View Full Version : I'm such a bad meowmie!!!

02-18-2010, 10:18 AM
I got up this morning and was drinking my coffee. I heard a very soft "mew" and went to my window, and put my good ear to it to see if I could find out where it was coming from. Nothing.

I had a bag of trash that I put near my door so when I went out, I'd take it to the dumpster. When I picked it up, the cat litter I tossed out went all over the floor, and I heard a soft "mew" coming from the pantry closet.

OMG!!! I unknowingly closed Lucie Lu in the closet overnight!!! I felt SOOOOO bad. She scratched the trash bag open.

I gave her a can of fancy feast mixed with kitten kibble. She chowed down and then had a "sippy" at the fountain.

Poor baby!!!!!:( She's no worse for wear. She's now chasing a piece of Feline Pine around the place.

Hey Melissa,

I read Lucie Lu's papers and it said she was shy???:confused: HARDLY!!!!

Pinot's Mom
02-18-2010, 11:31 AM
These things happen, Donna...can't be helped. We've recently discovered Pinot, when she puts her mousie under the door, has taken to closing herself in the powder room! We're not even involved!

02-18-2010, 12:22 PM
Sorry I had to laugh! This is a regular occurence at our house with Hope Simone and Nimet. They are stealth like the way they can get into a closet before you know it. When I do not see them for a bit, I know to do a closet check....AND THERE THEY ARE!!! I am quite sure that you a very forgiven by your offering of that great cat food!!!

02-18-2010, 12:31 PM
My boyfriend accidentally locked his tuxie, Buddy, in the coat closet a couple nights ago. We seem to be more shaken by this than they are.;)

02-18-2010, 12:37 PM
It happens Donna

Lucie Loo will forgive you she always does. I'm not sure why they said she was shy but when she was here she was a little shy but a love bug.

She is such a sweetie pie and a big meower! well at our place she was.

Melissa (any chance we could see some more pictures of her soon?)

02-18-2010, 12:47 PM
What's with these hidey fur kids??? One day not too long ago, I realized that I hadn't seen Myndi in a while. Searched everywhere - couldn't find her. I'm in a panic, but at least I knew she wasn't outside - she hates to go out. I called and called - no response. Just on a hunch, I opened the door to my walk-in closet, and there she was, sound asleep on a pile of laundry that didn't make it to the hamper. :(;) She must have gotten in there when I had the door open, and I didn't notice. Bad Mommy!

02-18-2010, 01:11 PM
I was pet sitting for my cousin during Thanksgiving and he had his neighbors family members stay over in the spare bedrooms. He has an office in the attic and they keep the door ajar (when is a door not a door?? when it's AJAR!!! Padum-pum) so the cat can go in and out of it. Well, she got closed up in the attic and I didn't think to check because she usually sits on the dining room table chairs. 2 days later I took inventory and realized I hadn't seen her (she hates my guts and lunges at me any chance she gets). I noticed that the neighbors friends shut the attic door. I went looking for her and VOILA!! There she was!!! Was she grateful to me??? Hell no! She lunged at me before she walked down the hall. *sigh* Tell me again WHY I pet sit???

02-18-2010, 01:17 PM
I have locked black as night, Montana, out on the enclosed front porch before! Serves his bad bottom right for sneaking out and hiding on me!! Lillycat has locked Butters out in the laundry room on more than one occasion. He is very stealth like and hides under the shelving. LOL, it happens!!

02-18-2010, 01:19 PM

I'm going to try. It seems that with my new computer, I'm having a difficult time with the software that downloads pictures. I'll give it another shot! She's getting bigger everyday! Once I get my IRS check, she'll be fixed.

Queen of Poop
02-18-2010, 02:13 PM
Cali has a thing for getting into the island cupboard every time I open the door. Twice now I've closed her in. I am now trying to check before I ever close the door. On occassion I've taken a look and found Diego in there! Surprise mom!! Cali snuck in/out and Diego took her place. Such silly cats.

02-18-2010, 03:21 PM
My Boo Bear is coal black and at times he scoots into the closet w/o my noticing. He did it not too long ago and he didn't meow to let me know he was in there, no scratching on the door, nothing. It was only when I noticed later that day that he wasn't around so I went on a search. I opened the door and he was just sitting there, looking at me as if to say "What???" Cats love their hidey spots. My RB Peeka loved to sleep in the linen closet and the first time she went in there and I opened the door, my heart leapt into my mouth! She was curled up on a stack of towels sound asleep. So don't feel bad, Donna. It happens to all of us at one time or another.

02-18-2010, 04:22 PM
I once locked Dusty in a spare room just before I was leaving for the weekend! She must have snuck in behind me as I was turning to shut the door because I never saw her go in! Poor thing stuck in there with no litter, water or food for almost 2 days and it was summertime to boot so no fan either!:( When I came home and she wasn't there to greet me, I went looking for her. She was happy to be let out but hadn't been crying at the door when she heard me come home. She got extra canned food and seemed none the worse for wear but I felt horrible about it. Now I make a point of doing a head count before I leave the house!!

02-18-2010, 05:15 PM
I think if you have more than 2 cats, you need to take inventory when you leave and come back. I've learned my lesson.

02-18-2010, 06:24 PM
I think if you have more than 2 cats, you need to take inventory when you leave and come back. I've learned my lesson.

I have to do it with just one! There is a navy blue blanket on my bed that Cassie likes to rest on during the day ... I didn't realize how hard it is to see a grey cat on a navy blanket in low light? I'm looking under the love seat, in the closet, her favorite spots. "Mew!" Here I am, Mom, hidden in plain sight.

02-19-2010, 12:56 AM
I've accidently locked Pearl in my closet a few times before. She usually started meowing so it doesn't take long for me to rescue her.

When my RB Pepper was a kitten he door dashed as I was bringing in my laundry. I didn't notice that he had done this. My front door opens up to a hallway. A little while later I heard a loud meowing but I couldn't find Pepper. I finally opened up the front door and there he was. At least he was smart enough to know which door was his home and to meow to alert me.

Sky's also been locked in my roommates closet and bedroom before. He loves to visit and he usually doesn't meow or complain so I have to go looking for him.

02-19-2010, 08:04 AM
Sparkle has gotten herself closed in closets more times than I can count, in the 13 years she has been with me. That girl is so NOSEY!

Her latest is her OWN fault. She plays with the kitchen cabinets, gets inside, then can't get herself out. She sits slamming the door until I go open it for her. Out she struts, proud as can be! She has trained her human! :D

With 10 cats, 14 furkids, I regularly do a tail count. If I need to know where Dad is too, I do a nose count!

02-19-2010, 08:24 AM
At least you didn't lock her in a small kitchen cabinet. I locked Trixie in the kitchen cabinet last week. I couldn't understand where my little piggy was during feeding time. I looked and looked for her until I heard a slight mew in the kitchen. She jumped in the cabinet earlier while I was getting something out of the cabinet.

02-19-2010, 08:56 AM
We have all done it. Since are house still is not finnished, I have to watch the attic. Boots gets chased and climbs the walls, then forces her way into the attic. Now there are 2 ways down, I can open the pull down stairs or she falls through. I then have too put the insulation back in and replace the plastic shield. So untill the sheet rock is up, I go into a panic as I store my models up there. There are pictures of my CREW and the models on www.jsgill.net By the way several of the models are insured for
over $ 40,000.00

02-19-2010, 09:16 PM
All three of my idjets (I say that affectionately lol) have gotten stuck in places just by being sneaky. I've gotten in the habbit of doing a head count before I leave too, just to make sure one of them isn't stuck somewhere.

Cats can get IN to anything and everything but have a really hard time with getting OUT! :rolleyes::D

02-20-2010, 06:35 AM
My RB tuxie Mortimer would jump down behind the washer and dryer and then couldn't get out. He only did this when a friend of my son's would come to visit - he either hated him or was scared of him - for some unknown reason.

My son would have to pull the washer out to get Morty out, so after doing this several times, I would just close Morty in my bedroom when the offending party came around.

Myndi hated this guy too. Don't know what the animals saw that we didn't. :confused:

02-20-2010, 07:12 AM

Animals are VERY smart!! When my Dad remarried (UGH!!!) and went on his honeymoon, I cat sat for him. I HATED cats at the time (I'm reformed) so I brought her to my apartment. She sat in the window and hissed at me. She hid under my waterbed and only came out at night when I was asleep.

They can sense when something is outta whack with a person. Could be your son's friend doesn't like cats. Never say never. But then again, look at me..A REFORMED CAT HATER!!!


You KNOW what they say killed the cat...CURIOSITY!!! Helllooooo!!!


So untill the sheet rock is up, I go into a panic as I store my models up there. There are pictures of my CREW and the models on www.jsgill.net By the way several of the models are insured for
over $ 40,000.00

Boy are YOU looking for trouble!!!!

02-20-2010, 11:00 AM
This brought back memories of my Taz. In his time (as an only cat) he was locked out in the garage several times, in the extra bedroom a couple, in the coat closet and linen closet at least once and under the house once. :eek: But of course, it was Bruce that "accidentally" did all of these.
When we couldn't find him we would make the rounds looking in all of these places.

Paizly has been out in the garage (not to mention outside overnight!!). But I learned to find the cat before we left the house. Several times it was a cat hunt before we went to dinner. I mean, I always love Easter Egg hunts, but come on!!

I'm glad Lucie Lu is a happy camper again. :D