View Full Version : Just Stressed Out Right Now - Car Problems, Marriage Problems, Stressed.

03-04-2010, 01:20 PM
Last Saturday I took my car into the shop because it needs an alignment. I was supposed to drop off my car Saturday morning but my mom didn't want to drive in the snow so I said that was fine I'll just wait for my car. I was there right at 7 a.m. when they opened and had to wait till 8:40 a.m. for them to tell me that I need new inner tire rods on the front wheels before they can do an alignment properly.

So I got them to find out how much everything was going to cost and they told me I'd be looking at $250. Although since I was going to have to wait until today to get my car fixed since I had a vet appt. scheduled for Saturday at 11 a.m. they couldn't fix my car in time and so I just decided to wait until today to get it fixed.

They told me that they would be able to order 2 tie rods from one place and they would be $16 each. Which I thought that's not too bad at all.

Then I called them yesterday about the price it was going to cost for everything and they told me that the girl didn't up the parts right so they had to add some $$ onto it.

But they said the whole thing should be around $210 instead of the $250 since they were able to get the one part cheaper.

Which I thought well that's great and I'm glad I waited.

Anyway so I left my car this morning at got a ride into work with someone who lives pretty close to the garage and I asked them again this morning that the price was going to be $210 and they said yes. I said that's great and I'll be back for my car later today then.

Well just at 12:30 p.m. they call me and tell me that my car needs a cam bolt in order to get the alignment machine in right and that was going to cost me another $50.

I know that doesn't seem like a lot but to me it's A LOT. So I'm at work and I tell them well if it has to be done then I guess that it has to be replaced.

I told them though that I can't afford much more things to go wrong here so I'm hoping this will be the last part that is needed for the alignment because I don't really have a lot of $$.

Anyway, some of you know that I am taking a lupron injection monthly, which puts me through a menopause like state and things do upset me easily normally but now things are just 10 times worse it seems.

So after I get off the phone I start crying, I just can't seem to get ahead no matter what.

I owe our vets still a lot of $$ and we are working with them and thank goodness they are allowing us to but car places don't.

Plus I've been under some other stress because my husband and I are not doing well at all right now and I don't know where things are headed :(

My mom just had her 4th rotator cuff surgery on Tuesday and she can't do anything really for the next 4 weeks or so but rest.

My dad isn't being very helpful either it seems so I'm afraid she is going to do something without thinking or asking for help even though I only live 15 mins. away from her and would be glad to help her out when she needs it.

Ok I think I'm done, sorry I don't have a ton of friends either and that sucks and maybe I'm just feeling depressed. Tomorrow I have a meeting with a doctor who is going to test me for ADHD or ADD but it is possible I may just have Post Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

I'm just stressing out right now but I'm trying to remain calm but working just sucks right now even though I need the $$. I also has a back injection done last Thursday to help with my sciatic pain and that didn't seem to help I still have it and it's been worse since I got the injection but maybe it's just my emotions are playing it up more who knows.

Sorry for making this post so long.


Cinder & Smoke
03-04-2010, 11:26 PM
You have more Friends than you think you do.

Take a deep breath - things will get better.


Lilith Cherry
03-04-2010, 11:34 PM
Melissa, we are your friends so please don't think you don't have many! I wish I lived near enough to help out physically but sadly I am too far away; all good thoughts and cyberhugs to you though and I hope you will feel more cheerful soon:love:

03-04-2010, 11:35 PM
Ahhhhhhh A77, you know bad things always happen in threes.
Go with flow mate, you'll come out of it ok, and all will be well again.
Hey, just think of all your good friends here.....right ???;)

03-05-2010, 01:17 AM
Melissa, I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you right now.:( I was hoping that things would improve this year. I know that money problems can cause a lot of other problems in your life because I've also been there and I'm also still currently in debt. Things have to get better and you have many friends here on PT including me.:) I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

03-05-2010, 01:57 AM
I've had a bad winter, too. I have spent over $1,900 on my car in the last four months. I owe quite a few bills, also. I've just come here and enjoyed the people here, cried sometimes, and enjoyed my pets. Things are starting to look up, they always do, eventually. Hang in there and vent here if you need to.

03-05-2010, 02:48 AM
God never gives us more than we can handle. Been through it all myself and came back on the other side stronger than ever.

Lots of friends here at PT. When I went through my divorce back in 2002 I found out I had way more friends than I ever imagined.

Hang in there!

Pawsitive Thinking
03-05-2010, 04:15 AM
I know it seems like a lot to handle but you will get through it somehow. You are doing all you can which is all anyone can ask or expect. And you have PT in your corner!

Queen of Poop
03-05-2010, 05:50 AM
I am sorry you're going thru all of this. Take it day by day and don't look too far ahead right now. Love up your kitties, that will be very helpful. Know that you have friends here and trust me that counts for alot.

You know I'm going thru a divorce (it's nasty), I've been abused for alot of years, I had been isolated and I thought I had no friends, that no one cared. That I was going to have to go thru all of this alone. But the wonderful people here who said such wonderful things gave me hope that I could get thru all of this. It's very hard, but checking in here every day brings a bright spot to every day.

You will be ok. Take it slowly. Remember to breathe deeply. I am here for you anytime.

03-05-2010, 07:07 AM
It seems that no matter what is going on in our lives, if we have enough money, we're able to handle it. When money is short, it just adds to the stress. Add physical pain to the mix and it's no wonder that you're stressed. Sciatica can be excruciating and it's difficult to think clearly when you're having an episode. My advice, for what it's worth, is to let up on the cat rescue for a while. I know, it's difficult; you don't want to turn your back on them but you've got to take care of yourself first. If you're physically unable to work, then you really will be in a bind. The cats have made it this far w/o you and you have your own furkids to think of and, more importantly, your marriage. I would do everything I could to eliminate the sources of stress, if possible, and focus only on that which can be fixed. Right now, you've got to get that pain under control. If the injection didn't help, my guess is that it's probably b/c stress is causing you to tense up. Be kind to yourself, Melissa, and know that your PT friends are here. :)

03-05-2010, 10:35 AM
All good wishes to you, Melissa. Yes, you have many, many friends here, including me.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~ from Pat and cats

03-05-2010, 12:24 PM
I am sorry you're going thru all of this. Take it day by day and don't look too far ahead right now. Love up your kitties, that will be very helpful. Know that you have friends here and trust me that counts for alot.

You know I'm going thru a divorce (it's nasty), I've been abused for alot of years, I had been isolated and I thought I had no friends, that no one cared. That I was going to have to go thru all of this alone. But the wonderful people here who said such wonderful things gave me hope that I could get thru all of this. It's very hard, but checking in here every day brings a bright spot to every day.

You will be ok. Take it slowly. Remember to breathe deeply. I am here for you anytime.

If anyone needs support going through a divorce I am here for you. My ex was not physically abusive but mentally. He left me for someone else after 17 years of marriage and I was devastated at the time but now that it is over and I am on my on I am stronger than ever.

03-05-2010, 01:56 PM
Thank you everyone for writing. I just don't know where we (my husband and I) are headed and the thought of losing some of my cats because I can't take care of 10 on my own and I wouldn't want to take all of them away from him either.

I went to see that doctor but this was just a talking interview to see if he should test me for that or find out if I have something else.

So he thinks it would be a good idea to the test and find out and he said that there are medications out there that would help too and if I do have it then the medications would work.

He has to have a block of 4 hours for this test even though he said it won't take 4 hours but he needs that amount of time to review the test results and what not. My appt. for the test is on March 26 at 9 a.m. I'm figuring I'll just take off the whole day from work so I don't need to worry about going into work feeling stressed about a test or anything like that.

He gave me a take home test to take too and it's 330 something questions on it plus another sheet I have to fill out and see if my husband can fill out the other sheet on me. I told him I think I would have a hard time reading what he wrote so he told me not to look at it and have my husband put in an envelope so I'm going to take his suggestion.

I finally caught the cat that I wanted to the other morning so at least I'm done with that rescue but there are a few others I need to get and I'm trying to help this lady out since she has a very busy schedule but I'll do what I can.

Today I also had my 4th injection and I have 2 more to go. I might go out and cat trap tonight so I'm not around anyone so maybe my emotion won't be so high or so that way I don't fight with my husband.

That's about all for now. My car was only $225 thank goodness.


03-05-2010, 02:01 PM
A77, I really know how you feel...I actually have been feeling just like you for the past two months. Everything has just gone wrong, my job and quitting and now I'm still not in a permanent job that I want to stay. We have a wedding coming up we have to save for let alone we have to save for an apartment...sigh...I'm surprised I haven't gone into menopause early:o

I even thought that my taxes were going to save me for awhile, cause I usually get a large amount back, then I found out I was only getting 115 back thanks to my employer who wasn't taken barely any taxes off of me for a full year. I was so upset, I just cried and cried and wanted to just run away from everything forever.

But Daniel (my fiance) and my parents told me how much they loved me and were telling me that things will get better. My father helped me telling me how I should or shouldn't spend my little bit of money I have. Everyone just cared for me so much...so I'm still in the middle of hoping for a call saying "you're hired" from a really good paying full-time job...but I've been feeling better the last few days cause I am finally just thinking, there's nothing I can do except wait and try to be happy with what I already have.

Ok, well I am sorry for writing a little novel lol, your post just struck me as to how bad I have been...and things still aren't much better, but I think they are progressing to be better.

I hope everything gets better for you and for you and your husband. I don't know if you believe in God or not, but I do, so if you do, try praying that everything will get better :)