View Full Version : Help with Morning Sickness???

02-17-2010, 01:08 PM
Hello All,

I need some help. My daughter is pregnant with her first baby and is having terrible morning sickness. We have tried everything I know of and am hoping somebody has some advise or recommendation for something we haven't tried yet.

Thanks to all in advance:love::love::love:

02-17-2010, 01:25 PM
Hi, I don't know what all you have tried but one thing that worked for me was eating before I'd get the 'morning' sickness (which lasted all day for me, don't know why then call it morning sickness!). I had crackers I kept by the bed and I'd eat some before even getting out of bed. Then I munched all day, on crackers or anything like that. As soon as I was feeling better I swore off crackers for quite a while ;) Also those little Campbell soup on the go drink containers were good. I ate lightly all day, no heavy meals. I also had to recognize that certain smells, such as meat cooking, set me off. I had to avoid anything like that. It wasn't until about my 14-15 week that I was feeling all better, but these ideas helped me. Good luck to your daughter! :)

02-17-2010, 01:35 PM
Thanks, we have tried the cracker thing and it has not helped. I'm having her try to have a few pieces of plain bread right before going to sleep so that if she has any grease/bile in her stomach it will soak it up.
I did not think about smells setting it off. I'll suggest that to her and she if she can remember if anything like that makes it worse.

02-17-2010, 01:57 PM
Certain odors DEFINITELY play a part in morning sickness. When I was pregnant with Amy, I couldn't stand the smell of popcorn or Pillsbury sticky buns. The one thing I couldn't get enough of was Arthur Treachers Fish & Chips. I ate there 3-4 times a week (brought along a bottle of Tum).

I was gonna say crackers too. But they obviously haven't helped. The first trimester is the worst. Tell her to hang in there. (I know that's not much consolation.)

02-17-2010, 02:02 PM
sometimes... there just is nothing that will help. I know it was like that with me. the second I opened my eyes in the morning I had to be sick and it would last until about 8 pm. There was nothing I could do that would keep it at bay.

The doctor told me to stop taking my prenatals and start taking some flintstone vitamins instead since the prenatal vitamins can make it worse.

and I always kept a little baggie of honey nut cheerios with me wherever I went. they were sweet so it was something I could tolerate, small and easy to pop a couple without feeling like I was swallowing a lead brick.

But unfortunately... sometimes you just cna't do anythinga bout it and you just gotta ride the wave.

My saving grace was when I hit three months... it disappeared for me.

it was kind of funny becasue after a while I was working at the bead store one day and my boss brought out this bag and asked if it was mine. We both ended up laughing because it was my "morning sickness kit" LOL. I had a rice heat pad in there, some crackers, cheerios, chips, some containers of soup. I forget what else was in it LOL

02-17-2010, 02:07 PM
She is right at 14 weeks now, and it seems to be getting worse. I don't want to tell her that mine NEVER went away with my first. But, that was 30 years ago, and I'm hoping that there might be some new techniques that I didn't know about back then:rolleyes:
All advice is greatly appreciated!

02-17-2010, 02:33 PM
That's true about prenatals, I had to take mine at night with food and I was ok (not too hard since I had to constantly eat anyway). I saw at Motherhood (maternity clothing store) these lollipops, called mommy pops or something like that, that are supposed to help. I never tried them, so I don't know if they work, but I understand being to that point where you'll try anything!

02-17-2010, 03:26 PM
Have you considered acupressure? If not, your daughter might give it a try. There is a spot on the inside of the wrist, say, 3 finger widths or so from the wrist fold. Feel around for the tendons there and there's a spot in between the tendons. She'll know when she presses on it b/c it'll be a little sore. She can press on it or massage it while doing deep breathing. Tell her to relax and not tense up or grit her teeth while pressing, just to give it a good pressure but not excruciating. It'll just be a sore spot when she hits it. It really does work for morning sickness, motion sickness, all kinds of nausea. :)

02-17-2010, 03:32 PM
Thanks, I let her know right now! She is at work and is miserable:confused:

02-17-2010, 03:40 PM
There is some kind of tea...I can't remember which one, that is supposed to help. And, there was some sort of little sucky candies, too. LOL, don't remember those, either. I bet if you google it you will find it.

I never had morning sickness. In fact, I ate like there was no tomorrow from day one to delivery. LOL, and then spent the next 5 years trying to lose it all. :o

02-17-2010, 03:51 PM
Oh I hear mint is supposed to be good for upset tummy's

02-17-2010, 04:21 PM
There is some kind of tea...I can't remember which one, that is supposed to help. And, there was some sort of little sucky candies, too. LOL, don't remember those, either. I bet if you google it you will find it.

I never had morning sickness. In fact, I ate like there was no tomorrow from day one to delivery. LOL, and then spent the next 5 years trying to lose it all. :o

Are you thinking of chamomile or also comfrey?

02-17-2010, 05:06 PM
Vitamin B6/folic acid is supposed to work very well. Does her dr have no ideas?

Even a friendly pharmacist might be able to advise on something non-drug, or a high quality natural health store.

02-17-2010, 05:24 PM
Dr. say's grin and bear it, it should go away soon he says, but he's never been pregnant. And it's just in last 2 weeks that it has been getting so unbearable. But it is her first, so she has nothing to compare it to. I know my first was horrible, and the rest - not so bad. By the time she came along, none at all.

She is trying the acupressure now, I am hoping it will get her thru the rest of the evening :)

02-18-2010, 09:33 AM
Sucking on jolly ranchers helped me. I normally don't like them, but sucking on them was better than the alternative. I also took me prenatal at night, with food.

Ginger is supposed to help, in whatever form she'd prefer, even drinking ginger-ale can help. Ginger didn't really appeal to me, but I was able to drink some ginger-ale mixed with orange juice.

And like someone already mentioned, B6 is supposed to work for some.

My sister-in-law was so sick that she was loosing a lot of weight (she was very thin to begin with) and she ended up in the hospital because of dehydration. Her midwife put her on a prescription to help with the morning sickness and it really did the trick. She'd take one pill every morning and she'd be fine all day.

02-18-2010, 09:55 AM
There is some kind of tea...I can't remember which one, that is supposed to help. And, there was some sort of little sucky candies, too. LOL, don't remember those, either. I bet if you google it you will find it.

I never had morning sickness. In fact, I ate like there was no tomorrow from day one to delivery. LOL, and then spent the next 5 years trying to lose it all. :o

I'm sorry your daughter is so sick. I never got morning sickness at all with either of my two kids but it sounds just horrible :( Poor thing! I can't ever wish for something like morning sickness, but I may not have gotten so darn fat with my pregnancies if I had morning sickness, my problem was that I wanted to eat non-stop with my pregnancies. At some of the maternity stores like Motherhood Maternity, they sell these little lollypops called "Preggy Pops" and many of my friends who suffered from morning sickness said they were wonderful.

02-18-2010, 11:59 AM
I have a friend that carried around slices of lemon and would smell it if she started feeling sick. It seemed to really help her. *shrugs*

02-18-2010, 12:57 PM
As a former pharmacist I used to recommend mint/peppermint, flat gingerale or ginger tea and something called SeaBands (http://www.sea-band.com/seaband.htm). You can buy the Seabands at your local pharmacy. But if the N&V doesn't stop there are medications that your daughter can use. There comes a point in any pregnancy where if she isn't eating or keeping anything down it can cause problems for the baby (because they are not getting enough nutrition). If this continues past three months, she should re-evalute the situation with her MD.

Good luck

02-18-2010, 01:03 PM
OH yeah I totally forgot about the seabands. i used those too :) they helped a bit