View Full Version : Heart

02-20-2010, 10:25 AM
For those how may know, my mother has some ferals who live in her back garden.
Heart was her favourite and around 3 and a half years old.
We noticed something wasn't quite right with his mouth, he was salivating a lot and the fur was discoloured around his chin. He'd lost some weight and was starting to look quite raggy. We managed to catch him and take him to the vets on Friday. We were hoping it would just be teeth related however when he was examined under sedation they said that it was cancer. It was decided to put him to sleep whilst he was there.
We're really heartbroken because he was a lovely boy. He loved my mother mostly, as he would let her touch him and smoothe him.
She will miss him so much and after just losing Doris it's a bit of a blow.
We called him Heart because he had a heart shape on his chest.

Play hard at the bridge Heart, we loved you so much and hope we took good care of you whilst you were with us.

Rest Peacefully sweet boy.


With his Brother Fatty who is in the background.


02-20-2010, 10:47 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Heart. :(
Your mother is so sweet to take care of these cats like this.

RIP Heart :love:

02-20-2010, 12:10 PM
I remember this cat family...how awfully sad. I am so sorry.:(

Heart would have had an earlier and less peaceful death, I am sure, if your family had not built that house for them and fed them.

Play happy and love at the Bridge, dear Heart.:love:

02-20-2010, 01:47 PM
Heart was well taken care of during his brief stay here and he's appropriately named, not only for the heart shape on his chest but because your mother put her heart into taking care of him and the other ferals as well. RIP, dear Heart and peace to your humans.

02-20-2010, 03:10 PM
Thats such a sad story about Heart and it reminds me about some of the Porch Cats that I truly tried to save , but have either become Angels or have just disappeared.
Heart had a short difficult life , but one thing he had was a friend in your Dear Mother, someone that these Tuxedoes could come to in a sometimes cold world and a place where Heart knew that there was a friendly face and food to eat, annda warm pet and cuddle.
And someone to see at the end that he did not suffer and die in pain.
Hearts an Awesome Angel now, and he belongs to Your Mother forever and some time years from now, they will be reunited in love.
One Fine Day.:love:

02-20-2010, 04:39 PM
RIP Heart, you were a special boy.

02-20-2010, 04:57 PM
Rest in peace, dearest Heart. You and your companions are very much loved by a very special lady and her family. God bless her for giving you all food and shelter and love and care.

May you frolic joyfully and healthily at the Rainbow Bridge as you wait for all your friends to join you!

02-20-2010, 06:46 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( He had a good life though and your mother will see him again some day. RIP handsome Heart.:(