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View Full Version : Drunken cats put Dry goods ,Pet Spa out of business

03-02-2010, 03:34 PM
Lazenby's Dry Goods , Pet Spa and Package Store to close after 50 years.

Lina Lazenby, 69 of Sumiton says she will be closing her doors after 50 years in business. She say the current economic climate combined with a new Wal-Mart Supercenter have conspired to destroy her once thriving business. The Lazenby's made a name for their place of business back in the 50's providing the very finest fabrics, shoes, and pet food. When prohibition was lifted and Cullman became a wet county, the Lazenby's decided to expand their offings to include finer malted beverages and wines to their customers legally. Profits continued to soar.

In the 1990's The Lazenby's decided to turn the unused storage in the back to a pet spa. The problem was that people stopped picking up their cats and many of the abandoned turned to alcohol abuse. As a result, Lazenby says, several years ago their profits began to dwindle as alcoholism ran rampant through the store's resident cat population which had skyrocketed to over 65 individuals. Aparently the ring leaders and top Toms named "Clive" and Mr. Fluffy (both pictured below) were most out of control and racked up a 40 thousand dollar liquor bill.

"Clive" unable to walk after binging

Mr. Fluffy, taking over the remote and scratching his unmentionables

03-02-2010, 04:15 PM
Its a good thing that I no longer imbibe.
I certainly wouldnt want My Found Cats to end up like those Poor Cats:eek:

03-02-2010, 04:25 PM
:p That story is just too funny.. Do you think my Bogart could have been helping there too??:D


03-02-2010, 05:27 PM

That story is just too funny.. Do you think my Bogart could have been helping there too??

Depends, Is that a food dish or a beer stein that has his elbow in.

03-02-2010, 08:59 PM
Couldn't help but notice 'Mr. Fluffy' has an obsessive over grooming problem on his tummy.