View Full Version : SAN DIEGO: URGENT! 3 cats by SUNDAY 2/28

02-25-2010, 04:50 PM
I received this message today (Thurs., 2/25) asking if I knew anyone who might be able to help.. So I'm sorry this is such short notice, but might any of you be able to take them or at least foster them or know anyone else who might?... I also sent it to a couple of e-mail friends out that way.

In short, 3 cats need homes-San Diego-mom lost her battle with breast cancer.. home must be emptied BY THIS SUNDAY, 2/28.. Details follow, and my GREATEST THANKS, and LOVE :love::love::love: from Pat :

Please contact Dana Hooper at [email protected] if you have room for one or more of these furbabies. Thank you.

My friend Dana Manion (same first name as me but different last name) passed away yesterday Feb 17th 2010 after a second round of breast cancer and a long fight. Dana left three beautiful loving kitties that now need homes and someone to love and take care of them the rest of their lives.

The kitties do not need to stay together but we do hope we can find loving homes for them. They are all inside cats all about 8-10 yrs old and all in good health as far as I know.

Some people may say Sasha is a special needs kitty but if you asked Sasha she wouldn’t think so. She gets around just fine. Her right front leg doesn’t work correctly and her paw is turned under but it doesn’t hold her back from much except that she doesn’t jump as high as other cats. Really no problem and she is the MOST LOVING kitty you would ever want to meet.

Panoodle is a long haired Siamese mix and very loving. Panoodle had her teeth cleaned about 4 mo. Ago I know because Dana and I went together and took our cats to get their teeth cleaned. She only took Panoodle because she could only afford one at a time. Panoodle’s fir is NOT difficult to take care of. Even being long haired her fur just doesn’t seem to matt. But combing now and then is a good thing.

Callie is a calico mix and very loving….what can I say all of the kitties are loving and all inside kitties. She lets them out on the cement patio but that is as far as they go.

Please consider giving one or more of these precious animals a good home. Call me and I will arrange to meet you and let you see them or take them

Dana Hooper (A friend of Dana Manion’s)
(858) 292-5052
[email protected]

(2/25) Here is an update to these cats.
Furniture has been removed from the homes and cats need to be out by Sunday (THIS SUNDAY).
They have been alone for 17 weeks to date and we are Scrambling for help. They don’t all have to be kept together. Can someone open up their homes and their hearts to help these cats? I know their mom would rest peacefully knowing her babies were taken care of. This is a lesson to us all to make sure we have a plan in place in case the inevitable should happen suddenly. Please circulate. We only have until Sunday.


P.S., Sasha sounds much like my Sparkler, whose back legs are both crooked and her left back toes curl under.. she can't jump much. but that doesn't stop her from going where she wants to go and doing what she wants to do. In short, a cat like this is not really disabled, not to mention is absolutely delightful too! (As these three all sound.)

02-25-2010, 05:42 PM
OMG - I hope these babies get homes soon!:(

02-28-2010, 05:57 PM
A friend in Los Angeles to whom I forwarded the message got in touch with someone who got in touch with someone else who... anyway, it sounds like two maybe even all three of the cats got new homes!

I will let you know more if I learn more.

02-28-2010, 06:31 PM
Oh, I hope they all have a home! Prayers....:love:

03-01-2010, 06:49 PM
Yes, the other person came back for the third cat!.. And my friend learned a little more about both adopters, who sound like they will be fine, loving cat meowmies for these kitties.

Turns out there is another cat in another apartment in that same building who needs a new home too.. this one's owner is going into assisted living and her daughter is trying to find someone to take mom's cat. My friend is going to see if she can do anything for her too.

Sigh.. it's endless... :(:(:(

At least these three are home safe, it seems! God bless them and their rescuers and adopters and all who reached out to help, including all of you folks with your good wishes and strong positive PT energies. :)

03-01-2010, 07:39 PM
Great news - and prayers for the other furbaby.:love:

03-01-2010, 10:18 PM
Oh, how I wished I was allowed more than two kitties in my lease!:( I would take the other cat in a heartbeat!:love:

03-02-2010, 06:44 PM
Katladyd, do you have any friends around there who might take her?

03-03-2010, 12:30 PM
I've been asking, but so far, all the houses are full. I have one more person I can talk to tonight. Keep your fingers crossed!

03-03-2010, 02:17 PM
Thank you, katladyd. All fingers, toes, and paw pads crossed!

03-03-2010, 08:52 PM
I heard again from my friend.. The neighbor's cat has got a new home too now!

03-04-2010, 12:17 PM
I am so happy. The friend I was going to ask (my boyfriend) now has his girl kitty urinating outside the box and I didn't think he would want to throw another cat into the mix right now, so I didn't ask him about it. I am so glad all the kitties have homes!:)