View Full Version : Fear my infant daughter might be developing allergies to the dogs...help

03-08-2010, 04:21 PM
I think my infant daughter might be having allergies to one or both of our dogs. How would I figure it out for sure. What to do if she is?

And if she is having allergy problems to one or both of the dogs, what are some things I can do to lessen the effect?

(Don't have any intention of getting rid of my dogs, unless I have no other option...as in its absolutely to dangerous to keep them around her, which I seriously doubt is the case)

My daughter is 3 weeks old and she has break out on her face, little red bumps. Doctor said its most likely just baby acne but I'm not sure. She started getting this last Wednesday/Thursday. Right at 3 weeks from the time she was born.
Here is the thing when we were out all day Saturday and Sunday it started to clear up. We get back home around the dogs and it wasn't long after both dogs greeted her that her face started getting the bumps again. She has a lot of bumps today

We have 2 dogs a Minature Poodle and a Terrier mix. (The Terrier mix is a high shedder)

Our poodle is always nearby, whereever she is. He is always right there. (Supervised ofcourse)

I'm wondering if its him.....

Now don't go saying you can't be allergic to a poodle because I am. I'm not so much allergic to him as everything he brings in on his coat. Right now I can't even be around him, spring has sprung here and pollen is bad. (Also he gets that grass stains on his feet from the fresh cut grass, I'm allergic to fresh cut grass too)

Our Terrier sheds up a storm but I keep the place dusted and vacuumed daily but I've never had any allergy problems with her. And she is rarely around my daughter.

My husband isn't allergic to anything.

So how would we go about finding out if my daughter is allergic, she is a little too young for allergy testing?

And what can we do to help if she is?

I'm hoping the doc is right and its just baby acne, but if not he does have an allergy specialist on staff.

Anyways thanks so much and if you have been through this you advice is much appreciated.

I'm not so sure its the dogs but perhaps whatever allergen my poodle is bringing in on his coat. (The same one that I can't get near him right now over)

It just seems weird that it starts to clear up after two days of not really being at home and then we are home and it gets worse again after being near the dogs.

I don't want to lose my dogs and that is scaring the hell out of me, but the idea my daughter could be hurting because of them breaks my heart.

Has anyone been through this?

03-08-2010, 04:26 PM
Keep her away from contact with the dogs for now, and just wash her off if they do rub against or lick her. Don't freak out, it's not fatal, and the bumps may just be baby acne and nothing to worry about. Her immune system is still developing, and as long as she is comfortable, I would not stress about a few bumps. Keep her nails trimmed in case she gets itchy, but she's not really old enough to have enough control to scratch herself anyway.

03-08-2010, 04:33 PM
newborns have this sort of bumps.. as you know they are "new".. so anything can develop a rash.. new clothes, soap, food.. etc..

I think if you expose them to everything.. with measure they can build antibodies and become immune... some things might not be possible (as allergic persons still exist ;) Iīm one.. allergic to egg).. but one can control them by knowing whatīs causing them..

in the case of the doggies.. it can be the dander.. which is what makes peole allergic.. so bathing and good ventilation.. there are also airpurifiers you can try..

but first donīt panic.. it might just be a simple baby reaction to anything new..

03-08-2010, 04:35 PM
I'm calling the doctor back in the morning (they are closed now) to see if he will atleast look at her, he is just going by what I told him on the phone. Just so I can have some peice of mind.

03-08-2010, 04:42 PM
While you're waiting to call the doctor, try googling baby acne - see if any of it sounds familiar.

Lady's Human
03-08-2010, 04:46 PM
Relax, take a deep breath.

Infants react to many, many things. If you're panicking over this, it's going to be a long haul.

If you're really convinced it's the dogs, limit their contact with her, wash her bedding/clothes etc. and keep the dogs away from where she sleeps.

Allergies happen.

03-08-2010, 09:08 PM
I can't say for sure on 'allergies' per se' but some people can have VERY sensitive skin to textures, I know because mine is that way.

If my own hair falls down around the front of my neck or the wind blows it across my face more than a few times, I'll get a red, itchy, bumps that look like a rash. And I know I'm not allergic to my own hair.

Same thing at work. While I'm NOT allergic to dogs, there are some that cause that same reaction around my neck, face, and insides of my arms. It's always caused by short pokey haired dogs (boxers most often), dogs that just came from a clip job at the groomers (pretty much any breed), or whiskers of any type poking me (cats, dogs, guinea pigs, basically anything with whiskers)

It's the texture of the hair/fur/whiskers that gets my skin going.

In all cases if I can gently wipe the itchy area with a damp cloth shortly after exposure, and refrain from itching for about 10 minutes it all clears up and doesn't have any lingering consequences.

The only reason I mention it is that I know babies have very sensitive skin too. You might want to ask your doctor is such a thing could be what's going on with your baby.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-09-2010, 03:38 AM
Your baby's skin was very protected in the womb and is now coming into contact with all sorts of different things - takes time for her to adjust to her new surroundings, doesn't necessarily mean an allergy is developing. A check up with the doctor should set your mind at rest

03-09-2010, 04:37 PM
Okay so we spoke with the doctor and again he said he is sure its nothing more than baby acne so to just relax. Now he said most allergies won't present themselves Usually until after a year of age. Usually being the key word, so to just keep an eye on her and if the acne doesn't go away by her next check up or it gets worse before then we will look into options for maybe treating it, (But there isn't much you can do to treat it) And make sure nothing else is going on.

03-09-2010, 05:16 PM
I think you're experiencing a case of the "New Mommy Worries". Don't worry - I think all new moms have been there to some degree, and it will pass with no lasting side effects.

Relax!!! :D

03-09-2010, 05:25 PM
Have you considered that it might be a heat rash? We went through the same thing with our first born until the lady next door took a look at him and noticed how bundled up he was while the temperature in the house was also too hot. After taking off all the covers he was fine in a few days.

03-09-2010, 05:27 PM
I think you're experiencing a case of the "New Mommy Worries". Don't worry - I think all new moms have been there to some degree, and it will pass with no lasting side effects.

Relax!!! :D

Sadly one of my biggest fears is my child developing allergies to dogs, I can't imagine living in a home without dogs in it. (Though I would if it was in the best interest of my daughter)

but I suspect you are right

03-09-2010, 05:37 PM
My neice had this as a baby... they used Aquaphor on her cheeks and it eventually cleared up. She's 2 now and no sign of it! =)

03-09-2010, 06:32 PM
My son has some of the most sensitive skin of any one I know! Heat, grass, sand, too much wind, etc. He has NO allergies to anything...but, he is super sensitive to things. I do use aquafor...but, at that age, it was only on his bottom. I don't think I would put anything on those other 'cheeks' yet, LOL.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-10-2010, 03:25 AM
Sadly one of my biggest fears is my child developing allergies to dogs, I can't imagine living in a home without dogs in it. (Though I would if it was in the best interest of my daughter)

but I suspect you are right

Don't get your knickers in a twist over things that haven't actually happened (and may not) - you have enough to contend with as it is without the "what ifs" and "maybes"