for to help this woman who is now getting the attention I fear she seeks. I just hope that there is someone out there who can get through to her and soon. Not just an intervention for her, but for the small, vulnerable child and teenager caught in the middle of all this sadness and unhealthiness.

Could this woman's 1,000-pound ideal be considered neglect of her children?

03-18-2010, 02:26 PM
Okay, now she denies this...but she and her hubby should BOTH be in the psych ward. Okay, some men find fat women sexy...but at risk to her LIFE? Pretty effing selfish if you ask me.



Anti-Obesity Drive? Not For These Ladies: It’s a Living

Donna Simpson says she’s not aiming to become world’s fattest woman.
ABC News
Published: March 17, 2010

UNDATED—Donna Simpson’s livelihood depends on staying fat.

At 600 pounds, Simpson is a successful “model” on SupersizedBombshells.com, a Web site for men who like large women.

“I have fans who send me baklava and cheese cake and everything else you can imagine,“ says Simpson, a pale brunette with slicked-back hair. “I’m heavy and I wouldn’t mind being heavier.“

Simpson attracted intense scrutiny this week, after the UK newspaper Daily Mail ran a story about her alleged quest to gain another 400 pounds and become the fattest woman on earth. But Simpson, a stay-at-home mother of a three-year old girl, says the Mail twisted the truth.

“The whole thing about the 1,000 pounds is a fantasy I provide to my fans,“ she tells ABCNews.com, upset about the exaggerated coverage.

Simpson first fell under the spotlight three years ago when she became the world’s fattest woman to give birth at 530 pounds.

Her husband, Philippe Gouamba, told ABC News.com he stands behind her.

“I support her because I enjoy it,“ he says.

Like many men, Gouamba says he finds his wife’s weight sexy.

Though Simpson is not aiming for a world record, many BBW or Big Beautiful Women, as they are known, concede that the weight carries significant health risks.

The government says that obesity increases the likelihood of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and even some types of cancers, and First Lady Michelle Obama recently announced her battle against Americans’ childhood obesity is her top priority this year.

But Mikey Garcia, owner of Mikey’s BBW (Big Beautiful Women) Club in Waterford, Mich., points out that many thin women are also in poor health, because they are often dieting or smoking.

“Just because a woman is a bigger size doesn’t mean she’s not healthy,“ says Garcia.

Garcia, who weighs a buff 195 pounds says it took him years to admit his preferences, and didn’t “come out of the closet” until his 30s.

“A lot of guys are into bigger women, but in our society it’s not acceptable,“ says Garcia. “It’s the last socially accepted form of discrimination. It would have been much easier to tell my family I’m gay than to say I like bigger women.“

The women of Supersized Bombshells, many of whom were mocked in school, and are now shunned in public, relish the admiration.

Priscilla Bell, a 26-year-old who weighs 355 pounds, says modeling for men allows her to be herself—a self confident young mother. She says she receives hundreds of e-mails from her fans every day, and makes about $600 a month from her postings.

“There are men who look at me, and say I’m as beautiful as Tyra Banks or Heidi Klum,“ says Bell, whose best-selling video shows her cooking naked.

Bell says she likes to eat salads and protein bars and walks several miles a day to make sure she stays healthy.

“As long as I take care myself, I think it’s OK,“ she says, admitting that her doctor is never pleased when she tells him she wants to remain above 300 pounds. “They don’t like the weight gain, but I’ve always been overweight and I’m happy.“

Despite health concerns and supposed social stigma, Big Beautiful Model business is booming.

Men pay a $14.99 monthly subscription to see photos of Simpson wearing a Santa hat or posing in bed. For more cash, they can watch a video of Bell taking a bath or eating pizza. Fans often shower their favorite stars with gift-cards to Lane Bryant or restaurants.

Scores of start-ups around the country are cashing in on the attraction between men and women who weigh three or four times much as they should.

Stewart Hall, who started SupersizedBombshells.com three years ago, says he now gets 3,000 hits a day and makes almost 1,000 new sales a month.

03-18-2010, 02:37 PM
Totally bizarre. I heard this story last night when I had the television on but wasn't really paying complete attention to it.

03-18-2010, 02:45 PM
Disgusting - irresponsible - selfish............and I could go on and on. I wonder what makes some people tick??? :confused::mad:

03-18-2010, 07:17 PM
I'd be willing to make a donation :D

03-18-2010, 07:26 PM
This (BBW websites and such) has been going on for a loooong time on the fringes of the internet...Im kind of laughing at it becoming more public.

03-18-2010, 07:59 PM
Disgusting - irresponsible - selfish............and I could go on and on. I wonder what makes some people tick??? :confused::mad:

I'd say attention seeking attention in an irresponsible, selfish and disgusting way....some people will do anything for attention even if it is the wrong kind of attention. :(

Daisy and Delilah
03-18-2010, 09:12 PM
This is insane!!! She's insane!! Put her away so she can't gain any more weight. I can't believe this.:eek: :eek: :eek:

03-18-2010, 09:18 PM
And put her husband away too....

03-18-2010, 11:09 PM
Maybe she will just have a heart attack and that would be the end of this.

03-19-2010, 07:17 AM
Her husband, Philippe Gouamba, told ABC News.com he stands behind her.

Well yeah, he wouldn't want to stand in front of her. If she falls over.....:eek:

Laura's Babies
03-19-2010, 07:32 AM
Suicide by food! She may think it is cool right now but just give it 10 to 15 years and that is if she is still alive then...

03-19-2010, 07:54 AM
This is very unfortunate. I am always saddened that women are so damaged by society's expectations of beauty that they are willing to hurt themselves further, either physically, psychologically or both, to feel "beautiful" or worthy of love. I am also a plus size woman, but even though I am not nearly as large as the woman in this article, I have been subject to negative feedback. One thing that stands out in my mind is when I was working with an acupuncturist regarding fatigue and weight loss. He heard my music and said, "Wow! I didn't realize how talented you are! Your voice is fantastic! Now lets try to get you camera-ready, otherwise you won't go anywhere with this." Thanks dude. Needless to say I don't go to him anymore and my husband, who was there at the time, had a few choice words for him as well. So far, I have been successful and have a wonderful fan base close to home. That's ok with me - I'm not looking to be the next American Idol. I just want to make music.

Don't be cruel regarding this woman's issues - she feels she has nothing else to offer since she cannot live up to the standards of beauty. Those of you who have never had issues with weight do not understand. It's not as simple as "go on a diet" or "just stop eating so much". As with any addiction, there are both organic and psychological issues that must be addressed. And sometimes it can only be "corrected" to a certain point. There is a huge prejudice for fat people and it makes me sad. :(

03-19-2010, 11:56 AM

There's a big difference between being plus size, even tho you might choose to be otherwise, than being intentionally morbidly obese.

This woman needs her head examined! She killing herself, and probably seriously endangering the welfare (physical & mental, present & future), of her children. CPS should step in and take those kids out of that unhealthy environment. They take kids away from hoarders until/if, they get their lives back in order. The same should apply here - IMO.

03-19-2010, 12:15 PM
guess I'm looking for the reason and not seeing the act. Yes, she has to be very unwell to want to do that to herself, you are right. Still think it's sad.

03-19-2010, 12:18 PM
I am always saddened that women are so damaged by society's expectations of beauty that they are willing to hurt themselves further, either physically, psychologically or both, to feel "beautiful" or worthy of love.

Don't be cruel regarding this woman's issues - she feels she has nothing else to offer since she cannot live up to the standards of beauty. Those of you who have never had issues with weight do not understand. It's not as simple as "go on a diet" or "just stop eating so much". As with any addiction, there are both organic and psychological issues that must be addressed. And sometimes it can only be "corrected" to a certain point. There is a huge prejudice for fat people and it makes me sad. :(

Society gets the blame for everything, it seems, nowadays. I taught exercise/aerobics classes to morbidly obese women for years. They're called "morbidly" obese for a reason, b/c the morbidity rate is much higher than those who are simply "obese". The women that I taught w/o exception told me that they wanted to lose weight for themselves and not b/c society says that they must or their husbands are unhappy or whatever. They all said that they feel better when their weight is down and looking better (in their eyes) is a plus. She's purposely gaining weight b/c she's found her hook, i.e., what can generate income for her w/o giving up her food.

Who says that she feels she has nothing else to offer b/c she cannot live up to the standards of beauty? If she said that, I missed it. We coddle and nurture our weaknesses rather than try to change. We use words such as "curvy", "voluptuous", "plus size", "glandular", "big boned","cultural","foodie" rather than saying "fat" b/c we don't want to be looked upon as being cruel. So are there no more fat people in the world now?

The women in my classes never made excuses for themselves. They worked really hard to get the weight off and keep it off. We'd review what they had eaten for the week and I can recall one woman writing on her food list "11 bags of noodles". I said "Did you mean to write "11 helpings?" and she said "No, I ate 11 bags". The only thing I could think of to say was "Why?" She said "I love noodles". I said "So do I but 11 bags?" She said "I know. But you want me to be honest". I asked if she was depressed and that's the reason for eating so much. She said "I'm depressed b/c I'm fat, not fat b/c I'm depressed".

We can make excuses forever but unless and until we stop doing that, obesity will always be a problem. Obesity will become the new normal. We all have our weaknesses; w/some it's food, w/others it's alcohol or drugs or sex or shopping or whatever. None of us is perfect so we can't point a finger at anyone else for their weaknesses. However, this woman is generating income from her overindulgent eating and there are those who are pandering to her. How discouraging to those who are trying so hard to get their eating under control.

03-19-2010, 12:21 PM
That was my point too...I deal with a junk food addiction on a daily basis. Successfully 90% of the time.

Even if, as this woman says, she didn't really mean it, to seek attention by saying something of this sort shows something wrong in the head.

Substitute alcohol for food in that scenario - complete with the enabling spouse - and the headspace involved gets really scary.

If she got help and still happened to be plus-sized, cool. I know there are a whole whack of people who frequent clubs with plus size people and the people who go to 'pick them up'. There is self acceptance and acceptance by others, and then there is promoting and encouraging more of the behaviour that is bound to end up badly for purely physiological reasons.

Poor kids!

03-19-2010, 12:33 PM
:confused::rolleyes: Well said of this disgusting act..
Disgusting - irresponsible - selfish............and I could go on and on. I wonder what makes some people tick??? :confused::mad:

03-19-2010, 12:55 PM
A little off topic here, but just what is considered a "plus size" in women? I was rather horrified to hear a few years ago, that size 14 was. I was there at one time - and I never thought of myself as a plus. And lately I've read some saying that size 8 is, which I find truly laughable!!!

I have been at both ends of the scale - from size 14, down to size 0 (which was too big), but I was having serious medical problems then. I weighed 85 lbs and looked like an Ethiopian refugee, and every time my mother saw me, she would bust out crying because she was certain that I was going to die, and the thought crossed my mind too! I was also accused by some of being an anorexic! :mad: So not only is too heavy potentially unhealthy, but also too thin is.

I would like to be able to put on a little more weight, but I believe that I am maxed out at 100 lbs. I am just under 5' tall, so I no longer look unhealthy at that weight, and I wear a size 2 or 4.

So ladies, don't think it's all that unhealthy to carry a little extra weight. It's better than not enough, believe me!

So - what have you heard tell of being a plus size??? 14 - 20 - 24 ??? :confused:

03-19-2010, 02:04 PM
Size 8 being plus is absolutely disgusting! Talk about problems with society's views!!! I would call size 8 "average" because many women I know who are healthy and in good shape wear that size. I am plus size; I wear 16 - 18. There are pictures of me on my profile page or my website (www.redtailedmusic.com) so you can see what I look like. I am not hideous, just plump. I pretty much always have been. Guess I take some of the arrows thrown at fat people to heart because I have heard some crappy remarks in my life. Would I be instantly thin if it were possible? Yes. Because my life would be easier in so many ways. I didn't mean to make this thread about me, I just wanted to give another view.

What the woman in the article is doing is extremely self-destructive and dangerous and I'm sorry to see that she has turned herself into a circus sideshow act in order to get money and attention.

03-19-2010, 02:12 PM
In the near future, I expect that woman won't be able to move around much, or be able to lift her arms to feed herself. I wonder if her husband will be willing to do that. It seems to me that she should have had help many years ago - she has probably always been fat and simply gave up.

How will the heathcare system deal with her oncoming problems, I wonder?

I think she better have a custom coffin made soon.

I feel bad for the poor children, and in my opinion she should not have had any. :(

03-19-2010, 02:40 PM
Cathy - be careful what you wish for. There are lots of "cons" - not "pros", that you would experience on the thin side of life. :(

03-19-2010, 02:49 PM
Cathy - be careful what you wish for. There are lots of "cons" - not "pros", that you would experience on the thin side of life. :(

Hey Pom!! Would you like to share a little hip and butt? I can donate!!:D

03-19-2010, 03:27 PM
Hey Pom!! Would you like to share a little hip and butt? I can donate!!:D

:D:D I've had many offers of donations over the years! :D:D

If I had some hip and butt, I probably wouldn't have fractured my hip when I took a fall on some ice. Padding helps the fragile bones that comes along with being thin. Just one of those cons! :(

I wish technology would come up with a solution. After all - they've taken care of the boob department! :p

03-19-2010, 03:42 PM
She lives 45 minutes from here, I heard about this days ago. I'm now sad to live in the state of NJ. I love the part of the video where she says "I don't believe this much weight comes with health problems". :rolleyes: Okay crazy, just weight (hehe, I'm funny). By 800 pounds, maybe she'll change her opinion.

8 is now considered plus size?? Wow, I must be really big because I'm a 9 :D I am proud to say I used to be in 14 and 12 size pants. My 9's are getting a bit big on me now lol.

03-19-2010, 03:48 PM
I wish technology would come up with a solution. After all - they've taken care of the boob department! :p



03-19-2010, 04:12 PM


I saw that one on the news the other day.

Hey - I have a tube of that in the tool drawer.........:eek::D It's probably a lot more heavy duty than what they use for boobs too. I know a woman that had boob implants, and she got bitten by a dog on one, and it ruptured! Obviously, she ended up back in surgery!!!!

03-19-2010, 04:55 PM
In the near future, I expect that woman won't be able to move around much, or be able to lift her arms to feed herself. I wonder if her husband will be willing to do that. It seems to me that she should have had help many years ago - she has probably always been fat and simply gave up.

How will the heathcare system deal with her oncoming problems, I wonder?

I think she better have a custom coffin made soon.

I feel bad for the poor children, and in my opinion she should not have had any. :(

She should be ashamed of herself, but she has no shame or she wouldn't
act that way.

She should be locked in a room with pictures of children dying from hunger
in 3rd world countries.

Miss Z
03-19-2010, 07:12 PM
Is she truly prepared to eat herself to her deathbed to achieve this ‘goal’? I do wonder whether she fully comprehends what she is doing, and as others have said, whether the influence from her husband is very overpowering.

I think it’s a sad reflection on society that she streams some kind of weird, home-made porn on the internet so people can watch her, and I expect in some cases laugh at her, slowly killing herself.

We coddle and nurture our weaknesses rather than try to change. We use words such as "curvy", "voluptuous", "plus size", "glandular", "big boned","cultural","foodie" rather than saying "fat" b/c we don't want to be looked upon as being cruel. So are there no more fat people in the world now?

I agree very much with this statement. Nowadays, I see huge women, kidding themselves that they are ‘curvy’, spilling over the skimpiest of outfits because they don’t see any danger in their obesity. Voluptuous and curvy are most definitely not the same as obese.

And I would go as far to say that the tables are turning towards skinny women - it is perfectly alright in society to make slanderous comments about being underweight. I think that is something very heavily influenced by celebrity culture - I can't open a newspaper these days without running into the scrawlings of feminists ranting and raving over Victoria Beckham and Cheryl Cole. Of course, being significantly underweight is just as dangerous, and frightening, as being very overweight and I accept the fact that we must stamp out the image of ’bones are beautiful’ before anorexia cases rise any further.

But, I see so many programmes on television nowadays catered to the larger woman, with great hoards of vast ladies waddling about through streets, screaming down loudspeakers about how being anything less than a size 12 is weird. That’s got to be just as bad as young girls believing anything above a size 12 is hideous.

In answer to the question about what size is considered ‘plus-sized’, I would say it depends entirely on the person. Some people are able to carry weight very well, and so can carry a lot of fat but still appear in proportion. I would generally consider a UK size 16 to be plus-sized, although fairly recently, a size 16 girl won a local beauty pageant, and she was indeed very well shaped and carried off her outfits well.

03-19-2010, 08:02 PM
Sad. She indeed needs psychological help.

It's just as sad, however, when women starve themselves to weigh 75 or 80 pounds.

Both ends of the spectrum are equally bad.

03-20-2010, 01:41 PM
Cathy - be careful what you wish for. There are lots of "cons" - not "pros", that you would experience on the thin side of life. :(

I'm with you on that one. I finally seem settled at 100 lbs but I would love another ten lbs at least. Padding does count for a lot. At least it's cold enough to dress in layers and that helps.

Daisy and Delilah
03-20-2010, 09:00 PM
Ellie, I can help you too!!;)

What bothers me is that this woman has a death wish. Gaining that much more weight only shortens or ends her life. She really needs help. She can only be trying to get some type of attention to act like she is. If she already makes a living with her website, why bother gaining more weight? I really feel bad for her and hope she snaps out of it soon.

People are obsessed with gaining weight and she wants to gain more?? It's staggering.:( :( :(

03-20-2010, 09:20 PM
People are obsessed with gaining weight and she wants to gain more?? It's staggering.:( :( :(

It's no one's business, except her own.;)

03-20-2010, 09:25 PM
The public is enabling her. People who pay to watch her eat and bathe are part of the problem.

03-20-2010, 10:06 PM
People are obsessed with gaining weight and she wants to gain more?? It's staggering.:( :( :(

No, the title of the thread is misleading, the second article corrects it.

But Simpson, a stay-at-home mother of a three-year old girl, says the Mail twisted the truth.

“The whole thing about the 1,000 pounds is a fantasy I provide to my fans,“ she tells ABCNews.com, upset about the exaggerated coverage.

Daisy and Delilah
03-21-2010, 06:35 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused:

I seriously hope she gets some help.:(

03-21-2010, 07:09 PM
For years men have bought women dinner, lunches, etc.

So, it should stop now?:confused:

To use a saying I deplore?

IT is what IT is.


It's just a woman running a fetish site. Someone 'pared down the truth' to get a story out of it.

Check this out.

Open a website.

Charge 15 dollars a month -this woman has at LEAST one thousand members-
and get paid to eat, take a shower and be on the Web.

Top that with all the stuff people are sending-Gift cards?

I am more upset that she's too frigging lazy to get a real job!:mad:;)

At least she's not on welfare and can afford to get health insurance?

03-22-2010, 07:04 AM
:D Richard, you always manage to put things into a perspective that makes the world sunny and ridiculous again. Thank you, dear!! :D

03-22-2010, 08:32 AM
:D Richard, you always manage to put things into a perspective that makes the world sunny and ridiculous again. Thank you, dear!! :D

Oh, so now I am a weather man?:D

You are very welcome.

Nice to have people in the realm that believe in unicorns and rainbows...

Did I just say that?:D


OH my lord. Back to Reality!

Ed just took a dump that I can smell from here.

What is this world coming to?:eek::mad::rolleyes:



You could have put a :love: in your message somewhere!:eek::o

03-22-2010, 08:48 AM
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

03-22-2010, 09:00 AM
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

You do know that you can go up to 10 in a post???

But, that would be selfish of me.:D

:love: back at you!

x 11?

03-22-2010, 10:31 AM
Don't be cruel regarding this woman's issues - she feels she has nothing else to offer since she cannot live up to the standards of beauty. Those of you who have never had issues with weight do not understand. It's not as simple as "go on a diet" or "just stop eating so much". As with any addiction, there are both organic and psychological issues that must be addressed. And sometimes it can only be "corrected" to a certain point. There is a huge prejudice for fat people and it makes me sad. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif Yes, I know first hand about this. I was on the receiving end of many prejudices and it's not pretty (pardon the pun). Now that I'm working towards getting my weight down, I feel much better, not for losing the weight, but for believing that I'm worth it.

As much as I hate my boss from H, I still wouldn't want to quit my job, stay home and get paid to sit around and eat. I don't know, there's just something so wrong about that. I do pray that eventually this girl gets the help she so desperately needs.

http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif Richard, you always manage to put things into a perspective that makes the world sunny and ridiculous again. Thank you, dear!! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif Yeah, you should try his slushies. One of those and you'll be seeing sunshine alright and the whole world is rediculous.:D

03-22-2010, 12:07 PM
Don't be cruel regarding this woman's issues - she feels she has nothing else to offer since she cannot live up to the standards of beauty. Those of you who have never had issues with weight do not understand. It's not as simple as "go on a diet" or "just stop eating so much". As with any addiction, there are both organic and psychological issues that must be addressed. And sometimes it can only be "corrected" to a certain point. There is a huge prejudice for fat people and it makes me sad. :(

Amen. The stereotypes just run amok when it comes to obesity. Everyone has the answer for the one struggling with their weight. Frankly, if the one's answer WAS the answer for all, wouldn't all be doing it by now?

Having a laugh at another's expense is wrong. No matter how you dress it up.