View Full Version : The Girls..

Laura's Babies
03-15-2010, 10:43 AM
This is Amy and Giz enjoying their Kitty Corner


Just a good one of Giz all snug in her corner

Something we use to never see.... Amy and Boo sharing space, I still get proud when I see something like this!

Samantha, my beautiful black velcro girl! Rie told me again while I was gone this time that if she could have another kitty, she would steal Samantha because she is so sweet!

This is something I found at Wal Mart that I thought I would try for Amy. it is a puppy training system. You put a puppy pad inside, lay a plastic grate type thing over the pad and cover the grate with that plastic grass looking stuff. It is a big hit with Amy and she uses it every day. Perfect thing for the CH kitties that aviod the litter boxed because of the sinking into the litter as they shake that discourages them from using a litter box. It is easy to clean and hides the pee stained pads.


They are so glad I am home. I am finding Boo is becoming more and more verbal and I LOVE it. She is still in the "can't get enough love from you" mode like she is everytime I come home, wanting in my lap every 5 minutes, stays for about 3 minutes, gets down, then wants back up again. I had Samanth and Giz in my lap at the same time the other day... nobody was here to get a picture of that. Amy gets in my lap and I swear she smiles when I love on her and tell her how pretty and sweet she is. She hates it when I put her down and growls at me everytime I have to get up, LOL! Samantha is guled to me every night all night long, making her her body is as close up against me as she can get, length wise and super close, pressing hard!

I don't get why Giz won't get in my bed at all. She will come in my room for a minute and cry, then turn around and leave. She does not get on my bed at ALL, day or night. Maybe I need toys in my bed or something?

03-15-2010, 10:58 AM
:love: Just Look at those Adorable Sweet Babies.. Yes there is our Precious Cutie Pie Amy.. great pics thanks..

Yes I will have to check my Walmart for one of those pads.. I have newspapers in the places by the litter boxs that some of my CH like to use.. Heck I get a bigg Metro Paper everyday & so I have been using them.. Your going to throw them away anyway.. Might as well get good Kitty ussage out of them right.. :D

03-15-2010, 01:14 PM
That is such a great idea to use under the litter box box for cats without CH! My boy's litter boxes are in the kitchen in a corner and in the bedroom. Now they can kick up some litter when they bury, so this would be perfect in the bedroom, to save me having to get all that litter out of the carpet. Thanks!:)

03-15-2010, 01:41 PM
I love that corner shelf you made into kitty bunkbeds. I have that same black plaid cat bed! :)

03-15-2010, 04:31 PM
As they say Laura , necessity is the mother of invention!!!
Thats a clever and a inventive and easy way for Amy to do her duty, and to not have accidents!!

03-15-2010, 06:27 PM
Wonderful photos of your girls, Laura.

That pee-pad/grate system looks like it could be very handy in a lot of pet situations. I hope it works out great for your Amy.

Laura's Babies
03-15-2010, 08:33 PM
It does catch the loose litter from the box when the others come out of that box so it IS very good for that also. I use those big people pads I get at Sams Club, that big box of 120 pads for around $26 and I cut those in half to put UNDER to soak up the urine.. Both halves are in there but I find Amy only uses 1/2 of the pad and never both so that saves on replacing the entire pad for only the 1/2 that has been used. Learning as I go.

03-15-2010, 09:10 PM
Giz, I love the "you may kiss my paw" photo! *kiss* And I am so happy to see Kitty Boo and Amy sharing space :) Samantha, you are so shiny black and beautiful!