View Full Version : So, why am I still single?

02-25-2010, 08:19 PM
http://www.lemondrop.com/2010/02/22/chubby-stubbly-geeks-guys-women-lust-after/?icid=main|main|dl3|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lemondr op.com%2F2010%2F02%2F22%2Fchubby-stubbly-geeks-guys-women-lust-after%2F

Something is wrong here!

02-25-2010, 08:41 PM
You're not kiddin' something is wrong here! I read the types and looked at the pix of the ones women say they go for. Good grief! They may all be young but even if I were younger, I wouldn't go for one of them. They're all messy slobs. Eeeew!

02-25-2010, 08:45 PM
Have to agree with Medussa on that one. I'd prefer to stay single if that was the only thing lurking out there. Glad I'm spoken for.

02-25-2010, 11:12 PM
Ok mate, I've dissected it for you.

Firstly, you have to get rid of those nose and nipple rings, the stud through your tongue has got to go to.
Then you will need to shave your chest (that will make it easier to blot out the nude cowgirl tattoo with a bit of body colour). Then you need to half grow a straggly beard.....something like Blue has on his pic....you know, the Man from Borneo look.
Get some jeans on, and a nice open neck shirt in lieu of the Ronald McDonalds outfit.
Go to a sad movie, and bawl you eyes out.....and mate....they'll be falling all over you...I guarantee you'll be beating them off with sticks.
AND DON'T FORGET THE GOLD CHAIN !!!!! If you wear an open neck shirt....you MUST have a gold chain around your neck...the heavier the better !!!! That'll suck em in !!!!! Warren Beatty will be eating his heart out !!!

02-26-2010, 05:24 AM
Oh Wom!!!

You are making my stomach hurt I'm laughing so much!!!!!

02-26-2010, 05:47 AM
I now know why I am still single after being divorced for 8 years. :D

02-26-2010, 05:56 AM
Ok mate, I've dissected it for you.

Firstly, you have to get rid of those nose and nipple rings, the stud through your tongue has got to go to.
Then you will need to shave your chest (that will make it easier to blot out the nude cowgirl tattoo with a bit of body colour).
I have to tell you...

I think I am the orginal "Mexican Hairless"


I'll work on the rest, later!:confused:;)

02-26-2010, 07:16 AM
OK - I'd like to know what women they polled to get this information!!! No one asked me?!?

All the guys shown there are stereotypes that are normally avoided by women (at least the women I know) - who ARE these people? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I guess maybe some women go for a "type" but it just seems strange that Woody Allen would be on the top of the list.

02-26-2010, 07:40 AM
I guess maybe some women go for a "type" but it just seems strange that Woody Allen would be on the top of the list.

He beat out Roman Polanski, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer for the top spot.

It's the same with guys.......I've seen the biggest jerks hook some of the best women. And I am not talking about only looks.:eek::(:confused:

02-26-2010, 08:19 PM
OK - I'd like to know what women they polled to get this information!!! No one asked me?!?

Well, we're asking now !!!! Hee hee

02-27-2010, 06:32 PM
Now wait a minute here! I'M an overweight, bearded, grey-haired guy that the girls want!

02-27-2010, 08:11 PM
Well, consider Charles Manson, ugly, scary, and with a whole harem of fascinated (if pathetic) females swarming around him vying for his attentions..

And, more trouble with all these types is, they multiply... They never seem to be too big on family planning, either.

02-27-2010, 09:34 PM
Maybe I'm just weird...

I like my men:
Light coloured (tanning is not cool)
Strong (not a body builder thats for sure, ewwww)
Some chunk to him, but not a fat slop
Hair on the chest, belly, etc
Clean shaven & 3 day old stubble
Short hair or near shaved

Oh wait I just described my b/f tee hee hee hee

He use to shave his chest, belly & shoulders when we first met.. I asked him to stop shaving & he did.. It's smexy :love: Its also not a lot of hair. I know some men are wearing coats, but not him... I see some hair as Mature & Masulan (SP? spell checker is messed up :( ) I don't want to be dating a child. .. I want a MAN!! :) But I also want a man that knows how to be sensitive (Trevor does W00T!!)...

Oh & about the stubble?
1. It's smexy :love:
2. It make's trevor look closer to his age. When he's clean shaven he looks 19. My friends asked me what I was doing with someone THAT young... I said he's only 2yrs younger then me... thats not a huge gap... Then they laughed & had no issues saying how cute & hot he is LOL They just didn't want to say that about a 19yr old as my friends are between 30-35 (I'm 27.. the baby of the group lol) :D

pics... shhh don't tell him
http://kingrattus.net/image/tid/334 :love:

02-27-2010, 10:18 PM
pics... shhh don't tell him
http://kingrattus.net/image/tid/334 :love:

I'm telling !!!

02-27-2010, 10:38 PM
NOO!!! lol

02-27-2010, 10:50 PM
Stop lurking in the Gerbil section, and git yourself over here....I have something to tell you. :p:p

02-28-2010, 02:25 PM
Stop lurking in the Gerbil section, and git yourself over here....I have something to tell you. :p:p

WOM!! You're such an asshat!! :rolleyes::p

02-28-2010, 05:54 PM
WOM!! You're such an asshat!! :rolleyes::p

Well yeah !!!! I am. Hee hee
I've been called worse things.
And they all true :D

03-01-2010, 07:28 AM
Well, we're asking now !!!! Hee hee

My husband is a hunky older gentleman and I love the way he looks as well as who he is (that's fortunate! hee hee!)

As far as a certain "type" I can't say that I have one. I do tend to be attracted to men a bit older than me, but that's where the similarity ends!! Woody Allen is not who I would spend my Sunday afternoon with. :p

03-01-2010, 08:17 AM
My husband is a hunky older gentleman and I love the way he looks as well as who he is (that's fortunate! hee hee!)

As far as a certain "type" I can't say that I have one. I do tend to be attracted to men a bit older than me, but that's where the similarity ends!! Woody Allen is not who I would spend my Sunday afternoon with. :p

I think a woman would have to be pretty weird to be attracted to someone like Woody Allen....which made me wonder who they asked for that survey....LOLOLOL.