View Full Version : Big Boy and Sweety Claws Chapter 2.

03-11-2010, 07:25 AM
Chapter 2 : Betrayal.

At a mere 10 years old, Big Boy should have been in his prime. Any other tom cat with the same missing parts would have had an easy life so far. But the tough kittenhood and a lifetime of turf wars had taken their toll, and Big Boy was starting to look, and feel, like an old cat.
His skull, ears, neck and shoulders were dotted with scars, and grey hairs were appearing here and there. A veteran despite his age, He was finding the opposition tougher, and the birds faster, than they used to be.
Now that some of the man-kittens had moved out and found a place of their own, our hero was actually thinking about retirement and taking it easy.
As often happened in the summer, his ungrateful Family vanished for a couple of weeks, leaving him at the mercy of the cat-sitter. Big Boy was always disturbed by these absences, and generally refused to talk to the Bearded One for weeks afterwards. Once, out of revenge, and with typical logic, he decided to show the Big Ones just how much food a scorned cat could eat in two weeks. By convincing the neighbour that he had been abandoned, he managed to get fed both places every day, and by the time the Family got home he could hardly stuff himself through his cat door.
The ballooning effect, when viewed from behind, caused the Family much amusement.
This year, when the Family returned from their trip, unloading camping gear and expecting Big Boy to make a fuss of them, he ignored them as usual, strolled into the house and hid.
But something was horribly different this time. As the Big Ones unloaded the car and dumped everything in the living-room, a cat-carrier was amongst the baggage. The Bearded One opened it and produced - a kitten!
Big Boy was being replaced and he wasn’t even dead yet! Now this was too much!
The tiny ball of fluff opened its mouth as if to miaou, but no sound came out. Big Boy had met kittens before and knew they were terrified of grown-up cats. All he had to do was walk towards it, and it would hightail it under the sofa before you could say ”mouse”. To his surprise, he got almost nose-to-nose with the thing before it did anything at all. then instead of running away, it hissed at him. This total lack of respect from the newcomer was downright unacceptable, and Big Boy gave it a quick whap with a loose paw.
This should have been enough to make his point, but the delinquent seemed to be totally unaware of one of the cardinal rules of healthy kittenhood: if something looking like a Sherman tank in black fur approaches you with unfriendly intentions, it is not a good idea to provoke him.
Standard tactics are, as everyone knows: 1. Act submissive. 2. Run. It takes a creative cat indeed to interpret these rules as: stand up on the flat of your back legs like a kangaroo and box . But that is exactly what it did, and before Big Boy could teach it a lesson it would never forget, the Big Ones rushed to pick it up and made a fuss over the little brat as though it had done something wonderful.
Over the next few weeks, a running battle ensued, which resulted in Big Boy’s big pink nose being criss-crossed with kitten scratches, and his attempts to make hamburger out of the creature were invariably foiled by its sheer speed. The whole Family, of course, were completely taken in by its pin-up looks and designer fur (never underestimate the Cute Factor), and the name Sweety Claws was born.
Eventually, while it was concentrating on feeding one day, he did get close enough to find out it was a girl, and decided it would be unsporting to kill it. Nevertheless, an ambition had risen to the top of Big Boy’s priority list. Before getting himself locked in a cat-food factory, even before establishing world feline domination, he would teach this little monster some manners!

Pawsitive Thinking
03-11-2010, 08:33 AM
then what??? great tail (;)) so far......

Killearn Kitties
03-11-2010, 09:22 AM
Oh, Big Boy! That was so mean, to move some designer fur into your domain without so much as a by-your-leave! Outrageous. :eek:

03-11-2010, 09:31 AM
Big Boy- up to now we are fully on your side.
These designer claw babies just are too full of themselves-
but again- curiosity kills the Pet Talker- can't wait to hear more:)

03-11-2010, 09:34 AM
Big Boy, you have my sympathy. Your whole routine has been interrupted when that little stinker came into your house. As if things weren't tough enough already! :rolleyes: Well, I guess you have to teach that little brat to show some respect! - although I must say she is very cute! :love:

Fister and I are sending kisses and purrs to the both of you - oh, and I will be looking forward to come out and snap some pictures of you soon. ;)

03-11-2010, 09:49 AM
This story is getting as Arte Johnson used to say on Laugh In , very interesting!!:love::love:
That reminds me of when Pouncer the First Cat attacked Scrappy when I first brought him home.
He was unnamed at the time , but his spirited counter attack forever made
him Scrappy, and later Mr Scrappy.
I can hardly wait until Chapter Three!!!:cool::cool::cool:

03-11-2010, 10:14 AM
Ah, the plot thickens. I'd love to see pictres of these characters.

03-11-2010, 10:33 AM
Like the others, I have become addicted - and after just 2 chapters. Can't wait for further adventures :)

Cinder & Smoke
03-11-2010, 11:50 AM
From an earlier Anniversary post >>>

John / Jonza would be the first to ask that we not Mourn his Passing but
rather Rejoice in his having been here to Enjoy Life with us.

And Enjoy Life he did - every day was an adventure to him - one he always invited
us to participate in. A Story Teller of the First Order, John could spin a Tail
on a moment's notice with little more than a thought to get started with.

We all played some of our best tunes when John *conducted* the Band.

Take another Bow, John! --- You sure earned it!! ;)

{{{Hugs}}}, Randi :love: :love:

And NOW, I think Jonza has gifted us with an old Friend of his ...
Who seems to have taken on the Heart and Soul of our Beloved Jonza ...

WELCOME to Jonza's World, Scorpio.

You have some big slippers to fill; and it will require a lot of Ink ...
but you're off to a Great Start!! ... You'll Fit Right In, Here!

(THANKS, Jonza ... we'll make him feel Welcome.
PS: We sure **MISS** you, Buddy!!) :love:

03-11-2010, 12:07 PM
This is a very engaging and well-written tale you have here. Have you ever thought of attempting publication somewhere, like maybe in a magazine favored by cat fanciers? This is good stuff!:D

03-11-2010, 01:19 PM
Phred, Scorpio and Jonza were very good friends - I can reveil that much! Other than that, we'll just have to wait for him to introduce himself in a proper manner. ;)

Hey that's an idea... why don't you get your stories published! You will be able to buy a fancy digital camera - at least! :D

03-11-2010, 04:24 PM
I'm lovin' this story..........:D

03-11-2010, 05:11 PM
I am glad you guys like the story. It started because of the strange behaviour of both cats under the circumstances. I became hooked on observing, and trying to guess my way into the wierd psychology of cats. Trouble is, they are all different!
I was moved by the mention of John(za). Apart from being my friend, he was the person I would talk to when I wanted to hear the language spoken by a gentleman. Love you, John.

03-12-2010, 02:55 AM
They ARE different- just like humans. And just like humans, after losing one you may meet others but the one who left cannot be replaced.
Just like John and my Tigris who once sat on John's lap and purred his little heart out.

03-12-2010, 04:48 AM
John and my Tigris who once sat on John's lap and purred his little heart out.
And here's the proof. :)

03-12-2010, 01:09 PM
Can't wait for further adventures :)
Me neither. :D

03-12-2010, 08:55 PM
Enjoying the pix of Tigris and John. Randi - who is Phred? Mail me.

Cinder & Smoke
03-12-2010, 09:39 PM
Randi - who is Phred?

A Legend in his own mind. :p

Phred = DAD to Cinder, Smokey, and Heidi - the Three Amigo Mutts.

/s/ Phred

03-13-2010, 04:35 AM
Thank you Randi for posting these pics- I hope Tigris can get scritchies from John once in a while in that place where they both are.

Scorpio: Search for threads by Cinder& Smoke including Boots Da Kat some 5 years ago- actually we could edit a collection of PT cat stories by now:)

03-13-2010, 12:45 PM
Well you've got me hooked.:) I enjoyed reading Chapter 2 and I hope to be able to read Chapter 3 very soon.:) You're a very talented writer.:)