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View Full Version : The things you learned after having a baby

02-23-2010, 05:43 PM
Hi everyone.

As our little pumpkin nears the two month mark, I've been pondering over just how much I have learned since having a baby. I thought it would be fun if all the moms and dads here could list the new things they learned after having a child. Let's begin.

I learned that pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences a couple can go through together.

I learned that seeing your child for the first time is an experience that is truly difficult to describe.

I learned that I DO have the ability to manage a house, dinner, pets, time with family, and baby at the same time.

I learned that everyone was right...despite my inability to wake up with an alarm clock or the loudest noise, a slight whimper from my child can wake me up.

I learned that breastfeeding does not come as naturally as you'd think at the beginning, but once you and baby figure things out, it comes as naturally as walking.

I learned that you have to be careful when changing a baby boy's diaper, because if you are not fast enough, they can pee without warning, in directions unimaginable to girls. :d

I learned that the day you hear your baby gurgle and say ah-goo for the first time is one of the happiest days of your life.

I learned that you cannot completely understand the love your parents have for you until you have your own child and experience those feelings yourself.

I learned that if I chose not to be a parent, I would have been unknowingly missing out on one of life's greatest joys.

I learned that looking into my baby's eyes as he's fondly staring into mine is enough to make me cry.

I learned that I love being a mom.

I learned that if you have a good relationship with your spouse, dealing with the challenges and joys of parenting together can actually make your bond even stronger.

02-23-2010, 06:08 PM

02-23-2010, 09:16 PM
I learned that I could/would lay my life on the line for another human being.

I learned how scary it is to have that much love for another person.

I learned that age 7 to 12 is the best age for kids:D

I agree about not really understanding a parents love or truly appreciating your parents until you have your own child. My parents passed away when my children were small, I would have loved to laugh with my mom about the teenage years from this side of it.

02-23-2010, 09:21 PM
I learned that I could/would lay my life on the line for another human being.

I learned how scary it is to have that much love for another person.

I learned that age 7 to 12 is the best age for kids:D

Amen! I second all of that!

I learned that it IS possible to truly unconditionally love someone.

I learned that, as a normally pretty selfish person, I would absolutely die for my child.

I learned that nothing in the world can break your heart like a teenager.

I learned that crayons come out of noses with no long-term ill effects.

I learned that panty hose clog up plumbing when flushed down the toilet ... and that "Bye, bye, all gone" are NOT words you want to hear followed by flushing toilet sounds.

02-23-2010, 09:23 PM
Amen! I second all of that!

I learned that it IS possible to truly unconditionally love someone.

I learned that, as a normally pretty selfish person, I would absolutely die for my child.

I learned that nothing in the world can break your heart like a teenager.

I learned that crayons come out of noses with no long-term ill effects.

I learned that panty hose clog up plumbing when flushed down the toilet ... and that "Bye, bye, all gone" are NOT words you want to hear followed by flushing toilet sounds.

LMAO ....so true...yes teenagers can break your heart thats for sure.

02-24-2010, 12:29 AM

LMAO ....so true...yes teenagers can break your heart thats for sure.

I've learned the heart break doesn't stop at teen age.

I thought I knew love in my children until my grandkids came along, now I'll
soon be a great granddad.:)

Pawsitive Thinking
02-24-2010, 03:54 AM
I learnt not to do it again ;)

02-24-2010, 09:23 AM
I learned that it IS possible to truly unconditionally love someone.

I learned that, as a normally pretty selfish person, I would absolutely die for my child.

So very, very true. I am reminded of this saying I have seen, along the lines of, "A mother, seeing a piece of cake, and her child, realizes she isn't hungry any more". It is something like that, lol.

Thankfully, I have the child that would look at me and say, "here, have some".
(followed by the comment, "not too much, it isn't on your diet" :eek:)

02-24-2010, 11:46 AM
GREAT thread, PCB! I loved reading all the responses.

I have learned:

Nice things get broken and wrecked.
The meaning of sacrifice, even in the middle of the night when its the last thing on earth I want to do...that's right, sacrifice.

BUT, I have also learned:

there is no purpose in life in THINGS, even nice ones.
every ounce of sacrifice made is more than made up for.
There truly is nothing better than watching your baby grow and blossom into a toddler and then into a child.

02-24-2010, 08:57 PM
I learnt not to do it again ;)

Amen to that as well!! :D