View Full Version : You really can find anything on Etsy

02-20-2010, 08:00 PM
haha I just had to laugh at this one.

Etsy has a section called Alchemy where you can make a request and see what people have to offer. After you accept a bid the item will show up in a ticker on the side so that people can see what kind of items people are getting and it's a little extra promotion for your shop if yours is chosen.

Well one person wanted to get her friend a gift who was going in for breast implants. i was really curious as to what this person would end up with lol.

Well today I saw it. Someone bid and made her a bouquet of.....

White and pink chocolate boobs on sticks :rofl1:

you really CAN find anything on etsy :D

02-21-2010, 03:42 PM
That's pretty cute. :)