View Full Version : Sassy the epicure

03-12-2010, 06:05 PM
Today I made lasagna, and Sassy was beside himself. He couldn't rest until I had given him a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce. I'd forgotten how passionately he loves tomato sauce.

This is just one of the peculiar foods that Sassy is particularly fond of. Others include

creamed corn
green olives
bread, any kind except garlic
chocolate milk shakes

I tried giving a little of the tomato sauce to Striker and Missy, as well. They sniffed at it very carefully, then gave me a filthy look and stalked out of the room. Clearly they don't share Sassy's gourmet tendencies.

Does anyone else have cats with strange food quirks?

03-12-2010, 06:45 PM
Dear Sassy,

I will have to get my human to offer me tomato sauce. i will let her think it's her idea ;).

I like the teeny tiny shrimp sometimes found in egg rolls when my human brings them home from the Chinese restaurant. We have a routine - I get so pesty, meowing and hovering, that she cuts open the egg roll and pulls out the "inside" with a fork to find a shrimp for me -- she :love:s me, I think.

I love milk, especially after it's been poured over dry cereal - my human always leaves a teaspoonful or two of milk in the bowl for me to drink. I also like cheese. When my human eats yogurt I hang around her until she puts a little on the foil lid for me. She holds it and I lick it off the foil.

I will try and get her to offer me a chocolate milk shake, too - she loves those. Thank you for the great suggestions!


03-12-2010, 07:14 PM
My big black MAGIC boy (R/B) just loved strawberries!!!

03-12-2010, 07:26 PM
This is just one of the peculiar foods that Sassy is particularly fond of. Others include

creamed corn
green olives
bread, any kind except garlic
chocolate milk shakes

Dear Sassy,
I will try and get her to offer me a chocolate milk shake, too - she loves those. Thank you for the great suggestions!


Oh, don't eat those, Sassy and Cassie.. chocolate is NOT good for cats!

03-12-2010, 09:43 PM
Oh, don't eat those, Sassy and Cassie.. chocolate is NOT good for cats!

Dear Aunt Pat,
Thank you for reminding my human that chocolate is not okay for kitties. When she brings home a chocolate milk shake, I'll go in the kitchen and meow until she gives me a pinch or two of catnip or a couple kitty treats.
Purrs, headbumpies and lovies,

P.S. from human: My cat likes yogurt! I like the fruit on the bottom kind - she likes maybe 1/4 teaspoon spread on the foil lid so she can lick it off. She is also very interested in string cheese, which I like to take to work as a snack. The veterinarian said she can have a teaspoonful or two of milk, since she is not lactose-intolerant -- can I give her a very little yogurt? I tried giving her just a pinch of mozzarella off the cheese stick - she liked it and always wants some when I eat one, but I'm afraid to feed it to her. She got a hold of the corner of a Kraft single one day but it was a tiny piece. My sister's cats liked ham and turkey from the supermarket - they would come running when they heard the plastic bag opening.

03-12-2010, 09:49 PM
My 21 year old, Tabby, also loves tomato sauce! She licks the plate after I have eaten paghetti... and then she smells like tomato sauce for a few hours!

She also loves popcorn (only the popped part, never any part of the husk), nacho cheese doritos, mushrooms, McDonald's french fries, cheese, and ice cream!

Sashie tends to stay away from people food, but we have recently discovered that she LOVES peppermint (I was eating a leftover candy cane one night and she came for a sniff and tried to bite a piece off!)

Both girls LOVE to share a can of tuna, which I treat them to once or twice a week!

03-15-2010, 06:58 PM
Maybe I will try lasagna on Juke Joint Joseph, his regular favorites dont seem to interest him any more:(

03-15-2010, 06:59 PM
Don't worry, Joseph will eat again. He is just adjusting to being home. Give him a day or so before you start worrying.:)