View Full Version : Very Rude awakening

03-01-2010, 02:26 PM
Saturday morning started as usual but it decended into pandamonium. If you wish to read more please vist the blog...PanningforGold at the link below. It is a very funny story with a happy ending for all.

By the way the picture on the front is my home..the windown on the far right is the window in the story.

Happy reading!



Cinder & Smoke
03-01-2010, 03:02 PM
Keep reading ...

There are some really Great Pet Tails on that blog!!


03-01-2010, 03:06 PM
:eek: WoW Denyce what a morning you & your wife & babies had.. I am laughing so hard that I almost fell out of my chair.. That was so funny to read.. I will bet it was not funny waking up too.. Many thanks for the good reading..

03-01-2010, 05:59 PM
What a funny story Denyce ,I had to laugh at the visualized sight of you chasing Your Cats who are chasing the poor little Bird!!
We have hectic mornings at the Found Cat Hotel, but without no Avian assistance:D

03-01-2010, 10:10 PM
I'll bet that little bird will be eternally grateful for your help in saving him from that harrowing situation. You guys are my kind of people!:love:

03-01-2010, 10:44 PM

What a riot!! I can just picture you and hubby running around like banchies trying to coral all the cats. Your blog is great!! I've got it on my "favorite" list.

Love your house, btw.

03-02-2010, 02:37 AM
As I was reading, I could totally see a wad of cats running around after a bird and the absolute pain it would be trying to separate the two! Great blog, I love reading your entries. And by the way, I like your writing style. :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-02-2010, 05:07 AM
Oh my oh my, I just cannot stop laughing here!!! That story would be so purrfect for funny movie!! What a hoot :):):)
That text is written so well, I could almost see it happen!!

Thanks for the good laugh Denyce!!

ps.I've bookmarked your blog!!!

03-02-2010, 07:02 AM
Loved the story, and the rest of your writing too!

03-02-2010, 11:45 AM
Funny story!!!! :D:D

03-02-2010, 02:59 PM
Thank you very much everyone! I am sure my hubby will greatly appreciate it. It is actually him who is doing the writing. Brian has a wicked sense of humor and being from big cities in Canada and then moving to the very small area of Centre County we live in has been quite the adjustment but he enjoys it very much.

You have to go back 4 pages to get to the beginning but there are some great photos and some funny stories on how we ended up with our husky Sequoia and also how we found 18 pounds of Trouble (our bengal mix) in our lives.


Pawsitive Thinking
03-05-2010, 07:10 AM
Can't wait for the next instalment ;)

03-05-2010, 08:56 AM
Glad you are all enjoying my blog as long as people keep on reading I'll keep on posting.

Thank you