View Full Version : bedding??

10-15-2002, 02:28 PM
What do you use for bedding in the bottom of your dog's crate?? So far we have tried a quilt (ripped & eating the filling); wool blanket (ditto); big bath towel (doesn't stay put but gets bunched in the corner & everytime he turns around at night *Whomp* he wakes me up). So I am looking for something that won't get ripped & chewed easily, comfy & stays put. Any suggestions?? (Oh and somewhat easily washed)

10-15-2002, 02:39 PM
There are those foam mat things with the canvas cover on them. A lot of people use them to put in dog houses. They can still be destructed, but not as easily. Let me search around and see if I can find a pic of one..

10-15-2002, 02:42 PM
Here's some pads and beds made specifially for crates. I don't know if Malone would chew these up or not??


10-15-2002, 02:51 PM
Thanks Aly...I will have to check them out!! :D

10-15-2002, 03:03 PM
Oh, this brings back memories for me, Bob was/is exactly the same with bedding in his crate. The only thing I had a little bit of success with was an old piece of carpeting, well, when I say success it lastest longer than anything else! Can`t even put it down to puppy stuff with him because I tried again with a quilt about six months ago and all went well for about 6 days, then one morning I get up and there was a hole in it and some filling on the floor, think I just got up in time to stop very much going into his stomach. Right now he doesn`t have anything in there, but doesn`t seem to mind even though he spends a lot of time in there, of his own choice I may add, not locked in or anything.
Sorry I can`t help, only sympathises(sp). Good luck. :)
(if you do find anything that works with Mr Malone please let me know because it might work for Bob also. Even though he doesn`t seem to mind I still feel guilty he has nothing nice in there to lay on)

10-15-2002, 03:27 PM
Would cedar bedding work? It couldn't be tore up & it would make him smell good. Although it might be a little messy.

10-15-2002, 03:30 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, Anna, but would it be harmful if he ate the cedar? He eats EVERYTHING!

10-15-2002, 03:32 PM
Sorry, that I couldn't tell you. As far as I know none of ours has ate it;) , but we do have it in their dog houses & have had it in their doggie beds we have bought before. So I wouldn't "think" it would be.

10-15-2002, 04:34 PM
I work next door to a place that supplies flooring for contractors and they sell samples peices of carpet for $1. They fit well in the bottom and if they just messed up, it was only a buck! We have gone through a few, but none have gotten eaten. Once the girls stopped chewing so much we got them beds.

10-15-2002, 04:57 PM
Cincy's Mom, that's a great idea. We have taught Malone not to chew on the carpets (he still has a problem with our Oriental rug with the fringes) but I really wonder if that would work. I will ask Mark what he thinks. thanks!

10-16-2002, 01:02 AM
Well when I was watching McKinney for my sister, she had these "pee pads" in his kennel. They are actually for human babies, they soak up the pee.....they really worked nice, it didn't get the dog wet at all, and it washed right out. So when I got Nebo I thought these would be a great idea! Well, they are in about 50 million pieces all over his crate......

Now on to the dogloo....It came with a nice foam pad thing that fits right inside of it. I had that in there for ONE day and he had ripped a huge hole in it, and torn the crap out of the foam. I salvaged it, and it is sitting in our basement waiting to be sewed up. He's not getting it back until he's older.

Right now he has a blanket in there. He refuses to leave it in the dogloo, he'd prefer it in the dirt. It has slowly been shrinking, and the number of small white pieces of fabric laying around seem to mysteriously be increasing. For some strange reason I often notice little pieces of white in his poo also. Hmm wonder how that happened?

Soo....he still has little pieces of the "pee pad" all over his crate, and little pieces of the blanket all over the dog run. Nebo has a talent.....he'd destroy ANYTHING I put in there with him. Not much advice here from me.

As far as the carpet, I believe he'd destroy that also. He will NOT leave the rugs alone. He, too, has a thing for the fringed ones especially.