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View Full Version : Fabulous Fancy!

02-27-2010, 05:08 AM
Beeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuutiful poodle girl. What a lovely treat for my eyes this morning. :love:

Fancy, congratulations on your top honours today. You are simply magnificent. Your people must be so proud of your many accomplishments and it's wonderful that you are a such a Good Doggie Citizen. You bring joy to everyone's hearts.

My standard girl (Bodea) and her little brother (Henry) salute you today and wish you lots of special pats and treats, romping and playing. :D

Daisy and Delilah
02-27-2010, 11:18 AM
What a wonderful name for you, sweetheart!! It's been said that Poodles are like potato chips in that you can't have just one. It seems to be true in your house, Fancy Girl!! You and brother Toby are absolutely stunning and quite a pair!! We can't get enough of the adorable faces and Poodle antics!! Our Mom says she loves Poodles just like she does Chihuahuas.;) We're not sure what that means. We're sorry to hear you have hip problems, cutie. Thank goodness Mom is giving you just the right thing to make you better. Congrats on your CGC award and congrats on being our highly esteemed DOTD!! Have a great day today and tell the family to please give you, and Toby, kisses from us in Florida to add to the celebration. Happiness always!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Cold, Rainy, Florida :confused: :confused:

02-27-2010, 02:11 PM
Happy Dog of the Day to you, beautiful Fancy girl!:) What a gorgeous "strawberry blond" you are! hehe Your photos are precious! I have to agree with D&D...I've yet to meet a Poodle family that was a solo act!:D As good as chips, just can't stop at one!:p What a beautiful best friend your family has in you, sweetheart! And what a wonderful mentor and best pup pal you have in your big bro Toby!:love: Yes indeed, those are some mighty big pawprints to fill, but by all acounts your following right behind in his footsteps! Wow, your CGC and pet therapy certification by age 15 mos.!:eek: Well, you Poodles are known for your smarts, that's for sure!:) But you Fancy are just as big hearted and loving as you are smart; more so! You certainly were born for therapy work Fancy, and we thank you for devoting yourself to such a noble cause! I can only imagine the smiles you'll be putting on the faces of those in need of a little unconditional love and friendship, over the coming years! Thanks to your Mom for sharing your very special, heart warming story with us all! Enjoy a fun day celebrating with Toby and your Mom and Dad! Hope you're both being spoiled rotten!:D Big hugs and kisses to you beautiful Fancy, and to Toby too!:love::love::love:

02-27-2010, 03:43 PM
EEEEEP! Extreme Poodle-ness! Where is Pam, our Poodle Lady?
Look at these two! Who could not feel better after a visit from you and Toby, Fancy girl. You are so pretty! Congratulations on your good citizen recognition and your therapy dog certification! Big hugs to you (Toby too, please) and a happy Dog of the Day to you!

02-27-2010, 04:37 PM
Hello Fancy,

It is good to meet you (and bro Toby) today.:love: You are so pretty.
I am so happy to know that you do much needed therapy work. I am
certain people love seeing you visit.:) Congratulations on being our special
DOG OF THE DAY.:) Sending lots of cyber hugs & kisses for you sweet girl.