View Full Version : Dog Survey...Based on appearance alone, would you have any of these dogs.....

03-08-2010, 09:48 AM
Based on appearance alone, would you have any of these dogs as the family pet...why/why not?

Just for fun I'm doing a little poll or survey type question about how the appearance of certain dogs makes them either more adoptable or less adoptable.

Also please answer the poll and leave you imput here

Okay so I have 6 dogs here, based on nothing but general appearance (because all 6 have wonderful temperments)
Would you consider any of these 4 dogs as a family pet around your kids? (Or if you don't have kids)

Why or Why not?

Please Comment on EAch dog

(to make it better I'll give each one an Alias name, for the privacy of the owners)

Dog 1: Cinnemon


Dog 2: Ziva


Dog 3: Mischa

Dog 4: Hunter

Dog 5: Trouble

Dog 6: Layla


03-08-2010, 11:09 AM
Dog #5 Trouble for me. I've got small dog fever and my next will be a lap dog, so based on looks alone I'd pick Trouble. He/she is insanely adorable. They're all cute. The dog #1 was close second based on looks alone.

03-08-2010, 11:27 AM
Voted for #1, just because I am a sucker for black dogs with goofy tan dot "eyebrows" - my first dog ever had those!

03-08-2010, 11:33 AM
I would take Ziva. She just looks like my kinda dog. :)

03-08-2010, 11:36 AM
#1 - her eyes got me.

03-08-2010, 11:57 AM
I'm a little dog lover, so I would have to go with #5 - Trouble. From her pic, she looks like a big ball of energy all wrapped up in a small package.

Second would be #6 - Layla. A snugly lap dog for sure.

Third would be #3 - Mischa. Looks so bright and alert and inquisitive.

03-08-2010, 12:31 PM
#1 or #4, they look smart, relaxed, and out of the puppy stage and with the hands on #4 like that he's obviously ok with it.

#2 looks like a lab mix, isn't this your dog? I don't do labs personally. Just my preference.

#3 would be potentially an issue at the dog park. Her tail is up, ears up, eyes staring down something like she's going to pounce. This is a dominant and confidant dog who could start trouble, especially in a pack to back her up. When I see dogs walk into the dog park like this, I walk away with my dogs.

#5 is too much puppy and too much teeth. This looks like a dog who's going to jump on people and not bite, but skim them with her teeth in excitement. Trouble perhaps.

#6 looks like a fear biter to me.

03-08-2010, 12:41 PM
#1 or #4, they look smart, relaxed, and out of the puppy stage and with the hands on #4 like that he's obviously ok with it.

#2 looks like a lab mix, isn't this your dog? I don't do labs personally. Just my preference.

#3 would be potentially an issue at the dog park. Her tail is up, ears up, eyes staring down something like she's going to pounce. This is a dominant and confidant dog who could start trouble, especially in a pack to back her up. When I see dogs walk into the dog park like this, I walk away with my dogs.

#5 is too much puppy and too much teeth. This looks like a dog who's going to jump on people and not bite, but skim them with her teeth in excitement. Trouble perhaps.

#6 looks like a fear biter to me.

Yes number 2 is my dog.....just doing a survey here and thought she was a good canidate to throw in. (don't let that affect you answers...her name isn't Ziva by the way just an alias.....She is not a lab mix though that we know of, she is a small dog. Actually 2 of the dogs up there are mine and I know 2 of the others)

03-08-2010, 12:45 PM

Cinnamon, Mischa and Hunter...based on looks..

Cinnamon has this big dog goofy look I love..just a giant teddy bear
Mischa has a mischevious husky-ish look..and fluffy ..
and Hunter has a hunky cheeky face and a pretty brindle coat

03-08-2010, 12:55 PM
:love: Oh I picked #6 Layla.. She is such a Sweet Cute Baby.. Of course I really like Beagles..

03-08-2010, 01:56 PM
I would consider #'s 2, 3 and 6. LOVE #3, she would be my number 1 choice by appearence alone, she looks BCish and BCs are my faverite breed..I am just automaticly attracted to dogs that have a BCish appearence lol, #2 is my second choice..just something about her! #6 is not my fave simpley because I am not a big beagle fan, but I would not discount her. I dont care for #1 or #4 simpley because I very much prefere streamlined and rounded, and I find those 2 much too thick and square for my personal preferace. # 5 simpley reminds me of the goldendoodles at work, and I HATE those dogs, they are so unbelievably annoying lol

03-08-2010, 02:02 PM
I like 2,3, and 4.

I like 2 because she just looks different. She looks happy go lucky and she looks like she would be well behaved with dogs and children.

# 3 is gorgeous. She looks alert and ready to play to me. She looks genuinely happy and like she would enjoy many hikes through the woods. My kinda dog!

I like 4 because she has gorgeous eyes and awesome ears. Lol She looks strong, but stable. I think she would honestly be a big cuddler. :)

Indigo Bully Connection
03-08-2010, 04:42 PM
Love that Pit Bull in number four, but I don't think I'm going to be taking on any more of those any time soon... maybe number one I'm a softy for an old fart!

03-08-2010, 05:24 PM
I had to vote for Mischa. She looks like a GSD/Aussie mix. And I'm rather smitten with both of those breeds.

But honestly, since adopting Taggart, I would want to meet the dog and see what they are like. I know you said all of them have good temperments. But I'd like to see their personality. I saw a dog at the shelter this weekend that had the same personality as Taggart. I loved him!! He plopped in my lap while I was sizing his harness and stuck his head through it making it difficult for me to adjust it.

03-08-2010, 05:59 PM
I chose Trouble- no.5 because it looks like a dog that could keep you happy and laughing.
Then I would take no. 6-Layla because she looks cuddly but sad.
No 4 Hunter also because it also looks lonely and ziva and the rest if I had room for them .

03-08-2010, 06:12 PM
I chose Mischa, she's gorgeous. I would take her in a a heart beat, and her eyes are brilliant.

I would also take Ziva, I remember seeing those pics for the first time, she reminds of Mikey a little - I don't know how, maybe personality wise. But I'd love her as well. Hunter also caught my eye, oh gosh he's gorgeous.

They're all beautiful.

03-08-2010, 06:44 PM
#1Cinnemon I'm a sucker for bigger dogs and love black and tan dogs.:D

03-08-2010, 07:51 PM
I'd take any / all of them!

Don't have the life style / living space for larger dogs, but I'd take them if I could. THAT be my big problem, lol! :rolleyes:

Some have white muzzles, suggesting they are older dogs? I am a sucker for homeless older dogizens!

Queen of Poop
03-08-2010, 08:21 PM
I would adopt 1, 3 and/or 4. It's all in the eyes. And I have a thing for big dogs.

03-08-2010, 09:28 PM
I love Mischa! :) She looks very soft and snuggly. And I LOVE fluffy curly tails! Both of my boys would definitely be all over dat.

If I had children, I would still pick Mischa, as Huskies are infamously great with kids and she has very kind eyes. I'd have to change her name, though... that's my evil Stepmother's name!

03-08-2010, 10:27 PM
Hmmmm .... Kind of a tough survey. I understand what you are getting at, though.

I prefer to own small, short haired-dogs. So honestly, none of these fit the bill for me. But, for the sake of your survey ....

My personal favorite in appearance alone is Hunter. I love his eyes, and he is beautiful. But he is a little big for my taste.

Ziva's a cutie, but hard to tell size. If he was small, I'd consider him.

Mischa is gorgeous, and I could deal with that much hair.

Trouble ... tooooo much grooming and upkeep for me. I groom other people's dogs all day, don't want to have to groom my own, too.

Layla .... just not one of my favorite breeds. Although, again, this is tough because to meet her in person, I might love her.

Cinnamon ... just not a look/size/color that normally catches my eye, as far as appearance. I would, though, probably rescue an old dog at a shelter no matter what.

Lilith Cherry
03-09-2010, 02:57 AM
I like number 1 best on looks but would never choose a pet on looks alone... you have to fit each other! I think all the dogs are beautiful and would not say no to any of them if the temperament was right!

03-10-2010, 06:45 PM
Ok, Mischa would be my choice..Hairy with a big smile, plus black and white which I always think will be my next choice, having had tan (Cody) and black/brown/ white (Logan). I LOVE Layla too. Not only her beautiful name, but I love senior dogs. She looks adorable and sweet and in my growing years (HA!), senior looks good to me.

03-10-2010, 11:45 PM
I would adopt all of them but Micha i think it is the spunky looking one of all of them

03-11-2010, 02:07 PM
Thank you all so much for your imput.

I can honestly say I am impressed and surprised that so many people would choose Cinnemon and Mischa. Being the Big Black Dogs of the group. You know "Big Black Dog Syndrome".

I was pleasantly surprised they they were the top picks

And I was actually surprised that the smaller dogs: Ziva, Layla, and Trouble didn't get as many votes.

This was very intersting and insightful and I thank you all

I assure you all but 1 have found their forever homes.

Cinnemon is a 14 year old female Lab mix (not sure what she is mixed with possibly Shepherd)

Mischa is a 1 year old female Husky/German Shepherd mix. (Mischa recently went to her forever home, she was 1 years old when she came to our shelter and she was fully trained in obedience and everything, her owners just traveled to much to keep her so she was adopted very quickly, if I had not been pregnant at the time she would have come home with me)

Ziva (actually my dog Sasha) is a 2 year old female Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua (something else) mix. Absolutely the best dog in the world (Okay I'm a little biased, but we have worked hard for her to be so good, very calm and easy going dog. Graduated top of obedience class. I'm very proud)

Layla: 13 year old female Purebred Beagle

Trouble: (Acutually my dog Zachary) is a 2 year old male minature poodle. He really is no trouble at all but trouble is his middle name, literally. He's a good boy, hyper as heck, but a good sweet boy.

Hunter: (age unknown) Believed to be a Pit bull/Shepherd mix, still looking for his forever home I'm afraid, but hopefully it will be soon.